Like so many others, I skipped school and attended the Brewers' very first opening day game.
For the record, I don't remember whether or not I got permission from Mr. Wolff, our school principal. On the other hand, he did not say anything so I guess that it was OK! Frankly, there were so many kids in the park that it would have been difficult to suspend us!
Opening Day 1970 was very unique.
The Brewers went into spring training as The Seattle Pilots.
During March, we got reports that Seattle would move to Milwaukee. Eventually, the deal was made and the team moved a couple of days before the season started.
Who was on that team?
Tommy Harper, Mike Hegan, Danny Walton, Lew Krausse, Marty Pattin, etc.
What happened on opening day? The Brewers were destroyed by the Angels, 12-0!
The Angels scored quickly and often. The game was over by the 3rd inning!
The Brewers did have Danny Walton, who thrilled fans with majestic home runs. Unfortunately, pitchers caught up with Danny and he was traded the following season.
They had young pitchers like Marty Pattin, who pitched well but it's tough to pitch for a bad team.
It wasn't much of a game but it was a great memory.
It is still my favorite opening day! Thanks to Mr Selig for bringing baseball back to Milwaukee!
Who knew back then that Bud Selig would end up as commissioner of major league baseball?
This is my chat with Tom Skybosh who also skipped school that day.
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