Thursday, June 01, 2023

Thursday's podcast: Companies going woke with Frank Burke, businessman and author

Thursday's podcast:   

Companies going woke with Frank Burke, businessman and author.....

click to listen:

Thursday's video: Jane Fonda, FBI Memo & Director Wray and woke companies

Thursday's video: 
Jane Fonda, FBI Memo & Director Wray and woke companies....

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Wonder if Hanoi Jane wants Ted arrested, too?

 (My new American Thinker post)

It never fails.  We will always have Jane Fonda to do something stupid, from aiming an anti-aircraft cannon to the Hanoi skies to now blaming "White men" for everything.  This is the story:   

Jane Fonda blamed men -- and racism -- for climate change during a conversation at this year's Cannes Film Festival, arguing that without the patriarchy, the crisis allegedly of epic proportions would cease to exist.

"This is serious," she said Saturday. "We’ve got about seven, eight years to cut ourselves in half of what we use of fossil fuels, and unfortunately, the people that have the least responsibility for it are hit the hardest -- Global South, people on islands, poor people of color. It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men -- they’re all men [behind this]."

Once upon a time, a comment like this would have landed you in an insane asylum or at least on a psychiatrist's couch.  Of course, those were the days before "White male derangement syndrome."  As I recall, Jane's father was a famous rich white man who probably didn't track his carbon use. She was also married to another white man, Ted Turner of TBS fame.  I don't know if she is calling for her father's name to be deleted from whatever is named after him.  As for ex-husband Ted, he probably used a lot of fossil fuels watching all those night baseball games in Atlanta.  

A few days ago, they were showing that movie with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford playing a young couple Barefoot in the Park.  What a pretty young and traditional wife she made.  I guess that she went "anti-war" on us, went to Hanoi and you know what a fool of herself she made.

So let's add Jane to the AOC where they blame the Western White males for climate change but go mute when it comes to the non-White men in China polluting the air second to none. Maybe Jane doesn’t want her exercise videos pulled from China.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

A word about June 1

We remember June 1:

The Beatles:    It was June 1, 1967 and  Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band hit the record stores.     

The streak:  In 1925, a young Lou Gehrig was used as a pinch hitter.   He replaced Wally Pipp the next day and did not miss another game until 1939 when he left for medical reasons.   

Pat Boone was born in Florida on this day in 1934.   He is #10 on the list of all time top recording artists, according to Billboard.       

1960's baseball:    We remember Dean Chance who was born in Ohio on this day in 1941 and died in 2015.  

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Cuba and the story of the Escambray guerrillas of the 1960's

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  

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