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"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Tuesday's podcast: New Hampshire 2024.....Mexico violence vs journalists..
Tuesday's video: New Hampshire 2024.....Mexico violence vs journalists.....US-Canada border......
What's going on at the northern border?
(My new American Thinker post)
Let me paraphrase Marvin Gaye and ask what's going on? Yes, what's going on at the U.S.-Canadian border? Let's check the story:
Border Patrol agents in New York, Vermont and New Hampshire apprehended more people illegally entering the US from Canada in the past three months than in the previous two years combined, authorities say.
Officials in the states, which make up the federal agency’s eastern “Swanton Sector,” saw a 743% increase in apprehensions and encounters between Oct. 1 and Dec. 31 compared to the same period in 2021, sector chief, Robert Garcia said last week in a press release.
In December, a record 441 people were detained by US Border Patrol and Customs at the Canadian border in the region after flying to Canada from at least 19 countries, according to The Center Square. Fourteen others abandoned their illicit journey to America, and at least 135 foreign nationals evaded authorities and are now in the US illegally, officials told the outlet.
I guess that the U.S. does not have borders anymore.
The game goes like this. You get to Canada and then walk into the U.S. How are these people getting into Canada in the first place? They probably come in on a tourist visa and then pack up, or dress up very warm, to walk across the border.
Once upon a time, when the man who wrote mean tweets was in office, we had borders and sent that message around the world. Now, the "humane" approach has eroded our borders, promoted human trafficking and chaos prevails north and south.
Who’s looking out for the country?
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
Monday, January 30, 2023
Monday's video: NFL games.......The Memphis story.......CNN and the racist story.........
Monday's podcast: The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda
Monday's podcast:
The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda
Guest:.......Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda......The Memphis story.....Speaker McCarthy week # 3......tanks to Ukraine.....Why won't the Biden administration and DNI brief the US Senate?.........
................and other stories..
A dangerous place to do business
(My new American Thinker post)
Mexico is a dangerous place to live, with 78 murders a day -- about three killings an hour. It does not get any better for journalists. Let's take a look at this report via Pulse News Mexico:
According to a report released by international watchdog Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) on Tuesday, Jan. 24, Latin America was the deadliest region for reporters in 2022, with Mexico coming in as the worst for press killings in the territory and second-worst internationally.
And while journalist killings in 2022 rose by nearly 50 globally amid lawlessness and war, the CPJ said that “Latin America was the deadliest region for the press, with 30 journalists killed, accounting for nearly half of the 67 journalists and media workers killed worldwide.”
“The global total of 67 was the highest number killed since 2018, and a nearly 50 percent increase from 2021,” the report said.
“More than half of the killings occurred in just three countries -- Ukraine (15), Mexico (13), and Haiti (7) -- the highest yearly numbers CPJ has ever recorded for these countries. Notably, despite countries across Latin America being nominally at peace, the region surpassed the high number of journalists killed in the Ukraine war.”
“These figures point to a precipitous decline in press freedom, with the highest number of journalist killings since 2018,” said CPJ President Jodie Ginsberg.
It's 13 in Mexico! That's a huge number.
What I hear from contacts in Mexico is that journalists have been targeted by criminal elements for covering their activities. What you hear from the journalists is that there is a sense of "impunity" or no significant prosecution of the people doing the shooting.
I will say this. First, I have to salute the bravery of Mexican journalists. They are not backing down from their difficult work. Second, corruption in Mexico means that federal and state agencies are supposed to but not necessarily protect the journalists.
The bullets keep flying in Mexico and no one is immune.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Maybe they talk too much about race and more race
(My new American Thinker post)
Maybe it’s a coincidence, but I found this interesting.
Over at CNN, they couldn’t pass an opportunity to bring racism into the Tyre Nichols’ video. Check out Van Jones:
CNN commentator Van Jones attempted to make the case that the former Memphis police officers responsible for the death of Tyre Nichols “still might have been driven by racism” despite the fact that all five of them were Black.
In opinion piece published on CNN’s website on Friday, Jones began by recalling the 1991 police brutality case of Rodney King where four White cops were caught on film beating him. He noted that unlike King, Nichols did not survive.
The bottom line is that Van Jones is exhibit A that the demand for racism is greater than the supply. Looking for racism in all the wrong places or something like that.
Back to CNN, their ratings are a big “problema.” This is the story:
The liberal news network’s average primetime viewership plunged to just 444,000 viewers, according to TV Newser.
How bad is that? Well, Fox News pulled in just under two million primetime viewers during that same week.
And even more liberal MSNBC more than doubled CNN’s ratings, with 943,000 average primetime viewers.
The daytime is even worse for CNN. The network averaged just 417,000 viewers, while Fox News pulled in 1,387,00 million and MSNBC averaged 629,000 total viewers throughout the day.
Of course, there’s a good reason CNN’s ratings are pathetic: They’re so biased that viewers are tuning out in droves.
Yes, they are running away because they can’t watch anyone talking seriously over there. It’s either Trump, white nationalists, climate change, or racism, and that’s the programming. No wonder people are voting and changing channels.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.
Happy # 82 Claudine Longet

It's hard to believe but Claudine Georgette Longet was born in Paris on this day in 1941.
Back in the 1960's, Andy Williams had a very popular TV show in the US. Like many of you, I tuned in to catch the pretty Claudine Longet and her lovely kids.
She also had a singing career and may have been a model before marrying Andy Williams.
Well, I don't know what she is doing now but she was a nice lady,
Parched by the sun, deserts, and plains
Then the creators of the land
Created rain
I was that barren, wasted land
I was too weak to stand
Then the creators of rain created you
High on a mountain, growing there
Land was plenty, trees were rare
Then the creators of rain
Created air
I was that mountain, growing there
My life was empty, nothing there
Then the creators of air created you
There would be no land, no seas
To plants, no trees, no life, or me, without you
Life had forgot the carrying of
Dreams that were lost to fade above
Then the creators of rain
Created love
I was that dream that life had made
To search hope had fade
Then the creators love created you
Created you (created you)
Created you (created you)
For me..........."
Friday, January 27, 2023
Friday's podcast: Our chat with George Rodriguez
Friday's podcast:
Our chat with George Rodriguez.......The border update plus Texas & 19 states sue the Biden administration....School choice....Documents mess.....and other stories......
Friday's video: Our chat with George Rodriguez
No babies, no future
(My new American Thinker post)
Maybe we need a "Davos" to talk about birth rates. Let me suggest that you invite Prime Minister Fumio Kishida as the featured speaker. He has a lot to say about the future and it's not about climate change. This is the story:
In a policy address to lawmakers, Fumio Kishida said it was a case of solving the issue “now or never,” and that it “simply cannot wait any longer.”
“In thinking of the sustainability and inclusiveness of our nation’s economy and society, we place child-rearing support as our most important policy,” the prime minister said.
Kishida added that he wants the government to double its spending on child-related programs, and that a new government agency would be set up in April to focus on the issue.
Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, with the Ministry of Health predicting it will record fewer than 800,000 births in 2022 for the first time since records began in 1899.
The country also has one of the highest life expectancies in the world; in 2020, nearly one in 1,500 people in Japan were age 100 or older, according to government data.
These trends have driven a growing demographic crisis, with a rapidly aging society, a shrinking workforce and not enough young people to fill the gaps in the stagnating economy.
Well said, Mr. Prime Minister. Japan's birth rate is 1.3, way below the 2.1 number to maintain a population.
How do you turn this around? That's the challenge, because we've grown accustomed to not having babies around. Today, more and more young women are passing up on motherhood. It's not only Japan. South Korea has a similar problem. Europe has been struggling with this issue for some time.
What does it all mean? The old get older, the young are fewer and there may not be enough of them to defend your society against a foreign enemy. Also, you may have to bring people from other countries to do the work and pay the taxes. Of course, those new arrivals may not have the same cultural values and your country may not look the same in a generation. Just ask the French about that!
The elites love to talk about climate change and how the end is near. The real threat is declining populations and societies disappearing for lack of people.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
Thursday, January 26, 2023
Thursday's podcast: Speaker vs Democrats, No babies in Japan & more
click to listen:
Thursday's video: Speaker vs Democrats and other stories
Speaker vs Democrats in committees.....No babies no future in Japan said the Prime Minister.....The document issue is over.......Happy # 88 Bob Uecker......and other stories......
Maybe it's time for Bill Gates to go fishing
(My new American Thinker post)
A few years ago, I worked with a fellow who was very intense and took things a bit too seriously for his own health. One day, his wife came in to join him for lunch, looked at her husband a bit frustrated on the phone with a customer, and said to him: "Honey, It's time to go fishing" or her way of telling him to wind down and relax a bit.
So let me give Bill Gates sort of the same advice: Go fishing Mr. Gates, because you are getting obnoxious. This is the story:
The Microsoft co-founder and billionaire has reportedly backed an Australian-based startup looking to stop cows from burping methane emissions, pouring funds into research around livestock food supplements.
According to a press release, Gates’ firm Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), with participation from Harvest Road Group, raised $12 million for Rumin8, a climate technology company.
Rumin8 studies solutions to reducing livestock emissions, and their latest initiative identifies "anti-methanogenic properties" that can be produced efficiently and for a low cost to eventually feed to livestock.
The dietary supplement is synthetically replicated from an active ingredient found in red seaweed called bromoform, which prohibits the creation of methane.
Rumin8’s latest round of investments aims to build brand development and move the supplement toward commercialization, the press release states.
"The demand for sustainable protein has never been more apparent, which is why BEV is keenly interested in reducing methane emissions from beef and dairy," BEV founder and managing partner Carmichael Roberts said in a statement. "Rumin8 offers a low cost, scalable toolbox that has already proven to be effective in reducing emissions. Our team will support Rumin8 in working closely with farmers to expand the reach of this solution globally."
Sorry but am I the only person who is bit confused? Reducing methane emissions from beef and dairy? All I care about dairy and beef is eating a cheeseburger with a chocolate shake. The world needs more cows because they feed us! And the link between cow emissions and the earth’s temperature is hypothetical, based on computer models that don’t work retroactively to predict today’s results.
What do we have in Mr. Gates? We have another man with too much money and too many ideas about saving the world. I would suggest that he'd look at encouraging Third World countries to grow their economies based on free market principles, for example. Maybe he can tell young people to follow his lead, start a company, take a risk and make the world better by creating jobs. And last but not least, he should tell people to stop asking him for money to plan all of these stupid projects about cow emissions.
Let's go fishing Mr. Gates and I'll pay for the 7-11 sandwiches.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Wednesday's podcast: More good job news from Texas & Woke vs Aretha
More good job news from Texas......Woke vs Aretha.......1978 "Saturday Night Fever" LP # 1...........and other to listen:
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
Wednesday's video: More good job news from Texas & Woke vs Aretha
Going after Aretha now
(My new American Thinker post)
The latest from the "wokies" involves a song by the late Aretha Franklin. Once upon a time, the Queen of Soul, or Lady Soul as some called her, put a big hit on the charts: "[You Make Me Feel Like] A Natural Woman." Here is a portion of the lyrics:
Oh, baby, what you've done to me (what you've done to me)
You make me feel so good inside (good inside)
And I just want to be (want to be)
Close to you, you make me feel so alive
You make me feel
You make me feel
You make me feel like a natural woman (woman)
Who knew that this song would make anyone angry? She sang it in front of the Obamas and everybody seem so happy.
So what happened? Why the calls to cancel this song? Here it goes:
Aretha Franklin's 1968 song "Natural Woman" perpetuates multiple harmful anti-trans stereotypes.
There is no such thing as a "natural" woman.
This song has helped inspire acts of harm against transgender women.
TCMA is requesting it is removed from Spotify & Apple Music.
No such thing as a natural woman? What did I miss?
Some people, according to the article, thought that the whole thing was a joke. No, Señor! The Trans Cultural Mindfulness Alliance (TCMA) is actually a real group concerned with whatever they are concerned about.
In the meantime, Chinese bombers are entering Taiwanese airspace, the cartels are thriving on the border, and Europe is paying a lot of energy. Copy that classic from Aretha Franklin because some people don't want you to have it on your playlist.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Tuesday's podcast: Pence documents, California and tax payers & VP Harris
Pence documents, California and tax payers & VP Harris...
Tuesday's video: Pence documents, California and tax payers & VP Harris
Maybe they need to exorcise the VP's home, too
(My new American Thinker
According to some news reports, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a priest visit her San Francisco home.
Nancy Pelosi tried to excommunicate evil spirits from her San Francisco [mansion] after the vicious attack on her husband in October.
O.K. We sympathize with her and I'm sure that the attack on her husband must have been shocking.
My suggestion is that Mr. and Mrs. Pelosi send that priest over to Vice President Kamal Harris' home for a little excommunication of evil spirits, too.
Kamala: "Republicans in Congress are now calling for a nationwide abortion ban ... How dare they! How dare they!"
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 22, 2023
How morally depraved does someone have to be to stand up behind the bully pulpit afforded to the vice president and shout “how dare they” about people who don’t want to kill babies in the womb? How dare they? Really? Is Harris confused about what happens during an abortion? Because I can enlighten her if it’d help matters.
Of all the topics in politics, it’s the abortion debate that gets me the most, and not just because the stakes are so high. In a world that’s been turned upside down, there is no more of a perversion of basic logic than the idea that it’s a moral failing to be anti-abortion. Harris would never describe it in such detail because the pro-abortion movement lives on euphemisms, but when she stands up there and shouts “how dare they,” she’s asking how anyone could possibly be opposed to a procedure that kills a child by scrambling them and sucking their body parts out of the womb with a vacuum.
Even if one is pro-abortion, that shouldn’t be hard to understand. The basis of the pro-life movement is the protection of unborn life. Harris may not care what happens to unwanted children, but many people do. That’s what motivates them, not this ridiculous idea that they want to “control” other people. And no, they aren’t required to support a socialistic utopia in order to be able to think taking the life of a child is wrong.
For all the arguments we have over politicians and their failings, they all seem quaint in comparison to the abortion debate. These days, you can hardly find a mainstream Democrat who doesn’t support abortion until birth. Heck, you can’t even get the Democratic Party to guarantee medical treatment to babies who survive botched abortions. That’s how far we’ve regressed as a nation.
Yes, I don't get this abortion obsession either. I'm willing to compromise and have a window for rape and incest. I'd prefer to see the baby born but I can understand the anguish of carrying a baby under those circumstances. However, that's not what the vice president is saying. She is treating abortion as an unconditional "right" and the "life inside" (as my late mother used to call it) as just an unfortunate inconvenience.
So load up a bus with some priests and drop them off at the VP's home. Let's have a little exorcising and let's drive away those evil spirits. Maybe the VP can call the former Speaker for suggestions.