Sunday, December 16, 1973

1973: Top 10 this week WABC radio in New York

  Image result for ringo photograph images

1. The Most Beautiful Girl - Charlie Rich (Epic)
2. Top of the World - The Carpenters (A&M)
3. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John (MCA)
4. Just You 'n' Me - Chicago (Columbia)
5. Time In a Bottle - Jim Croce (ABC)
6. Hello It's Me - Todd Rundgren (Bearsville)
7. Leave Me Alone (Ruby Red Dress) - Helen Reddy (Capitol)
8. The Love I Lost -
Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes (Philadelphia Int.)
9. The Joker - The Steve Miller Band (Capitol)
10. Photograph - Ringo Starr (Apple)
 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Tuesday, December 11, 1973

We remember Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1911-2008)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn died in 2008.   He was born in Kislovodsk, Russia on this day in 1911.

We remember him as an author who wrote about Soviet communism. He knew first hand what repression and tyranny really were:
"Beginning with the 1962 short novel "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich," Solzhenitsyn devoted himself to describing what he called the human "meat grinder" that had caught him along with millions of other Soviet citizens: capricious arrests, often for trifling and seemingly absurd reasons, followed by sentences to slave labor camps where cold, starvation and punishing work crushed inmates physically and spiritually.
His "Gulag Archipelago" trilogy of the 1970s left readers shocked by the savagery of the Soviet state under the dictator Josef Stalin."
Mr. Solzhenitsyn was a real hero of the 20th century!

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Friday, December 07, 1973

We remember Pearl Harbor 1941

Today, we remember Pearl Harbor.   Again, we recall the bravery of everyone who died and fought in WW 2.

Let's hope that new generations always remember this day.

 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.