Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Venezuelans rushing to the US plus Trump in Texas

Venezuelans rushing to the US.......Trump in Texas......Activist athletes.......'Gone with the wind' published 1936.............
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Wednesday’s video: Tucker drops a big one

Wednesday’s video: 
Tucker drops a big one 
Click to watch:

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Kick 'flashy lips' Gwen Berry off the U.S. team

What's worse than 
LeBron James?   How about another athlete giving us unsolicited political opinions?    

The latest clown is a young woman named Gwen Berry who disrespected the U.S. flag.  This is the story:  

Berry, 31, was on the podium at the trials in Oregon on Saturday when the anthem started playing. Her white competitors, DeAnna Price and Brooke Andersen, turned to face the flag and placed their hands on their hearts but Berry, a vocal BLM activist, turned to face the stands, put her hands on her hips and then held up a t-shirt bearing the words 'athlete activist'. 

Welcome to the age of the "athlete activist"!  

Miss Berry should quit the U.S. team and find another country to represent.  She may find out that the U.S. is probably the only country in the world that will let you disrespect its flag or anthem without consequences.  

I agree with Representative Dan Crenshaw:  

"We don't need any more activist athletes," Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) said during an appearance on Fox News' "Fox and Friends" Monday. "She should be removed from the team. The entire point of the Olympic team is to represent the United States of America. It's the entire point." 

That's right.  Representing the U.S. means the flag too.  

Once upon a time, we had serious civil rights leaders who loved the country and wanted people to be judged by their character.

Men like Dr. King did not want to destroy the country.   

Today, we have people like Lebron and “flashy lips” Gwen who don't know how lucky they are to be living in the best place in the planet.

So dump Gwen and replace her with someone who loves the country and understands what respecting the flag is all about.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Athletes and US flag and Border inhumanity plus crime in the cities

Athletes and US flag and Border inhumanity 06/29 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Athletes and US flag.....Border inhumanity....White House and crime in the cities......President Isabel Peron 1974.....
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Tuesday’s video: No room for athlete activists:

Tuesday’s video: 
No room for athlete activists 
Click to watch:

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.


Happy # 65 Pedro Guerrero

We say happy birthday to Pedro Guerrero who was born on this day in 1956.

Was Pedro Guerrero the first Dominican player from San Pedro de Macoris in the Dominican Republic?  I don't know the answer but there weren't that many back in the early 1980s when Pedro broke in with the Dodgers.

Pedro was a very consistent hitter:  .300 batting average, 215 HR & 898 RBI.    He hit 125 HR over a 5-year span with LA.

Happy birthday to a guy who was a very tough out!
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda

The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda 06/28 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Guest: Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda........President Biden and infrastructure......Biden polls going bad?......Crime in the cities.....China and COVID.....Trump is back........
and more to listen:

Monday's video:Gas prices and the border big problems for Democrats

Monday's video: 
Gas prices and the border big problems for Democrats 
Click to watch:


Kamala lost in the West Texas town of El Paso

Many years ago, Marty Robbins sang about being in love with a Mexican girl in the West Texas town of El Paso.  The next country song will be more like "clueless in El Paso."   

At one point, things got so silly that Representative Veronica Escobar, the one who replaced Beto in the U.S. House, said that El Paso was the new Ellis Island.  Did someone tell her that people were actually checked at Ellis Island before they came into the country?   

It was a bad day because VP Harris, and President Biden, have no idea of the mess that they started.  

First, she went to El Paso, 600 miles from where the damage is.  This is like visiting the Canary Islands to talk about the "root causes" in Guatemala.   Let me add that a lot of Democrats in South Texas were hoping for Harris to visit them in McAllen or Brownsville.   Maybe Harris did not want to shake hands with Javier Villalobos, the new GOP mayor of McAllen.

The whole trip was counterproductive, as reported by the New York Post:   

Harris claims “we’ve made progress” on the crisis. Which is true, we suppose, if you consider skyrocketing growth in illegal crossings “progress.” In May, detentions hit a 21-year monthly high of 180,000.

Biden backed his veep’s trip, saying she “set up the criteria” to “know what we need to do.” Yet his firing of Border Patrol chief Rodney Scott on Wednesday is more proof his team is clueless: Scott didn’t cause the surge; Biden’s reversal of his predecessor’s successful policies did -- halting border-wall construction, putting a moratorium on deportations and ending the Remain in Mexico policy that saw migrants awaiting their case results outside the country.

“Never listen to anyone who says you can’t do something,” Harris told a group of unaccompanied girls she met with. What bizarre advice to give to those sent alone as lawbreakers. Instead of announcing changes that would have a real effect, Harris’ office released flattering quotations from her meeting with the girls, with one reportedly telling her, “You’re an example to us.”

Never listen?

Well, I think that a lot of people in South Texas are saying never listen to someone who does not have a clue or who is putting a pretty face on an ugly problem.   

Harris got back on the plane and left a lot of people down here wondering what in the world this trip was all about anyway.  For sure, it was not about resolving the problem.   Of course, maybe she had to get back on the jet because she's "Never been to Spain."

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

The gun violence in our cities with Bruce Woodhull

The gun violence in our cities with Bruce Woodhull 06/27 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Guest: Bruce Woodhull, author....We will review the explosion of gun violence in our cities......
and other to listen:

Pay me for not working


Texas politics has been fun to watch lately.

Do you remember when the Democrats walked out of the legislative session and Governor Abbott threatened to cut their pay?  Guess what!  He cut their pay, as we see in this news story:

Gov. Greg Abbott followed through Friday on a threat to veto a section of the state budget that funds the Texas Legislature, its staffers and legislative agencies.

The governor's move targeting lawmaker pay comes after House Democrats walked out in the final days of the regular legislative session, breaking quorum, to block passage of Senate Bill 7, Abbott's priority elections bill that would have overhauled voting rights in the state. The move also killed bail legislation that Abbott had earmarked as a priority.

In a statement, Abbott said that "funding should not be provided for those who quit their job early, leaving their state with unfinished business and exposing taxpayers to higher costs for an additional legislative session."

It makes sense to me.  You signed up for a job and did not finish it.  My guess is that a poll of Texas would confirm that attitude.  For example, would you pay a roofer who walks out without finishing your roof?  Or a maid that gets angry and leaves your house without finishing it?    In the end, they will get their money after the special session is finished.  In the meantime, it's hard to feel sorry for people who walk out on their responsibilities. 

It makes sense to me.  You signed up for a job and did not finish it.  My guess is that a poll of Texas would confirm that attitude.  For example, would you pay a roofer who walks out without finishing your roof?  Or a maid that gets angry and leaves your house without finishing it?

In the end, they will get their money after the special session is finished.  In the meantime, it's hard to feel sorry for people who walk out on their responsibilities. 

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Cubans in Japan with Jonathan Richardson

Cubans in Japan with Jonathan Richardson 06/26 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Guest: Jonathan Richardson........Cuban American living in Japan......
and more to listen:

Democrats go left but Hispanics are not rushing to join them

In a couple of recent posts, we've discussed how Republicans in Texas won elections in areas with significant Hispanic population, from McAllen to Fort Worth to Arlington to that special election in the 6th district.  In other words, those areas are rich in Hispanic votes but the Democrats were not the ones partying on election night.    

Who spoiled "la fiesta"?   

This analysis confirms what I've been seeing.  This is from Roll Call:  

The 2020 election was a surprise on many levels. President Donald Trump got much closer to reelection than most pundits predicted. The blue wave turned out to be a figment of the media’s and Democrats’ imagination. And Republicans did far better than expected down ballot and across the country. 

There have been plenty of autopsies done by partisans and academics, and plenty of interesting takeaways from the election, particularly on what happened with Hispanics and why. The answer is ideology. Today, Hispanic voters tend to be slightly center-right, ideologically, and closer to independents at a time when the Democratic Party is heading further and further left.   

In one post-election report, a consortium of Democratic groups acknowledged what they called “campaign misfires” in the way Democrats engaged Hispanic and Latino voters. 

Specifically, the report says, “Latino and Hispanic voters were broadly treated as get-out-the-vote targets rather than audiences for persuasion.” It went on to say, “Campaign messaging didn’t always reflect the different values and priorities of urban Hispanic voters vs rural Hispanic voters, much less account for what would persuade Hispanic men in the Rio Grande Valley, oil and gas workers in New Mexico or Latinas in South Florida.”

In a recent New York Magazine interview, Democratic pollster David Shor weighed in on his party’s performance in the 2020 election. Based on the interview, it appears that Democrats continue to interpret 2022 in the context of demographics, race and class and less about voters’ belief systems and positions on issues. 

It's a long analysis but let me give you the short version:   The party lives in San Francisco and Hispanics live in Texas.

We saw this recently with the "heartbeat law."  The Texas Democrat Party does not endorse the law on the grounds that it takes away your "reproductive rights."  On the other hand, most Hispanic women are probably saying don't you hear a baby's heartbeat inside that "mami"?

We will see in 2022.  I will go out and predict that Democrats have left the Hispanics behind on many issues, from abortion to border control. 

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Friday’s video: Why is the DOJ suing Georgia for voting reform law?

Friday’s video: 
Why is the DOJ suing Georgia for voting reform law? 
Click to watch:


A speech that will end up selling more guns

President Biden does not have a clue about the crime wave in the U.S.  Or maybe he does but can't admit that it was his party that led crime get out of control from Seattle to Minneapolis to Chicago to Baltimore to New York City.

For months, we saw looters walk out of stores with TV's, computers, nightgowns, and even liquor to make it a real party.  Not one of these looters was prosecuted to my knowledge.  For too long, our Monday morning news has included the Chicago weekend killing spree.  Over and over, we hear of judges putting criminals back in the streets.

The numbers are appalling, as Joe Concha wrote:

New York City: Despite having the country's largest police force, the city’s murder rate is up 48 percent over 2019 (pre-pandemic), while shootings have increased by 107 percent in two years. Two weekends ago, 22 people were shot, leaving five dead. Record numbers of residents are leaving the city as a result...

Atlanta: Murders are up 58 percent compared to 2020 at this time. The city's mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms (D), blames Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) for reopening the state before others. "Remember in Georgia we were opened up before the rest of the country, even before the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) said that it was safe for us to open, so our night clubs and our bars remained open, so we had people traveling here from across the country to party in our city,” she said with a straight face in an MSNBC interview. 

Portland, Ore.: Murders are up, not 8 percent or 80 percent, but 800 percent over the past year. "Roving gangs of black-clad rioters do not speak for the hundreds of thousands of residents and business owners of Portland who want a safe and clean city. Yet local politicians supported them," said Portland Police Association Executive Director Daryl Turner in a recent statement. 

Seattle: In the city that allowed the infamous CHOP -- the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest" -- autonomous zone, which included the takeover of several city blocks by protesters and the closing of a police precinct station during what the mayor in 2020 described as "a summer of love," homicides are at their highest rates in 26 years.

San Francisco: 17 Walgreens in the city have closed -- all due to rampant shoplifting -- while burglaries are up 62 percent this year in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's district.

Overall, across all major American cities, homicide rates are up 24 percent since the beginning of the year. 

My guess is that President Biden is starting to feel the heat, i.e. a political albatross.   Maybe it was a coincidence that the speech came hours after Eric Adams apparently won a New York City primary focused on crime and lawlessness.  Adams is an African American Democrat who wants to stop the crime wave and has a lot of support from minorities.

No matter what, more Americans will buy guns for self protection and more police officers will leave the force.  The lawlessness will continue until  Biden calls out the Democrats who let the criminals run their cities in the name of social justice.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

VP Harris coming to El Paso & Do we have an infrastructure deal? plus more

VP Harris coming to El Paso.....Do we have an infrastructure deal?.....Governor DeSantis is off and running.......Berlin Airlift 1948-49..........and other to listen:

Thursday’s video: A speech that will end up selling more guns

Thursday’s video: 
A speech that will end up selling more guns 
Click to watch:


Goodbye Columbus -- Hello Columbus

Wonder why the parents are screaming from coast to coast?  Remember the one about a school district eliminating the names of the holidays from the school calendar?  Well, the names are back, because the parents exploded.  This is 
the story

The Randolph Board of Education did an about-face Monday evening on its decision to remove holiday names from the school calendar following tremendous backlash from the public.

Following the board’s action, all holidays will be listed by name on the school calendar, including Columbus Day.

At its May meeting, the board voted to refer to Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

Then on June 10 -- over loud objections -- the board voted to label holidays generically on its one-page calendar. Holidays including Christmas and Veterans Day were just listed as a “Day Off,” with no mention of the holiday names.

Thank you, parents.  Thank you for reminding the school administrators who pays the taxes that fund the schools.

My biggest surprise is how liberal, or worse woke, the school boards are.  I'm not surprised that school administrators are woke but what happened to all of those neighbors who ran for the school board?  

The bad news is that school board members lost touch with their neighbors and what they want public school to teach.  The good news is that the parents are fully awake and won't skip the next school board meeting.  In fact, some are running to make sure that the school boards listen to parents rather than the wokies.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

President Biden on guns and crime & The voters support voter ID & other stories

President Biden on guns and crime......The voters support voter ID......Parents vs school boards.......New England man competes as a woman in weight lifting......Happy # 81 Justice Thomas........June 1941 Germany invades USSR............
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Wednesday’s video: The voters want Vote-ID

Wednesday’s video: 
The voters want Voter-ID 
Click to watch:


Then they took a poll

Not long ago, the Democrats walked out of the Texas legislative session over the voting law.  They made a bunch of claims about voter intimidation and all the other stuff you are probably familiar with.   

Then someone took a poll and the public was not impressed with their arguments.  

This is the new poll via Pal Beddard:

The new survey is somewhat of a blow to the mainstream narrative that the public wants easy and expanded access to voting and doesn’t believe reports of fraud during the 2020 voting process.

Monmouth said the most notable finding was that 8 in 10 adults want voter ID. Just 18% oppose it.

As someone said, 80% is a big majority.   Now, let's go inside the numbers:     

Support for requiring a photo ID to vote stands at 62% among Democrats, 87% among independents, and 91% among Republicans.

I am happy about the poll but it amazes that the Democrats think that voters are so stupid.   Frankly, they don't know their own voters, as we see from that 62% number.

We live in a culture where you need an ID to get on a plane and many other things.  Why would we not want voting to be as secure as possible?  After all, we are voting for people who make decisions over our taxes and the regulations that we live under.

Forget HR-1 or Manchin's bill.  It is not happening, largely because the voters understand that voting is precious and can smell a bad law from coast to coast.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

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