"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Hard to follow what the teacher's union is thinking
We just learned that Mexico has revised its COVID deaths figures upward. In other words, 310,000 according to a BBC story.
For comparison, the U.S. has recorded 549,000 deaths with a population of 330 million. Mexico is at 310,000 with a population of 130 million.
The new report from Mexico puts Joe Biden’s decision to let thousands walk in from Mexico in a different light. What were they thinking at the White House? The answer is that it was all about reversing Trump’s decisions.
In this context of revised COVID numbers from south of the border, we learned that San Diego teachers will give the migrant kids in-person training but still force their regular students to attend on-line courses. This is one of those stories that you have to read three times to believe:
"We have 130,000 kids who haven't been allowed in a classroom for over a year in the San Diego Unified School District. It's great that there's in-person learning for those unaccompanied minors from Central America, but I wish every child in San Diego County was allowed the same opportunity for in-person teaching," San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond told Fox News.
"The system is broken when San Diego teachers are teaching migrant children in person, but the 100k students of taxpaying families at San Diego Unified School District are stuck learning in Zoom school," Emily Diaz, an SDUSD parent, told Fox News in an email.
How in the world do you explain that? I would argue that the kids in San Diego are less likely to be a COVID threat than some who came from high-risk areas, like the aforementioned Mexico situation.
Yes, I understand that most of these arrivals are from Central America. Nevertheless, they walked or rode through Mexico. It's not clear to me that criminal elements provide masks, hand sanitizer or keep them in a safe distance.
How do you explain this? You can't but this is what happens when you send money to public teachers without forcing to work for their salary.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
COVID news from Mexico plus Rep Cuellar and President Reagan 1981
Will Representative Cuellar get the Profile in Courage award too?
We've heard that Senator Mitt Romney will receive "The profile in courage" award for voting to impeach President Trump. Yes, the left loves him now after trashing the rich businessman who tied the dog on the family car.
My suggestion to the JFK Library Foundation is to look to South Texas for a man saying a lot of courageous things.
This is from an interview with CBS News:
"While journalists have been blocked from accessing the sites themselves, Cuellar provided to CBS News photos from a Border Patrol facility in Donna, Texas, some of which show children with foil blankets waiting to be processed.
Other images from the Texas Democrat show families under a bridge in McAllen, Texas, at a temporary processing site as they wait to get into a holding facility. More photos show scores of young girls who Cuellar said have been held at the border facility for days, far longer than the legal limit of 72 hours that border officials have to turn over unaccompanied minors to the Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is responsible for housing the children."

Let me translate: In your face Joe Biden!
Cuellar apparently warned the Biden transition team to avoid quick changes on the border. He has been screaming about the mess down on the border.
I hope that Democrats are listening to Representative Henry Cuellar. He is a true "profile in courage" for standing up to his President and party message.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Bad COVID news from Mexico
We just learned that Mexico has revised its COVID deaths figures upward. In other words, 310,000 according to a BBC story.
For comparison, the US has recorded 549,000 deaths with a population of 330 million. Mexico is at 310,000 with a population of 130 million.
The new report from Mexico puts President Biden's decision to let thousands walk in from Mexico in a different light. What were they thinking at The White House? The answer is that it was all about reversing Trump's decisions.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). If you like our posts, drop a dime here.
Monday, March 29, 2021
Who knew that our kids grew up watching such awful films?
Well, you learn something every day. I just learned that Dumbo, Peter Pan, and Cinderella are sending our kids bad messages.
This is from Disney:
Dumbo, Peter Pan, The Aristocats, Swiss Family Robinson, Lady and the Tramp and The Jungle Book are not accessible through kids’ profiles with the parental controls switched on. Disney has not removed the affected titles from its streaming platform, and users can still access the films through an adult profile. Each one starts with the content advisory that Disney added last fall.
“This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures,” the content advisory reads. “These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now. Rather than remove the content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together.”
There's more. I guess Cinderella is bad too, according to a theater company in Minnesota. They say that the cast is too white. So are they going to shut down Roots because the cast is too black? or Amistad because there is no diversity in the ship?
When is this madness going to stop?
I think that what bothers the "wokes" is that Dumbo was a self-starter and did not rely on government to fly. As for Peter Pan, maybe the real issue is that the character never grew up or applied for Social Security. The Robinson Family must drive the "wokes" crazy especially since there is a dad and mom in the story. The Aristocats drive them crazy because there was no death tax when the rich lady died. The Lady and the Tramp is just too much because she is a lady rather than a lesbian.
When is this madness going to stop? I hope that soon because I plan to show our new grandson these movies, especially Dumbo.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Sunday, March 28, 2021
This is not immigration or political asylum
Our family came here from Cuba back in 1964. We came here legally and because of the generosity of the American people. They offered us an opportunity to come here and start a new life. Last, but not least, we came to the U.S. in an orderly fashion.
Sorry, but that's not what we are watching at the U.S.-Mexico border. What we see there is chaos brought to you by a U.S. president who did not have the backbone to tell the immigration activists to shut up.
I loved what Senator Collins said a few days ago:
Border Patrol is overwhelmed, overworked, & discouraged by new policies. Agents took us through a dangerous path to the Rio Grande where we could hear the Cartel members taunting us across the river. Human trafficking, child abuse, & drug smuggling are rampant. This is a crisis.
Yes it's a crisis. Worse than that, we've created a brand new business for criminal elements to exploit. Back to Senator Collins:
Mexican cartels control who crosses the border. A young mother from Guatemala, sitting on an aluminum blanket with her 1-year-old, told me she paid smugglers $6,000.
I guess everybody knows what's going on except The White House and the reporters who would rather ask him about filibuster. It is incredible that President Biden did not get a single question about how criminal elements are making money out of all of this.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Saturday, March 27, 2021
We will look at the US-Mexico border crisis with George Rodriguez
Biden press conference: Did they want an audience?
Do you remember the last time that a president held a noon central press conference? It happens, but most presidents do it on prime time to connect with a large audience.
Friday, March 26, 2021
Biden and the press plus the filibuster is now racist
Friday’s video: The first Biden press conference
Megan the MVP of victimhood
The Biden White House (or maybe Biden-Harris) continued its "unity" campaign by inviting the divisive Megan Rapinoe. Wonder if she took a knee when she saw all of those flags?
Happy # 59 to Kevin Seitzer
Kevin broke with the Royals in 1986 and hit .323 with 207 hits in 1987. He was a very consistent hitter and played first and third base very well.
He retired after 12 seasons: .295 average, 1,557 hits and a couple of All Star selections.
Tags: Kevin Seitzer To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!
Thursday, March 25, 2021
Biden's press conference & VP Harris on immigration plus other stories
When you lose the Dallas Morning News...
The Dallas Morning News once supported Republicans, like Gov. Mitt Romney in 2002, and of course President George W. Bush, President George Bush and President Ronald Reagan. In 2016, it went for Hillary Clinton, and then in 2018 for Beto O'Rourke.
President Joe Biden’s administration, which promised a more humane and responsible immigration policy, seems to have been caught flat-footed by the massive surge of migrants from Central America to the United States, and has made a bad situation worse by issuing messages that are as clear as mud.Administration officials have spent the last few days trying to send the belated message that the border is closed. But for weeks, those officials also emphasized that they were reversing the Trump administration’s border policies and would be more welcoming.No wonder the border is in crisis. When the message is so muddled, people who are desperate to flee dangerous situations at home hold out hope that they will be allowed to enter if they simply show up at the border.And the administration can’t say it didn’t know this was coming. In promising to roll back Trump’s immigration policies, Biden had asked for time to implement “guardrails” to avoid winding up with “2 million people on our border.”
'Expectations were created that with the government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants'
I don't know where this is going to end but I wouldn't want to be a Democrat running in a competitive district in 2022. High gasoline prices and chaos on the border is not a good platform.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). If you like our posts, drop a dime here.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Quick thoughts: March 24
Senator Manchin of West Virginia a "no" on gun control......wonder where Senator Tester of Montana is on this issue?.....— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) March 24, 2021
The border crisis killed any chance of "immigration reform" & The Dream Act....It won't happen now.......— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) March 24, 2021
Talking gun control plus Lopez-Obrador talks border & more
Roberta jets off to Mexico
The Biden administration is sending Roberta Jacobson, former U.S. ambassador to Mexico and now Biden "border czar," to visit Mexico. I guess that the delegation will talk about the border “challenge.”
Jacobson: As you know, Señor Presidente, we need your help at the border.Lopez-Obrador: You opened the border, not us. We made a deal with President Trump and it was working well for the U.S. and Mexico.Jacobson: I know, Señor Presidente. So we need to reestablish "The remain in Mexico" program but let's give it a different name so it does not sound like the Trump program.Lopez-Obrador: How can I help you? You opened the border and people accepted your invitation. And now you want me to bail out your president.Jacobson: You are right, Señor Presidente. But we really need your help so we can stop this “challenge” on the border. It’s going to kill us in 2022.Lopez-Obrador: What are you going to do for Mexico? My people are furious that you've turned Mexico into a highway to the north. I’ve got my own midterm elections in 2021.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Be careful what you tweet plus people moving to the convention centers & more
Tuesday’s video: Flooding convention centers with new arrivals
Me racist, you racist, we racist
The bad news is that the cancel culture is doing too much cancelling. The good news is that this has all the makings of a circular firing squad story. At least the bullets are aimed at each other.
The Teen Vogue story is interesting and indicative of just how crazy this whole thing is:
Teen Vogue’s almost-editor Alexi McCammond was forced to resign before she even started because of racist tweets she posted years ago. It was cancel culture at its best --— or perhaps, most damaging. McCammond was a writer for the left-leaning Axios website, but that didn’t save her from the rage of the mob.
One of her biggest critics at Teen Vogue, senior social media manager Christine Davitt, posted a letter on March 8 on Instagram from Teen Vogue staff expressing concern to Conde Nast management about the hiring of McCammond, “in light of her past racist and homophobic tweets.” “So proud of my @teenvogue colleagues. The work continues…” Davitt wrote in a caption.
But people who live in glass houses… etc. Davitt has her own problematic tweeting in the past.......
Yes, don't attack what someone tweeted before you check your own archives.
Perhaps all this will have a happy ending.
First, so many lefties will delete their tweets that Jack Dorsey will bring President Trump to build up his business. Wouldn’t that be sweet justice?
Second, the cancel culture is now being mocked by Bill Maher and Andrew Sullivan. Wonder if Sullivan and Maher have checked their tweets?
So maybe the culture cancel will cancel itself out. Let's hope so.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). If you like our posts, drop a dime here.Monday, March 22, 2021
The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda
Monday’s video: Cancel my tweet your tweet etc....
The two-song band
Like the band that can only play two songs, the Democrats are on stage. Remember the band from The Blues Brothers' hilarious film? Jake and Alwood played "Rawhide" and "Stand by Your Man" because that's all they knew to please a country audience.
Well, the Democrats know two songs to please the hysterical left. First, you are a racist. Second, it's all Trump's fault. Last, but not least, sometimes they do a medley and give you both.
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the lead vocalist of the border band, took the microphone on Sunday:
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas has claimed that the number of people looking to enter the U.S. at the southern border could be the highest in 20 years, but in an interview with "Fox News Sunday" he claimed that this is because of the Trump administration's actions, not policy changes that took place in the early days of President Biden's administration. Biden has scrapped a number of Trump's policies which included having asylum seekers remain in Mexico instead of staying in the U.S. while they wait for their cases to be heard. Mayorkas denied that Biden's changes have encouraged the current migrant surge.
What's new? On one hand, the Secretary said that the number of people entering was at a 20-year high. Of course, it's all Trump's Wanna make a bet? Mayorkas will be toxic very soon, the scapegoat for this disastrous policy.
On this one, Biden broke it. Worse than that, they have no idea of how to fix it.
Wanna make a bet? Mayorkas will be toxic very soon, the scapegoat for this disastrous policy.
On this one, Biden broke it. Worse than that, they have no idea of how to fix it.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk). If you like our posts, drop a dime here.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
The media are pushing narratives rather than facts
Years ago, I remember watching someone say on TV that too many newsrooms write the headline and then tell the reporters to suit the facts to it. I don't know how rampant that is, but the Atlanta shootings make me wonder.
We were told that a white man (who else?) shot a bunch of Asians. Why? I guess because he hates Asians. Some in the media ran with that story until we learned a few facts about the alleged shooter. In other words, the facts did not prove the headline!
Andrew Sullivan has a point:
We have yet to find any credible evidence of anti-Asian hatred or bigotry in this man's history. Maybe we will. We can't rule it out. But we do know that his roommates say they once asked him if he picked the spas for sex because the women were Asian. And they say he denied it, saying he thought those spas were just the safest way to have quick sex. That needs to be checked out more. But the only piece of evidence about possible anti-Asian bias points away, not toward it.
Who knows why he did it? Nobody knows, and we may never know. It sounds to me as though the man has mental issues rather than vices of "white supremacy."
Nevertheless, some in the media just couldn't wait to pin another one "white supremacy," which is nothing but another way of keeping President Trump in the news. They can't get over talking about 45, even if means creating narratives that have nothing to do with the truth. The man in Mar-a-Lago is still living rent-free in their heads!
Diversity? Yes. our newsrooms need lots of it. They need people who are not "woke" or trying to "outwoke" the other newsroom.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Biden should have listened to Cuellar
Representative Henry Cuellar's district is right on the border. He can literally touch Mexico. Like so many who've grown up down there, Rep. Cuellar understands the area. He knows that many good people cross over to work and shop. He also knows that there are criminal elements because he can hear the firefights between the Mexican Army and cartels frequently.
Representative Cuellar apparently warned the Biden administration about opening the border. He said something that sounds a bit like Trump:
You can’t say ‘don’t come now, come later.’ That’s a bad message. It’s got to be clear and concise. Don’t come in here illegally. That should be the message....”
Don't come here illegally. Wow. What an idea! Have we heard that before? Gee, I remember when they called you a racist for saying stuff like that.
Let me add this. Representative Cuellar is a moderate Democrat. The "wokes" gave him a primary challenge in 2020 but he made it. Cuellar has to know that his constituents are not happy with this madness on the border. I hope that Democrats are hearing that.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Friday, March 19, 2021
The US-Mexico border crisis with George Rodriguez & Bruce Woodhull
Friday’s video: Who came up with the idea of opening the border during a...
Chris and Don going Nilsson
Did you hear the rumor that a 21st-century version of Nilsson's "Without You" is about to be released by a new duo? Yes, I'm talking about that classic from 1972 that goes like this:
"I can't live, if living is without you
I can't live, I can't give any more...."
The duo is Chris & Don. You know them as Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon of CNN prime time.
They are singing this song because Chris and Don can't live without Trump.
According to new information from Nielsen Media via Fox News, the three-letter network is having a hard time now that Biden sits in the Oval Office:
CNN’s viewership during the primetime hours of 8-11 p.m. ET dropped 36% since Biden took office after it spiked following Election Day. CNN’s primetime viewership decline was even sharper among the key demographic of adults age 25-to-54, plummeting 47% during the same period.
CNN’s viewership also suffered among the total day audience since Trump left office, leaving the liberal network without its bête noire.
Let me translate "bete noire": "a person or thing strongly detested or avoided." In this case, its Chris & Don that audiences are avoiding.
My question is how much longer can CNN's business strategy continue to see losses like this. In my experience, losing customers, or viewers in this case, means that big changes are coming.
What changes could CNN make? The only answer is a total makeover with new anchors that can appeal to an audience actually interested in news.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Biden tax increases plus CNN after Trump & the border crisis
Now you tell us, Joe
The situation on the border must be hurting politically. On ABC, Biden told the folks to say home and "don't come."
How convenient! Imagine if President Trump had told the migrants to stay on their towns. How many times would we hear that he is a racist?
The situation on the border is out of control, as a sheriff is pointing out:
An Arizona sheriff said Wednesday that the current border crisis is worse than the Obama years, as the Department of Homeland Security indicates that the migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border is expected to hit a 20-year high. Pinal Country Sheriff Mark Lamb told "Fox & Friends" that it was "ridiculous" and "unfair" that illegal immigrants, many of whom he claims have not been tested for coronavirus, are able to enter the country while schools and businesses in many parts of the nation remain closed.
Of course, it's a mess on the border. The crisis was not inherited. It was created by misguided decisions and executive orders.
It's also the height of dishonesty for Biden to say this now.
Why didn't he say it during the campaign? Could it be that they were pandering to Hispanic voters in large cities? Worse than that, was the campaign keeping immigration activists in line by promising to kill the Trump policies?
It's time for Hispanics to reconsider the Democrat Party. At least, President Trump spoke clearly. The Democrats tell them what they want to hear and then it's a different once in power.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Talking St Patrick's Day & current events with Leslie Eastman
Wednesday’s video: “Don’t come” said President Biden
So the border mess is Trump's fault?
Maybe we shouldn't be surprised. Doesn't everything end up being Trump's fault?
The latest from the Biden White House is that they inherited a mess on the U.S.-Mexico border. Again, isn't everything Trump's fault?
The Biden White House reversed Trump's policies, and that's why this mess happened, as Rich Lowry wrote:
As numbers predictably surge again, his Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, has absurdly called out Trump for having "dismantled our nation's immigration system in its entirety."
Speaker Nancy Pelosi chimed in over the weekend, claiming that "what the administration has inherited is a broken system at the border."
To the contrary, Biden has done the breaking. The Trump administration had found ways, entirely in keeping with our laws, to turn away illegal immigrants [sic] during the pandemic and to discourage bogus asylum-seekers by making them wait in Mexico while their claims are adjudicated.
Yes, Biden broke it, and he needs to fix it or at least reverse course on the border.
Beyond the "kids on the border," what we have here is a contrast in leadership. President Trump led by looking out for U.S. interests and enforcing the law. On the other hand, President Biden has not enforced the law and could not stand up to the immigration activists even in the middle of a pandemic.
So the mess will get messier, and the voters will ask aloud: how is any of this good for me or my family?
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Biden vs Trump on the border plus Pope Francis on marriage and other stories
Tuesday’s video: Biden blames Trump for border chaos
Pope Francis is about to lose a lot of leftist support
For some time, I've heard many leftists express support for Pope Francis. My guess is that it has a lot to do with "climate change" and "open borders." After all, what's more convenient than the head of the Catholic Church criticizing President Trump's immigration policies?
The left may be singing a different tune after the Vatican called blessing "gay unions" a "sin." This is from news reports:
The Vatican's orthodoxy office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a formal response Monday to a question about whether Catholic clergy have the authority to bless gay unions. The answer, contained in a two-page explanation published in seven languages and approved by Pope Francis, was "negative."
The note distinguished between the church's welcoming and blessing of gay people, which it upheld, but not their unions. It argued that such unions are not part of God's plan and that any such sacramental recognition could be confused with marriage.
The note immediately disheartened advocates for LGBT Catholics and threw a wrench in the debate within the German church, which has been at the forefront of opening discussion on hot-button issues such the church's teaching on homosexuality.
Wow. Talk about a fastball between the eyes.
First of all, I did not know that Catholics had an "orthodoxy office." Never learned that in Catholic Schools!
Second, why has that office been so silent lately? The Catholic Church has not called out Catholic politicians like President Biden or Speaker Pelosi who defend abortion as a "reproductive right".
Memo to the Vatican: Issue a statement that no politician who supports abortion can receive communion. I guess that we could use a little orthodoxy these days to push the faith.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).