My View by Silvio Canto, Jr.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
The week in review with Bill Katz, editor of Urgent Agenda
Trump has a point about the 14th
So here comes President Trump putting the issue on the front pages with an executive order, and potentially heading to the Supreme Court. I want to hear what the court has to say about this. My guess is that the Court will agree with President Trump.
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) February 19, 2025
Trump has a point about…
As an immigrant, discussions about immigration are always personal. I came here with my parents and remember the orderly process that brought us here. My parents and I never had a discussion about “birthright citizenship” but I can assure the reader that they would not support the idea that a baby born here from illegal immigrants is automatically a citizen. They would have said “no way.”
So here comes President Trump putting the issue on the front pages with an executive order, and potentially heading to the Supreme Court. I want to hear what the court has to say about this. My guess is that the Court will agree with President Trump.
This is from Ken Klukowski:
Democrats and their allies wasted no time filing at least ten federal lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of that EO. One challenge was brought by eighteen Democrat state attorneys general in Massachusetts. Another four states filed in the state of Washington.
These leftists claim that everyone born in the United States is automatically a U.S. citizen. But that is not the law, and it has never been the law.
All of these lawsuits assert the language of the Citizenship Clause of Section 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which provides, ‘All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.’
“Subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is the key line here.
The purpose of the 14th was to recognize blacks born in U.S. territory who had no legal status. These people were no longer slaves (the 13th) and now had to be incorporated into the U.S., and that’s what the 14th is about. It had nothing to do with people who came here not subject to the jurisdiction thereof and had a baby.
So be careful Democrats. Be careful what you wish for. I am confident that this Court will say that the 14th is not relevant and call on Congress to deal with it.
When will this happen? I don’t know but it should be soon so that we can put an end to this travesty of automatic citizenship. There is a way to obtain citizenship and that’s how I did it along with my parents and siblings. I guess we did it the old fashioned way but it is the correct way.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.
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Happy # 85 Smokey Robinson

Happy birthday to the great Smokey Robinson who was born in Detroit on this day in 1940.
We remember his song "My girl", one of the greatest pop songs ever recorded.
1945: Marines invaded Iwo Jima
On this day in 1945, the US Marines landed at Iwo Jima. The island was eventually turned into an airfield and played a huge factor in the bombing raids against Japan, only 660 miles away.
You can get the book that inspired the movie.
1941: Germany launches the invasion of USSR....with Barry Jacobsen
World War II: Germany invades the USSR....with Barry Jacobsen....
P.S. You can listen to my show. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Tuesday's video: Saturday Night Live @ 50, The 14th Amendment and more
Another case of demand for racism exceeding supply
Well, Trump Derangement Syndrome got Tom Hanks and the writers.
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) February 18, 2025
Another case of demand for racism exceeding supply - American Thinker
It turned out that I missed the 50th anniversary of “Saturday Night Live.” I’m old enough to remember when the show was funny because the comedy writers understood the country that were broadcasting to.
Well, Trump Derangement Syndrome got Tom Hanks and the writers. They could have just shown us replays of the Czechoslovakian brothers, or Belushi saying “cheeseburger,” or Jane Curtin reading the news.
Not this bunch. They have to remind us once more that they think that Trump voters are racist or just live and die on MSNBC.
“America’s sweetheart Tom Hanks was crucified by conservatives over his “disgusting” portrayal of a simple, Trump-supporting racist on the “Saturday Night Live” 50th anniversary special.
The two-time Academy Award winner returned to the stage Sunday night as “Doug” — a dumb, MAGA hat-wearing contestant on the recurring bit “Black Jeopardy,” where the butt of the joke is Hanks’ character and the black contestants discovering their similarities.
During the sketch, Doug, who first appeared on the comedy show in 2016, refuses to shake hands with the game show host, Darnell Hayes, played by “SNL” longtimer Kenan Thompson.“
Okay, so that’s how they want to celebrate 50 big ones? It’s more like reminding everyone that SNL just ain’t funny anymore.
My late father once said that good political comedy requires a bit of truth. You laugh because you recognize the truth and humor drives home the point. In this case, nothing was funny unless you think that all those black men who flipped to Trump are just stupid and ungrateful for walking away.
Maybe Hanks should make another movie about surviving in an island with a soccer ball. He is better suited for that role.
PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.
Happy # 76 John Mayberry

We say happy birthday to John Mayberry who was born in Detroit on this day in 1949.
Mayberry broke with the Astros in 1968 but did not get to play every day until he became Kansas City's first baseman in 1972.
After that, John was one of the top power hitters in the AL with KC and Toronto: .261 average, .360 on base pct, 255 HR and 881 RBI in 1,670 games.
Mayberry's best season was 1975: .291, 36 HR, 106 RBI and second in the AL MVP to Fred Lynn.
We remember Luis Arroyo (1927-2016)
We remember Luis Arroyo who was born in Puerto Rico on this day in 1927. He died in 2016 at age 88.
Luis was a very effective major league pitcher from Puerto Rico.
In 1961, Arroyo pitched for the NY Yankees: 15-9, 2.19 ERA and 29 saves. He also pitched in 2 World Series (1960 & 1961) and 8 seasons overall.
After baseball, Arroyo managed in Puerto Rico.
P.S. You can listen to my show. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
"'World War II: the War that Made Our World" with Barry Jacobsen
'World War Two, the War that Made Our World' Episode One 05/20 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics Podcasts:
Guest: Barry Jacobsen, military historian and blogger......this is our World War II series...........'World War Two, the War that Made Our World Episode One: 'From Out of the Ashes, The Rise of Communism and Fascism'................the end of World War I left many unsettled issues in Europe.......also, the German economy collapsed and that opened the door for Hitler........the collapse of the Czars in Russia created the communist state or the USSR............ and other stories of the week.... .
Monday, February 17, 2025
President’s Day and America’s 5 best presidents
It’s difficult to pick a favorite president because we tend to focus on the ones we remember. In our case, it’s the Cold War or recent presidencies.
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) February 17, 2025
President’s Day and America’s 5 best presidents - American Thinker
One of the benefits of growing up in an immigrant family is that you get to compare U.S. history with that of where you came from — Cuba, in my case. In other words, the U.S. looks pretty good when you compare it to your own history. This is why I’ve always felt that the U.S. was blessed with the integrity of the men who served as president. I’m not saying they were perfect, but they are better than most of the others in other countries.
It’s difficult to pick a favorite president because we tend to focus on the ones we remember. In our case, it’s the Cold War or recent presidencies. Nevertheless, I will try to look at past and recent history. My five picks for best presidents:
- George Washington: the U.S. was lucky to have this man at the foundation of the republic. Most new countries go wrong from the beginning. On the other hand, the U.S. had the proper man at the right moment. It’s criminal that some schools teach only that he was a slaveowner.
- Abraham Lincoln: who else? He kept this nation together. It’s sad because no one appreciated him during his presidency.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt: great leader. He made people feel better during the Great Depression, which saw huge levels of unemployment. Also, FDR saw evil in Europe and confronted it.
- Dwight Eisenhower: as they say, he gets better with age. His steady leadership was exactly what the country needed after Korea and World War II.
- Ronald Reagan: the Great Communicator, and the one who inspired so many to become conservatives.
Honorable mention to George W. Bush, who was brilliant after 9-11, Gerald Ford for taking over after the Nixon resignation, Harry Truman for enacting the policy of containing communism, and Donald Trump for being realistic about the threat of an unaccountable bureaucracy.
Overall, the U.S. has been very lucky with the integrity of its presidents.
PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.
Happy # 62 Michael Jordan

We say happy birthday to Michael Jordan, the greatest NBA player of our generation. He led the Chicago Bulls to 6 NBA titles and was MVP 5 times.
We remember Roger Craig. (1930-2023)
We remember Roger Craig. He was born on this day in 1930 and died June 2023.
We remember him as a young pitcher with the Brooklyn Dodgers, a starter with the awful 1962-63 New York Mets and then the manager who led the San Francisco Giants to the NL West title 1987 and the NL pennant in 1989.
As a pitcher, he was 74-98 with a 3.83 ERA. Again, those 98 losses must be put into context: he was 15-46 with the last place Mets, arguably the worst expansion team in MLB history. His 49-38 record with the Dodgers is probably a better measurement of his talent as a pitcher.
As a manager, he was 738-737 with 2 pennants. He was also the pitching coach for the 1984 Detroit Tigers who won the World Series.
We remember Jim Brown (1936-2023)
To his football heirs—from Barry Sanders to Adrian Peterson—he’s the one player by which their own greatness is measured. To those who played with and against the Cleveland Browns legend, his prowess, intensity and intellect remain awe-inspiring. Fifty years after walking away from the game at his peak, he still towers over the NFL. Yes, he was just that good.Yes, he was that good or better that great!
The stats are unbelievable: He rushed for 13,112 yards in 118 games plus 108 TD's. He averaged 104.3 per game!
Yes, it's true that today's game is more about passing than rushing. Nevertheless, those numbers stand on their own.