Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday's podcast: The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda

 Bill Katz the editor of Urgent  Agenda.....Iowa but does it matter.....Biden approvals going further down....Military action.....…and other stories......

Monday's video: The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda

Monday's video: 
 The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda...
Iowa but does it matter.....Biden approvals going further down....Military action.....…and other stories..


It's time to move on

On Monday, former President Trump will win Iowa and later New Hampshire. The pundits will have fun with whoever comes in number 2, but it's over. The race is over. It's time to aim the missiles at the Democrats, whether it's President Biden…..

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A word about January 15

1967: Green Bay beat KC in Super Bowl I. They didn’t call it The Super Bowl in 1967 but this is how it ended:  Green Bay 35, Kansas City 10.

We remember the late Dr. Martin Luther King who was born on this day in 1929.He was killed in 1968. He told us to judge people by the content of their character not skin color. Do Democrats believe that anymore?

P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Remember when MLK spoke about character rather than race?

It's another MLK Day and another opportunity to remember the man and his legacy.  Am I the only one who thinks that no one in the modern Democrat Party remembers a word he said?   Does anyone remember when he said this:   

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

What I am hearing from today's Left is that everything is about race or skin color.  If you mention character then you are likely to be called a racist.

Today, we remember Dr. King and his words.  We will hear them over and over again.

Nevertheless, I've asked myself a simple question:   What would Dr. King say of the state of black America today?  the collapse of the black family?  the black-on-black crime? The terrible black Democrat leadership that runs cities like Baltimore and Detroit?  The dependence on government programs?

We will never know, but I'll submit that Dr. King would not be happy.  For sure, he'd be reminding the "identity politics" Democrats to judge people by their character not the color of their skin.  

Go read that "I have a dream" speech and ask yourself a simple question:  Do the Democrats believe that anymore? 

 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Happy # 76 Bobby Grich

Image result for bobby grich baseball images
We say happy birthday to Bobby Grich, who was born in Muskegon, Michigan on this day in 1949.

Grich, along with the late Don Baylor, were highly rated minor leaguers in the Orioles' system.  

He broke with Baltimore in 1970 and became a regular in 1972:   .278 average, 12 HR & 50 RBI.

Over the next few years, Grich became the best defensive second baseman in the AL:  Gold glove 1973-76!    

After the 1976 season, Grich became a free agent and played the rest of his career with the Angels.   

Grich had many injuries and retired after the 1986 season:  .268 average, .371 On base Pct, 224 HR & 864 RBI in 2,008 games.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column.

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