Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thursday's podcast: The whistleblowers and Congress & Hillary Clinton and The Durham Report

Thursday's podcast:    

The whistleblowers and Congress & Hillary Clinton and The Durham Report..........

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Thursday's video: The whistleblowers and Congress & Hillary Clinton and The Durham Report

The whistleblowers and members of Congress......Hillary Clinton and The Durham Report.....Happy # 86 Brooks Robinson.....Lincoln GOP 1860........and other stories...


We call them ‘mala mujer’ in Spanish

 (My new American Thinker post)

While the Durham Report was not criminal, one woman is responsible for this "crime."  Her name is Hillary Clinton and we know her story.  I agree with Victoria Taft:    

Durham wrote the “Clinton Plan” was conceived to distract from her very real and very illegal destruction of evidence -- her emails -- which were under a preservation order. “According to the declassified Clinton Plan intelligence, on July 26, 2016, Clinton allegedly approved a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to tie Trump to Russia as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Clinton’s apparatchiks, including Jennifer Palmieri, John Podesta, and Jake Sullivan, told the Special Counsel they knew nothing of the plan to distract from Hillary’s email scandal, describing such a plan as ridiculous. Durham found their protestations ridiculous.

Here’s Hillary touting the “connection” between Trump and the Alfa Bank scam. Sullivan, Joe Biden’s National Security Adviser -- which should help explain why his administration’s foreign policy is such a cluster -- amplified her tweet as well.   

“During the same week, Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, stated in media interviews that the campaign believed that the Russian government had carried out the DNC hack to assist Trump’s electoral chances and that Trump had made troubling statements,” the report states.

And Hillary’s pet attack dogs, Fusion GPS, seeded the fake story with their compliant fellow travelers in the media, including The Wall Street Journal news reporters and Reuters.

You know the rest of the ugly story.  You take an angry woman plus a media obsessed with Trump ratings and the country is put through all of this just because a certain person lost the election.  

Or as my late mother would have said:  "Esta mujer es mala" or "This woman is bad."  My mother was not referring to her political views but she did not like those either.

I understand that many want to prosecute Hillary Clinton for all of this.  I get it.  

Step back because God had a better idea.  

First, she was defeated by Barack Obama, a junior senator in 2008.  Then came Donald Trump in 2016, the guy whose wedding she attended.  

Second, she will never get to give a victory speech thanking her second-grade teacher, who apparently saw presidential material many years ago.  

In the end, this woman put up with a bad husband only to keep his name and run for president later.  Would you raise your daughter to do that?

She put up with a terrible husband only to wait for her turn and then American voters said, “Not you, sister.”

Hillary Clinton is a bitter, angry woman who could not accept the results and decided to tear up the country instead. 

"Mala mala mujer" who thankfully never sat in the Oval Office and made an important decision.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

A word about May 18

We remember May 18: 

Vatican history:   We remember that John Paul II was born on this day in 1920 and died in 2005.  He was born Karol Józef Wojtyła in Wadowice, Poland.

US history:    The GOP nominated Abraham Lincoln on this day in 1860,   He was selected in the 3rd ballot of what we would call today a very contested election.

Old Russia:    Nicholas II was born on this day in 1868.  He was the last Russian emperor (1894–1917). In 1918, he and his family were executed by the Bolsheviks.

Country music:    We say happy birthday to George Strait, the modern king of country. He's sold over 100 million records and hit the # 1 spot 60 times.

Mr. October:   We say happy birthday to Reggie Jackson, who was born in Pennsylvania on this day in 1946.    Jackson came up with the A's in 1967 and put together quite a career:   561 HR, 1,701 RBI, AL MVP 1973, 18 HR in 77 post-season games and 3 HR in game 6 of the 1977 World Series.   Jackson was selected to the Hall of Fame in 1993.

Orioles history:    We say happy birthday to Brooks Robinson, who was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, on this day in 1937.   Overall, he hit .267 with 2,848 hits, 268 HR & 1,367 RBI.   Brooks had a reputation for being a great clutch hitter.     In his prime, he could hit a HR, a double or make a great play at third.   Robinson was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1983 and continues to be one of the most popular players of all time.

Super lefty:    On this day in 2004, Randy Johnson pitched a perfect game.    According to Robby Hammock, who caught the game, the whole team sensed it right away.    Great night for the future Hall of Famer.  

Music history:  We remember Pierino Como who was born in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on this day in 1912.     We remember him as Perry Como, one of the most successful male vocalists ever.     

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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