Tuesday, May 16, 2023

A word about May 16

We remember May 16:

Great album:  We can't watch sports so let me recommend listening to The Beach Boys' “Pet Sounds”, released on this day in 1966 and still one of my favorite LP’s!  It ranks as one of the best albums in rock history. (In fact, it is ranked #2 in Rolling Stone’s Top 500 rock albums!)   Pet Sounds” was way ahead of its time. It included songs and arrangements that defined Brian Wilson’s awesome talents and skills.  My favorite is a tie between "God only knows" and "Wouldn't it be nice".

Baseball great:   We say happy birthday to Jack Morris who was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, on this day in 1955.    He became one of the best right handed pitchers of the last 40 years.  Morris came up with Detroit in 1977.   He won 17 in 1979 and his career really took off after that.  Overall, he was a workhorse:  254 wins, 3.90 ERA and 179 Complete Games.  
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