Thursday, June 30, 2022

The Court limits the EPA and allows "Remain in Mexico" plus more

The Court limits the EPA and allows the Biden administration to shut down 'Remain in Mexico'....The January 6 committee shoots itself in the foot....1936 'Gone with the wind'.......and other stories.....

Thursday's video: The Court limits the EPA and allows "Remain in Mexico" plus more

Thursday's video: 
The Court limits the EPA and allows "Remain in Mexico" plus more....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


Blue buying insurance to protect blue


(My new American Thinker post)

This is interesting. Maybe the "blues" are taking the "reds" seriously.  Let's check out the states of Washington and Colorado:      

Less than a year ago, a GOP Senate victory in deep blue Washington state would have been unthinkable. But now, Democrats are spending millions on advertising in several once-reliable Democratic strongholds, including Washington, as Republicans build national momentum and push for new Senate pickups.

There’s a similar panic in Colorado, where Tuesday’s GOP Senate primary has also drawn millions of dollars in Democratic-funded ads to boost a far-right candidate, a massive last-ditch campaign to keep a moderate Republican off the ballot this fall.    

Washington’s Democratic Sen. Patty Murray, meanwhile, has spent more than $1 million on television ads in recent weeks, including two attacking her Republican opponent, Tiffany Smiley, in a state President Joe Biden won by nearly 20 points.

So what's going on?   

In Washington and Colorado, the Democrats may be buying some insurance against a red wave. My guess is that the Democrats are hoping that Seattle and Denver will stop the wave and preserve their jobs. Of course, they have to get the blues to turn out in the city, and that's not guaranteed in this political environment.

Also, the Democrats may be seeing what happened in South Texas, huge swings to the GOP, and realizing that the same thing could happen in their states. Remember New Jersey last November? Who saw that coming?

You buy insurance to protect yourself against risks. In this case, the risk is the angry voter who may decide that "throwing the bums out" is just what the state needs.

P.S.  Check out my videos and posts.

Happy # 92 Thomas Sowell!

Image result for thomas sowell images
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure.   He was born on this day in 1930 in North Carolina.

In 2007, Sewell published a masterpiece. See "Disparities" in Income & Wealth By Thomas Sowell:
"They are hot to redistribute the existing income and wealth but seem wholly unaware that how you do that today can affect how much income and wealth will be produced tomorrow. Any number of schemes for redistributing wealth have ended up redistributing poverty in a number of countries.
"Progressives" in the media and among academics and intellectuals claim to be interested in ending poverty but the production of more output is the only way to end poverty for millions of people."
That's right! Make reading Sowell one of your resolutions.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Roe and 2022 plus confusion at the committee and other stories

Roe and 2022......Blue state Democrats worried about red wave?......Will the Secret Service agents contradict the witness?.........Secretary Mayorca needs to resign.........and other stories.....

Wednesday's video: Roe and 2022 plus confusion at the committee and other stories

Wednesday's video: 
Roe and 2022 plus confusion at the committee and other stories

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


51 reasons for Mayorkas to resign

 (My new American Thinker post)

This is a horrific story:     

After authorities found an 18-wheeler that carried up to 100 individuals abandoned in San Antonio, including at least 46 individuals who were deceased, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott blamed President Joe Biden and his immigration policies.

In a tweet, Abbott said Monday evening's discovery rests squarely on Biden. "At Least 42 People Found Dead Inside Truck Carrying Migrants In Texas. These deaths are on Biden," Abbott said, before officials raised the death count to at least 46.

Why is this happening?  Why are people hiding in a trailer in 100-degree temperatures?  Because President Biden's chaotic border policy has incentivized human smuggling.

Criminal elements or human smugglers have moved people to the U.S. in trailers before.  What happens today is that this is a full blown business aided and abetted by "open border" policies.

Incredibly, Joaquin Castro of San Antonio issued a statement about the incident:   

I just spoke to DHS Secretary Mayorkas about the 46 people who died tonight in San Antonio, most likely the victims of merciless human smugglers. DHS (HSI) is working to alert their families, find everyone responsible for this crime and investigate exactly what happened.

Did he just speak with Secretary Mayorkas?  Or did he call him to tell him to resign and take responsibility for these 46 -- now 51 -- lost lives?  

This is happening because this administration opened the border, created this business and these poor people bought a ticket to their death on a lonely outskirt road in the U.S.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

46 dead at the border and other stories

46 dead and it's on the Biden administration........Title IX is about young women.......Going after Justice Thomas......More than 1 million have switched parties from Dem to GOP.......Joe DiMaggio # 40 in 1941...........and other stories.....

Tuesday's video: 50 dead at the border and people switching parties

Tuesday's video: 
50 dead at the border and people switching parties.....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


Abortion or the price of gasoline?

 (My new American Thinker post)

The Democrats have tried everything, but nothing works.   

So it's time to try abortion and that right taken away by those three justices appointed by Trump.    

It's a great line but it will it work when they are talking to voters rather than F. Chuck Todd.

It's not going to work because voting is a lot more complicated than that, as David Catron wrote:   

The most recent Politico-Morning Consult tracking poll asks respondents the following question: 

“Now, thinking about your vote, what would you say is the top set of issues on your mind when you cast your vote for federal offices such as U.S. Senate or Congress?” 

The answers were predictable: Economic Issues 43%; Security Issues 13%; Energy issues 10%; Women’s Issues 9%; Seniors issues 9%; Health Care Issues 8%; Education Issues 3%. Abortion is lumped in with various other “Women’s issues.”

It will be obvious to the meanest intelligence that the top concern of the respondents, all of whom were registered voters, involved economic issues. Even if we make the implausible assumption that abortion is the most important women’s concern, it still doesn’t qualify for a bronze medal in the issues Olympics. Even worse, when asked if the country is heading in the right direction, only 28 percent replied in the affirmative. 

No amount of hysterics about Roe v. Wade is going to save the Democrats. 

First, the Supreme Court and the public are on the same page concerning abortion. 

Second, until the economy is fixed, no one really cares.

And that's it.  It's the economy stupid, as someone once said.  I think that it was a guy from Arkansas.

The Democrats have another problem.    

"Roe" allowed a lot of Democrats to avoid the details of abortion by simply claiming something like:  "Well, I'm not for abortion but it's the law of the land."

The debate will be different the next time they get together in Austin or elsewhere.   

For example:

Should a baby with a heartbeat be aborted?   They will have to say 'yes' or 'no.'

Are there any limits to having an abortion or do you believe that it can happen at any time?   12 weeks?  15 weeks?  No limits?   

We never had those debates before.  We will now.

The Democrats may find voters a little more skeptical to abortion now that we are actually voting on details rather than "it's my body."    

And let's not forget the price of gasoline on election day because that will matter more.

Monday, June 27, 2022

The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda

Guest: Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda....It was quite a week for The Supreme Court: School choice, 2nd Amendment and overturning Roe....The impact of the Dobbs decision on the midterms.......President Biden in Europe....and other stories....

Monday's video: Another 6-3 opinion in favor of religious freedom...........and other stories....

Monday's video: 
Another 6-3 opinion in favor of religious freedom...........
and other stories....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.



Portland is about lawlessness, not Dobbs

 (My new American Thinker post)

It happens every time or Portland burns. Yes, there were problems across the country, such as the "insurrection" in Arizona, but Portland always leads the way. Let's check the story:    

A large group of rioters was seen in downtown Portland, Oregon smashing windows and vandalizing several buildings Saturday night. The group also graffitied messages targeting the U.S. Supreme Court.

The group, made of about 100 people, were yelling and chanting as they marched down the streets and would periodically stop to destroy and graffiti objects.

"Death to SCOTUS," one black spray-painted message said.    

Members of the group smashed several windows of a Starbucks Coffee building and others were seen destroying a Tesla car. 

So much for Tesla or Starbucks paying for abortions. I guess that the rioters didn't get that memo.

What we saw in Portland was another episode in the continuing story of lawlessness. Portland is now exhibit A on what happens when a local government or an impotent governor decide that people can destroy property or burn buildings in the name of something.   

Of course, all of this will drive more business out of the city or make it more difficult to recruit police officers. But who cares about that? It's all about social justice, reproductive rights or something like that.

Do you understand now why so many in Oregon want to break away from Portland?  Do you blame them?

P.S,  Check out  my videos  and posts.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

A chat with Allan Wall about the situation in Mexico

Guest: Allan Wall, writer and political columnist......We will discuss the political situation in Mexico.....President Lopez-Obrador vs US Senators......

If Democrats wanted to keep abortion, here's what they should have done


(My new American Thinker post)

We are in Roe minus 2, or two days without Roe.  It's time to remind the pro-Roe crowd that they made the overturn possible by being so rigid about abortion.

Let's do a little alternate history.  It's a fun game and in this case rather significant.

So let's go back to June 1995.  Back then, President Clinton was moving to the center and looking to cut deals with GOP Congress.

Let's imagine the following phone call from President Clinton to Speaker Newt Gingrich. Here it goes:

"Newt, it's President Clinton here."

"Hello, Mr. President. What's up?"

"Newt.  I want to cut a deal on abortion and put it behind us.  Here is my plan.  I will propose a new law that guarantees access to abortion but lets every state govern the details."

"Mr. President, are you saying that you want to go the way of Europe?"

Of course, we will never know, but my guess is that such a law would have passed.  It would have effectively ended Roe without overturning.

The Dallas Morning News has a great editorial about this:

Beginning in the 1960s and before 1973, the nation was moving toward a state-by-state codification of abortion that demonstrated a political recognition that abortion should not be entirely prohibited but that there comes a point in a pregnancy when it should no longer be permitted. The most liberal law was in New York, which in 1970 permitted abortion through the 24th week of pregnancy.

As the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg noted in a 1992 speech for the Madison Lecture series, this political development was overrun by the decision in Roe vs. Wade. In prior cases where the court sought to invalidate antiquated laws that discriminated based on sex, it "opened a dialogue with the political branches of government," requiring state legislatures to reexamine their positions. But in giving itself the power to decide the moral question of abortion, the court fashioned "a regime blanketing the subject, a set of rules that displaced virtually every state law then in force."

This was a judicial error that deepened a national division that has now affected every part of political life. Roe was, as a majority of the Supreme Court has ruled, wrongly decided. There is no historical basis for the inclusion of abortion as an unenumerated right within the Constitution's named rights.

Yes, a judicial error that brought us to this point.

So why didn't they listen to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg or try to find a compromise when they could?  I don't know, but we wouldn't be talking about overturning Roe had they done so.

Abortion now moves to the states, and we will see legislative compromises, or what legislatures do. 

Again, a lot of Democrats must be privately wondering why they didn't listen to Justice Ruth, their favorite.

PS: Check out my videos and posts.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

2013: "Sofrito" Cuban food and other fun things to eat

 P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe v Wade overturned and other stories

Roe v Wade overturned and that's a good thing..........No one cares about January 6th committee.......1948 Berlin Airlift.........and other stories....
click to listen:

Friday's video: Roe v Wade overturned and other stories........

Friday's video: 
Roe v Wade overturned and other stories....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


It happens every six years, you know

 (My new American Thinker post)

Not long ago, I read that the LA Times and San Diego Tribune lost $50 million. The explanation was revenue losses during the pandemic, less print and digital advertising plus a drop in print circulation. I guess that "Angelinos" just didn't want to advertise or read the newspaper or something like that.   

Newspapers are losing subscriptions and readers.  For example, I am the only one on my block who gets the print edition, according to the poor fellow who delivers it every morning.

Maybe there is another reason why people are not reading the LA Times. Maybe it's because they post editorials like this:      

Whether it’s President Biden insisting a recession is avoidable or his critics arguing that the wolf is at the door, both sides are acting as if the nation faces an unprecedented catastrophe.

Partly it’s political theater -- Biden fighting on behalf of an already beleaguered presidency and many of the doomsayers hoping a downturn could be the coup de grace for Democrats.

Behind the rhetoric, the reality is that recessions are a normal part of American economic life. 

The U.S. has had one, on average, every 6½ years since 1945.

And in the present case, most professional economists think any downturn now is likely to be relatively mild, with a fairly quick recovery.

People should stop complaining. It happens every six years and you are going to be okay. President Biden is doing the best he can and you should tell your wife that happy days will be here again soon, especially after you buy one of those electric cars that won't get you from Dallas to Houston to see family. 

I guess I would have canceled my subscription, too.

P.S,  Check out  my videos  and posts.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Supreme Court and the 2nd Amendment & How low can go President Biden go?.... 06/23 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Supreme Court and the 2nd Amendment....How low can go President Biden go?...Happy # 82 Clarence Thomas....and other stories.....