Monday, June 20, 2022

AMLO vs. the Senate Cubans

 (My new American Thinker post)

Have you noticed a little shouting across the Rio Grande?  It appears that Mexican President Lopez-Obrador, or AMLO as they call him, has been arguing with the "Cubano 3" in the U.S. Senate.  

This is the story:  

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador took swipes at Cuban-American Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Bob Menendez during a regular press conference Wednesday morning, piling on from criticism lobbed in recent days.

Lopez Obrador has accused the three senators, and other Cubans living in the United States, of wielding power to continue the United States' embargo on Cuba.

The president cited Cuba on Monday as part of his reasons for not attending the U.S.-hosted Summit of the Americas this week, as the nation, along with Venezuela and Nicaragua, were not invited due to concerns over human rights violations.

Rubio tweeted about Lopez Obrador in Spanish on Tuesday, saying: "Glad to see that the Mexican president, who has handed over sections of his country to drug cartels and is an apologist for tyranny in Cuba, a murderous dictator in Nicaragua and a drug trafficker in Venezuela, will not be in the U.S. this week."

Lopez Obrador addressed the tweet on Wednesday, denying drug cartel issues in Mexico and, instead, hurling criticism at the three senators.   

As my late mother used to say, it sounds a little nasty and personal.   

AMLO is coming up with another excuse for the failure of Cuba's socialist regime.  The embargo does not stop Cuba from doing business with Mexico or any other country.   Why  doesn't AMLO encourage more Mexican companies to trade with Cuba?  Could it be that Mexico keeps getting stuck with Cuban promissory notes they can't collect on, i.e. forgiving debt!   

Why is AMLO picking fights with three democratically elected U.S. Senators? Honestly I don't know. But I do know that the three Senate Cubanos are giving it right back and that makes me proud.

P.S.  Check out  my videos  and posts.

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