Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Cuba 1902 plus Trump vs Pelosi

Cuba 1902 plus media vs Trump 05/20 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Pelosi vs Trump ....More states opening up.....Lindbergh 1927.....Cuba 1902 independence .and other to listen:

Wednesday’s video: Voting by mail..

Remembering the Hill-Thomas story

Tonight on PBS: Created Equal | Leave The Plantation Organization
On Monday night, our local PBS station showed “Created Equal…..Clarence Thomas in his own words.”    
It was a great documentary and I learned a few things about his early days and marriage.  
Like some of you, I recall the day that President Bush nominated him.  I happened to be with my father that day and he seemed very happy with the choice.  He told me that Thomas would make a great justice because he faced a lot of adverisity coming up in life.  (On a personal note, “overcoming adversity” was a theme that my late father would always go back to. It made people tougher and better, he would say)
Then came Anita Hill and the documentary became very intense.  It was interesting to watch then Senator Joe Biden and the late Senator Ted Kennedy sitting next to him.  Am I the only person watching who thought that Biden made a fool of himself talking about “natural law”?  Clarence Thomas couldn’t understand what he was saying either.
Two things really struck me about the documentary:
First, Justice Thomas reminded his opponents that the “Tarring and feathering” would eventually come back to get them.  He must have been thinking about now candidate for president Joe Biden who faces a 1993 sexual misconduct allegation a lot more credible than Anita Hill’s.  I wonder if Mrs. Biden understands the pain that Mrs. Thomas went through?  
Second, the media and the Democrats had no trouble believing Hill.  You can see in the documentary how they all lined up to support a woman who had absolutely no proof of anything.  It all looked so eerily similar to the effort to get Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  
In the documentary, Justice Thomas often said that he was “the wrong kind of black man” or a reference to his conservative views.   Yes, this is true.
What it’s also true is the damage that Roe v Wade has done to the Democrats.  They go to such lengths to defend the opinion, from destroying a decent man to the governor of Michigan shutting down every medical procedure except abortions.
I’ll say it again.  Overturning Roe v Wade may be the only way to save the Democrat Party from its crazy demons.
In the meantime, watch “Created Equal,” because it was great.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

The Cuban kitchen with Marta and Sonia

Happy May 20th to all of my Cuban friends

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(My new Babalu post)

Back in 1902, Cuba became an independent country after 400 years as a Spanish colony (1492-1898) and the US occupation (1898-1902).
JM Sierra recalls the moment:
“May 20. Tomás Estrada Palma is sworn in as president, and the Cuban flag is finally allowed to fly over Havana.”
As one of those of us who grew up in the US, I always found May 20 as a great day to learn about Cuba.
My grandmother, who died in 1984, left Cuba and would share her stories often.    She was a young girl on May 20, 1902 and told me a lot about the day.   She remember flags all over and a great sense of optimism every where.
My parents also had their own stories, specially from their school activities.   I recall my mother telling me about the parade in Ciego de Avila.   Her family lived across Parque Marti.
My father had many tales of events in Sagua la Grande.     By the way, this is the first May 20th since my father died last December.   I miss chatting with him about this day.
I learned a lot of Cuba history hearing their memories of May 20.
May 20 is actually bittersweet for many of us.   We remember Independence Day 1902 but understand that Cuba is not free today.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

We remember Desi Arnaz on Cuban Independence Day!

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He was born Desiderio Alberto Arnaz y de Acha III in 1917 Cuba.

He died in 1986.

He is either known as Desi Arnaz or "Ricky Ricardo", the other half of the "I love Lucy" team.

Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball created Desilu, one of the most successful TV studios in history.

Desi was more than a singer or Lucy's funny husband.

He turned out to be a very successful businessman, perhaps one of the most accomplished TV pioneers of the 20th century.

May 20, 1902 and another anniversary of Cuba's independence

Image result for cuba 1902 images
We recall the 118th anniversary of Cuba's independence.

My grandmother was a little girl and told me stories of people walking in the streets and waving flags from the windows.

It was a happy day for a country that had been under Spain's rule (1492-1898) and then occupied by the US until 1902.

Of course, Cuba's history was shattered by the communist takeover of 1959 and the subsequent Castro family dictatorship.

Maybe Cubans will someday enjoy a real independence day from this tyrannical and oppressive regime.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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1902: Cuba Independence Day

Image result for cuba 1902 images
On this day in 1902, Cuba became an independent country.   

I recall my grandmother's stories of celebrations, parties, Cuban flags hanging from windows and a general sense of happiness around the island.   I should add that she was 10 and born when Cuba was still a Spanish colony.

Of course, independence did not fix Cuba's problems.  The island went through several ups and downs, government changes and the communist takeover of 1959.

Cuba did enjoy a lot of success in the first half of  the 20th century.   The island nation achieved macro-economic success, from per capita income to literacy.   Unfortunately, Cuba's political problems made it difficult for country to enjoy a stable political climate.

Maybe Cuba will eventually celebrate another independence day as a democratic country.  We hope so!

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   

1902: Another anniversary of Cuba's Independence Day

Tomas Estrada Palma, Presidente de la Republica de Cuba', 1902 ...
On this day in 1902, Cuba became an independent country.   

I recall my grandmother's stories of celebrations, parties, Cuban flags hanging from windows and a general sense of happiness around the island.   I should add that she was 10 and born when Cuba was still a Spanish colony.

Of course, independence did not fix Cuba's problems.  The island went through several ups and downs, government changes and the communist takeover of 1959.

Cuba did enjoy a lot of success in the first half of  the 20th century.   The island nation achieved macro-economic success, from per capita income to literacy.   Unfortunately, Cuba's political problems made it difficult for country to enjoy a stable political climate.

Maybe Cuba will eventually celebrate another independence day as a democratic country.  We hope so!

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).    This is a show from 2016:

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