On Monday night, our local PBS station showed “Created Equal…..Clarence Thomas in his own words.”
It was a great documentary and I learned a few things about his early days and marriage.
Like some of you, I recall the day that President Bush nominated him. I happened to be with my father that day and he seemed very happy with the choice. He told me that Thomas would make a great justice because he faced a lot of adverisity coming up in life. (On a personal note, “overcoming adversity” was a theme that my late father would always go back to. It made people tougher and better, he would say)
Then came Anita Hill and the documentary became very intense. It was interesting to watch then Senator Joe Biden and the late Senator Ted Kennedy sitting next to him. Am I the only person watching who thought that Biden made a fool of himself talking about “natural law”? Clarence Thomas couldn’t understand what he was saying either.
Two things really struck me about the documentary:
First, Justice Thomas reminded his opponents that the “Tarring and feathering” would eventually come back to get them. He must have been thinking about now candidate for president Joe Biden who faces a 1993 sexual misconduct allegation a lot more credible than Anita Hill’s. I wonder if Mrs. Biden understands the pain that Mrs. Thomas went through?
Second, the media and the Democrats had no trouble believing Hill. You can see in the documentary how they all lined up to support a woman who had absolutely no proof of anything. It all looked so eerily similar to the effort to get Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
In the documentary, Justice Thomas often said that he was “the wrong kind of black man” or a reference to his conservative views. Yes, this is true.
What it’s also true is the damage that Roe v Wade has done to the Democrats. They go to such lengths to defend the opinion, from destroying a decent man to the governor of Michigan shutting down every medical procedure except abortions.
I’ll say it again. Overturning Roe v Wade may be the only way to save the Democrat Party from its crazy demons.
In the meantime, watch “Created Equal,” because it was great.
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