"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Friday, August 31, 2018
Friday's video: The midterms around the corner
The midterms around the corner
2018: Trump vs Sanders: https://t.co/lBvqG2BN2G via @YouTube— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) August 31, 2018
A new amigo who creates jobs
We have not seen the details of the U.S.-Mexico trade agreement. So let’s wait for the text to make a final conclusion.
Nevertheless, we can say a couple of things.
First, it could be better for U.S. workers than NAFTA, as Vox points out:
So far, the new United States-Mexico Trade Agreement seems a lot like NAFTA, though Canada has yet to opt in as it continues negotiations. Agricultural products would remain tariff-free under the new deal, and there is still no required renegotiation every five years (which Trump wanted).It would be harder, however, for businesses to claim harm from unfair trade practices.But there is one striking difference from NAFTA: The new pact includes several labor rules meant to benefit workers on both sides of the border.For example, Mexico has agreed to pass a law giving workers the right to real union representation, and to adopt other labor laws that meet international standards set forth by the United Nations.American auto companies that assemble their cars in Mexico would also need to use more US-made car parts to avoid tariffs, which would help US factory workers.And about 40 percent of those cars would need to be made by workers earning at least $16 an hour — three times more than Mexico’s minimum wage.
My translation: Both sides got to claim victory. President Trump and incoming Presidente Andrés Lopez-Obrador will both claim that they are protecting their workers. Please remember that both men ran against NAFTA because it was a lousy deal! Both men are also strong nationalists.
Also, what I hear from Mexican businessmen is that everyone south of the border wants President Trump to stick it to China.
My second point is that this deal shows significant pragmatism on the Mexico side. They may not like President Trump’s style but they love what he is doing for the U.S. economy. It’s obvious that a U.S. economy growing at 4% or better is “muy bueno” for Mexico.
So what happened? The Mexicans love their new “amigo” up here or the one who is creating jobs and allowing U.S. citizens to buy more avocados and lots of other things “Hecho en Mexico”.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
More PC madness: Apollo 11 and no US flag?

This is your PC madness post for today: "New Film About Neil Armstrong Omits American Flag From Moon Landing...."
According to the movie, the US flag is not necessary because Apollo 11 "transcended countries and borders..."
What does that mean?
Yes, Apollo 11 was celebrated around the world but it was a US achievement. It was made possible by US ingenuity and leadership.
So drop the anti-Americanism and political correctness. Boycott the movie and tell movie makers that you don't appreciate their pathetic rewriting of history.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
How big will illegal immigration be in the midterms?
The latest Rasmussen Reports is very interesting:
Voters continue to believe illegal immigration is a major problem, and few feel the government is doing enough to handle it.What does it mean? It means that the public understands the value of immigration but does not support illegal immigration.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 68% of Likely U.S. Voters think illegal immigration is a serious problem in America today, with 43% who consider it Very Serious.
Based on this poll, and it is a poll in this season of many pollsters being wrong, the GOP should benefit from talking about the dangers of illegal immigration.
The Democrats should be careful or risk caring more for illegal immigrants than the rest of the population.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
July 2010 and the Democrat Congress votes to fund the wars
A post from July 2010:
Be careful about winning elections....you may be expected to keep your promises and actually govern!
Yesterday, the Dems voted 148-102 to support Pres BO's Afghan war effort. It passed because Republicans voted 160-32!
Yes, it passed but this is a sign of things to come.
It won't be fun for Pres BO, specially when he has to tell the base that the July 2011 deadline was just words, or telling them what they wanted to hear!
What a difference a couple of years makes. Two years ago, "hope and change" had a speech and a solution for everything.
And he had lots of "screamers" digesting every "yes we can" nonsense coming from the candidate's teleprompter.
And he will soon have to break another one, i.e. the Bush tax cuts on dividends and capital gains that expire on January 1st!
I'd bet he does!
This is one fairy tale that has gone off script!
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
September 2010: Let's talk about the 2010 elections!
A post from September 2010:
We sat down with Richard Baehr of American Thinker to review the polling data for the 2010 elections.
Richard alerted us to some good news for Republicans in the West Virginia and New York Senate races.
We also looked at the governors' races, a largely unreported story in 2010! Could the Republicans sweep the Midwest, including Illinois?
During the interview, Richard brought George Will's new article to our attention:
"Political analyst Charles Cook doesn't hire dummies, and one of his talented associates, David Wasserman, has this theory: Democratic members of Congress who are in peril are disproportionately from districts where Democrats preferred Hillary Clinton over Obama in 2008.It sounds like the folks "clinging to their guns and religion" are a bit restless this year!
She decisively beat Obama in the 8th District with 63 percent, and in November 2008 her voters were not Obama swooners: They simply hired him to fix the economy."
Click here for our interview with Richard Baehr:
November 2010: The night that "Obama-mania" ended in the US!

A post from November 2010:
It wasn't supposed to be this way. However, US voters have sent Pres BO, and all of the Obama-mania around the planet, an unpleasant message.
The voters were clear:
We do not want to look like another "welfare state" European country.
We do not want socialized medicine! (Democrats who voted for their party's signature domestic achievement dropped like flies throughout the evening, adding credence to Republicans' claim that the American public wants them to repeal healthcare reform.)
We want the federal government to get out of our lives!
We want an administration that will protect our borders rather than one that sues a state in the middle of the border crossfire.
Last night, Dems went down because the Arizona lawsuit and BO-Care turned into huge burdens for the party!
Here are more reactions to last night's election:
Rep Grayson, a first rate jerk in the US House, was defeated! He will probably now join the MSNBC prime time schedule.
Conservative Hispanics had a huge night: Flores and Canseco in Texas! We have new Hispanic governors in New Mexico and Nevada. And there is always Rubio in Florida.
Where does Pres BO go from here?
He now has a Dem minority in the House that is more leftist and liberal than ever! How long before they break with Pres BO on Afghanistan?
He also must deal with a Republican majority that is more conservative and willing to challenge him directly.
On the negative side, we passed up a great opportunity to pick up a seat in Nevada?
Click here for our show:
Conservative Hispanics had a huge night: Flores and Canseco in Texas! We have new Hispanic governors in New Mexico and Nevada. And there is always Rubio in Florida.
Where does Pres BO go from here?
He now has a Dem minority in the House that is more leftist and liberal than ever! How long before they break with Pres BO on Afghanistan?
He also must deal with a Republican majority that is more conservative and willing to challenge him directly.
On the negative side, we passed up a great opportunity to pick up a seat in Nevada?
Click here for our show:
November 2010: A very good Election Day for the GOP!

A post from November 2010:
Making predictions in mid-terms is risky.
However, I am very confident to write this: The GOP will win the House but fall short in the US Senate.
What number? 45-50 seats in the House! (They need 39)
6-8 in the US Senate! (They need 10)
Let's put our money on Gallup:
"The results are from Gallup's Oct. 28-31 survey of 1,539 likely voters. It finds 52% to 55% of likely voters preferring the Republican candidate and 40% to 42% for the Democratic candidate on the national generic ballot -- depending on turnout assumptions.
Gallup's analysis of several indicators of voter turnout from the weekend poll suggests turnout will be slightly higher than in recent years, at 45%.
This would give the Republicans a 55% to 40% lead on the generic ballot, with 5% undecided."
Charlie Cook is predicting 50-60 in the House and 6-8 in the Senate.
Like previous mid-terms, it will come down to "turnout". Therefore, we should know something about "turnout" in the late afternoon.
No matter what, Pres BO will have a very different Congress.
Click here for our chat with Bill Katz & Clifford Bazar:
August 2010: It is looking good for the Republicans in the US Senate, too!
A post from August 2010:
A few months ago, it was inconceivable to say that the Republicans had a chance to win the US Senate.
It looks possible today!
Richard Baehr joined us for a discussion of US Senate races in 2010.
We spoke about California, where Sen Boxer is currently under 50%.
What about the House?
Richard also pointed out that the Republicans are doing well in the "generic vote", specially the last Rasmussen poll that has the GOP up by 12!
Check out Richard's archives!
Click here for the show. Richard is in our third segment:
August 2010: Good night for Republicans and the US Senate?

A post from August 2010:
Who would have believed this a year ago?
It looks like the Republicans will pick up 6-7 seats.
Nate Silver, a pollster who got lots of predictions right in 2008, wrote this:
"The Democrats now have an approximately 20 percent chance of losing 10 or more seats in the Senate, according to the model, which would cost them control of the chamber unless Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, who is running for the Senate as an independent, both wins his race and decides to caucus with them. "The Dems' Senate problems are just like all of their electoral problems: The economy and a growing perception that the Obama administration is just spending a little too much money.
We are not popping champagne yet. In fact, I have not even ordered my champagne either.
However, you have to like the Republicans' position.
Here is the bottom line: I'd rather be in the Republican campaign manager than one for the Dems.
Click for "Thursday's thoughts":

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