A post from August 2010:
Who would have believed this a year ago?
It looks like the Republicans will pick up 6-7 seats.
Nate Silver, a pollster who got lots of predictions right in 2008, wrote this:
"The Democrats now have an approximately 20 percent chance of losing 10 or more seats in the Senate, according to the model, which would cost them control of the chamber unless Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, who is running for the Senate as an independent, both wins his race and decides to caucus with them. "The Dems' Senate problems are just like all of their electoral problems: The economy and a growing perception that the Obama administration is just spending a little too much money.
We are not popping champagne yet. In fact, I have not even ordered my champagne either.
However, you have to like the Republicans' position.
Here is the bottom line: I'd rather be in the Republican campaign manager than one for the Dems.
Click for "Thursday's thoughts":