A post from November 2007:
Naomi Wolf is going around saying that Bush is a Hitler-fascist. She adds that Bush-Cheney have turned the US into some Nazi police state. (Fascist America, in 10 easy steps)
I should add that Naomi is part of a left wing movement totally out of control.
By the way, Miss Wolf (or is it Ms. Wolf) is not a political virgin. She was an adviser to Pres. Clinton's reelection and worked as a consultant to VP Gore's campaign. She is well known for allegedly advising VP Gore to look more "male", a reference to the electoral fact that men vote Republican in overwhelming numbers!
I guess that Naomi was concerned that VP Gore did not come across as an "alpha male" to all of those southern and mountain states' women who don't care for "wimpy" men!
My point is that Naomi is not some civil libertarian who woke up one morning and discovered that Bush is a fascist.
She is a partisan who conveniently overlooked what Pres. Clinton did and finds criticism in everything that Pres. Bush does!
Back to Naomi and the police state. What is Naomi putting in her coffee, tea or whatever else she drinks?
Where was Naomi when Pres. Clinton created secret prisons to hold terrorists? (Clinton Created Secret CIA Prisons)
Where was Naomi when Pres. Clinton signed an executive order saying that FISA did not apply to him? (Clinton Claimed Authority to Order No-Warrant Searches: Does anyone remember that? by Byron York) Bush and Clinton had the same view of FISA but the anti-Bushies don't admit it! They kept their silence in the 1990s and blew their top when it was announced that Bush was authorizing the NSA to listen to the calls!
Again, Pres. Clinton was right. FISA and The War Powers Act were legislative intrusions on executive powers. The Constitution makes the president our commander in chief. We don't need legislative interventions on his responsibilities to defend the nation. Under Article 2, the president has the right, and duty, to listen to what our enemy is saying. Just read about Lincoln, Wilson, FDR and Truman!
Where was Naomi when Pres. Clinton sent troops unilaterally into Haiti or Bosnia? Just asking!
Where was Naomi when Pres. Clinton bombed Iraq because no one at the UN (except for PM Blair of the UK) cared that Saddam Hussein kicked out the inspectors in 1998? Again, I'm just asking and looking for some consistency!
I guess that Naomi took a very partisan nap through the 1990s!
Frankly, where was Naomi when Pres. Clinton used our military without going to Congress?
Pres. Bush, like his father in 1990, went to Congress in Oct' 02 and got a resolution that was strongly supported by the likes of John Edwards and Hillary Clinton!
Last, but not least, where was feminist Naomi when Pres. Clinton used public resources to destroy Monica Lewsinski for saying that she had "whatever the two had" in the Oval Office? What would have happened to Monica if she had not saved her "blue dress"?
Again, Naomi slept through the 90s!
Back to the very partisan Naomi Wolf.
She gets to go from station to station to sell a book.
To my knowledge, she has not been detained and thrown in jail without a trial. On the contrary, Naomi is making money and getting to speak everywhere without any intervention by "Bush's secret police".
At some point, responsible liberals need to stand up and put down people like Naomi Wolf.
Yes, we can disagree. Making a connection between Hitler fascism, and any US president, is so insane that it makes me sick.
We are not losing our freedoms. In fact, it is people like David Horowitz and former AG Gonzalez who are losing their freedoms when leftist mobs rush the stage and do not allow them to speak.
Where is Naomi on those fascist tactics?
Naomi Wolf has not lost her freedom to write a book, go on TV and call Bush a Hitler! Again, her book has not been banned by evil Bush.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.