A post from November 2010:
It wasn't supposed to be this way. However, US voters have sent Pres BO, and all of the Obama-mania around the planet, an unpleasant message.
The voters were clear:
We do not want to look like another "welfare state" European country.
We do not want socialized medicine! (Democrats who voted for their party's signature domestic achievement dropped like flies throughout the evening, adding credence to Republicans' claim that the American public wants them to repeal healthcare reform.)
We want the federal government to get out of our lives!
We want an administration that will protect our borders rather than one that sues a state in the middle of the border crossfire.
Last night, Dems went down because the Arizona lawsuit and BO-Care turned into huge burdens for the party!
Here are more reactions to last night's election:
Rep Grayson, a first rate jerk in the US House, was defeated! He will probably now join the MSNBC prime time schedule.
Conservative Hispanics had a huge night: Flores and Canseco in Texas! We have new Hispanic governors in New Mexico and Nevada. And there is always Rubio in Florida.
Where does Pres BO go from here?
He now has a Dem minority in the House that is more leftist and liberal than ever! How long before they break with Pres BO on Afghanistan?
He also must deal with a Republican majority that is more conservative and willing to challenge him directly.
On the negative side, we passed up a great opportunity to pick up a seat in Nevada?
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Conservative Hispanics had a huge night: Flores and Canseco in Texas! We have new Hispanic governors in New Mexico and Nevada. And there is always Rubio in Florida.
Where does Pres BO go from here?
He now has a Dem minority in the House that is more leftist and liberal than ever! How long before they break with Pres BO on Afghanistan?
He also must deal with a Republican majority that is more conservative and willing to challenge him directly.
On the negative side, we passed up a great opportunity to pick up a seat in Nevada?
Click here for our show: