A post from September 2008
Unlike Senator Obama or Governor Palin, Senator McCain did not need a big speech to introduce himself.
We know McCain. He has been around for 25 years. McCain has been in the middle of every domestic and national security issue since the Reagan administration.
Last night, McCain called for a change in Washington.
McCain wants Washington to work and get things done. Like most of us, he is tired of Democrats and Republicans yelling at each other.
On national security, I think that we can easily deduct that our enemies know who McCain is.
I think that Iran knows that McCain will negotiate but won't be afraid to take out the nuclear plants if necessary. My guess is that France and Germany understand that McCain will call on them to put up or shut up in NATO. How much longer can the Afghanistan War be fought by US, UK and Canadian guys?
Overall, the speech was a typical McCain speech.
Great orator? No!
Potentially a great president? Absolutely yes!