Friday, January 09, 1970

2013 post: President Nixon (1913-1994)

A post from 2013:

President Nixon was born in California 100 years ago today.  He continues to be the most controversial president of the last 50 years.  He is admired and hated, loved and despised.

President Nixon was really the first politician that I followed.  I recall the '68 and '72 campaigns as a student.  Who will ever forget his trip to China?  or the resignation speech?  or the farewell speech the day that he left and Pres Ford came in?

Time has actually been kind to President Nixon.  He is now remembered as a great foreign policy strategist who managed the US out of Vietnam and opened the door to China.   His post presidency books are great, from "Leaders" to his incredible memoirs titled "RN".

Of course, Watergate will always be on the resume, too.

President Nixon also had a very nice family.  Mrs Nixon was a wonderful First Lady.  His two daughters are great.

It does not seem possible but Pres Nixon would have turned 100 today.  I guess that it also means that I am getting older too.

Happy birthday Pres Nixon!

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Zsa Zsa Gabor and the “Queen of Outer Space”

On Saturday morning, I was flipping channels and caught a bit of “Queen of Outer Space”, another one of those science fiction movies from the 1950s.    
It was not really science fiction.   The good news is that I got to see a young Zsa Zsa Gabor.   I had never seen too much of her before “Green Acres”.
It’s a story of US astronauts who end up in a planet run by women.   Yes, all of the women were beautiful and wore short skirts.
It was silly but a lot of fun to watch.    Here is the trailer.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column.

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