President Eisenhower said goodbye on this day in 1961. His speech came after 8 years as president nd an impressive military career.
Many remember this speech for one line about the "military industrial complex".
Some say that his speech was misunderstood or that the line was taken out of context. Others say that he was warning us about a corrupt relationship between government and the military industry., it was not the anti-military speech that so many in the left make it out to be, as David Greenberg pointed out.
Many remember this speech for one line about the "military industrial complex".
Some say that his speech was misunderstood or that the line was taken out of context. Others say that he was warning us about a corrupt relationship between government and the military industry., it was not the anti-military speech that so many in the left make it out to be, as David Greenberg pointed out.
Overall, a good speech that should be read for what it said, i.e. spend wisely and watch for corruption.
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