Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yes, President Obama should have spoken to Univision, but…

(My new Babalu post)

Jorge Ramos of Univision was right when he "...took to Twitter to call out Obama for not including Univision in his big pre-Syria address media blitz, calling it a wasted opportunity."
It's true.  I agree with Jorge Ramos!
President Obama should have spoken to Unvision because there are thousands of Hispanics serving in the armed forces. Their parents, and older grandparents, would benefit from hearing their president in a Spanish interview.
You can put my mother in that group since we have a son in the US Army.
Furthermore, some of Univision's affiliates, such as Channel 23 in Dallas, have huge audiences for their newscasts.
So why didn't he?
First, he remembers his trip to Univision last September. It was not pretty.  He was confronted with difficult questions about Benghazi, "Fast & Furious" and others.  Also, he does not want to talk about immigration reform.   It's going to be very difficult to deliver immigration reform with so many Democrats facing a tough reelection.
Add the recent "job reports" and it will be very hard to legalize people competing with US workers out of work!
Second, President Obama is gambling that Hispanics won't punish him for skipping the Spanish speaking networks.
Frankly, Hispanics have not punished him so far despite some incredibly lackluster results!
For example, he never proposed immigration reform despite huge Democrat majorities.  Yet, they still voted for him!
Unemployment in Hispanic districts is bad, i.e. "si se puede" really means "no se puede" when it comes to looking for work.  Yet, he is still popular!
And check out the lousy public schools in our inner cities.
How bad are the public schools in our big cities?  Well,  the Obama daughters went to private schools in Chicago and continued that tradition when they moved to Washington DC.
Today's Democrat party has a simple message:  Private schools for the children of Obama, Biden, Kerry, Gore and the Clintons.  Public schools for you who keep reelecting us!
The Obama White House is betting that Hispanics won't care that he doesn't care about them.
Sadly, the White House has been winning that bet for 5 years!
Unfortunately, there are too many Hispanics too happy to hear meaningless "5 de Mayo" speeches rather than expect results from this president.
We repeat: Why should President Obama care about people who will carry his water no matter what he does?
Hispanics need to learn an important lesson or they won't ever be an electoral factor in US politics. There is more to being relevant than demographics!
There are two kinds of voters in the world:
a) automatic voters....politicians remember those on Election Day;
and more importantly,
b) independent voters.....those are the ones that you court and pay attention to.
Unfortunately, there are too many Hispanos voting automatically for Obama and that's why he takes them for granted.
P.S. Check out my show CANTO TALK here.

Tags: Univision and President Obama  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

A quick reaction to the speech

The speech came and went.  My guess is that little changed.  President Obama made a passionate speech about chemical weapons and their deadly consequences.  Unfortunately, he did not really explain how a "very small attack" is going to change anything in Syria.

With respect to the "Russian plan", it sounds a bit too good to be true. 

According to the "plan", Syria will give up their WMDs to the international community or UN.   Who will supervise the transfer or inspections?   what happens to Assad?

What about the Russian demand that the US must call off military action?

The speech did give a Congress an excuse (or "diplomatic pause") to delay a vote on military action.  By the way, all indications were that President Obama would lose big in the House and win a very slim victory in the Senate.

Where are we after this speech?   About the same as before the speech, except that Congress won't have to vote.

Tags: A quick reaction to the speech  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Dear Secretary Kerry: Can you stop lying about your Iraq War votes?

The Washington Post gave 4 Pinocchio today to Secretary Kerry for his statements about the Iraq War vote:

"Many politicians have a tendency to look back at their past statements with rose-colored glasses.  But given that Kerry has now twice in recent months made the claim that he opposed the war in Iraq, this is clearly not a case of a momentary slip-up.

For Kerry, the uncomfortable fact remains that he voted to authorize the use of force against Iraq, he believed the intelligence that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and he said there was little choice but to launch an invasion to disarm him. Kerry may have been highly critical of Bush’s diplomatic efforts in advance of the invasion, but that is not the same thing as opposing the war when it started.It’s time for the secretary to stop making this claim. 
In trying to make a distinction between his vote to authorize the war and his later dismay at how it turned out, Kerry earns Four Pinocchios."
The good news is that Secretary Kerry got caught playing these word games.  The bad news is that he is our Secretary of State.

Tags: Iraq War votes and John Kerry  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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