"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
The judge goes red
The judge goes red - American Thinker https://t.co/FAeHxkATGo
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) December 11, 2024
Election Day was pretty red in Texas and a Democrat is switching parties. Check this out:
A Texas judge representing a county flipped by Donald Trump in this year’s presidential race announced he is leaving the Democratic Party to become a Republican on Tuesday.
Trump, who defeated Vice President Kamala Harris in November, made substantial gains this year in South Texas, home to a high Latino population that has traditionally leaned toward voting Democratic.
Nationwide, he cut into Democrats’ margins in several voting groups — including among Latino, Asian and young voters — leaving the Democratic Party questioning how it can regain trust from these communities in upcoming elections.
Democrats were dealt another political blow on Tuesday in South Texas after Webb County Judge Tano Tijerina announced he would switch his party to Republican during an interview with Fox & Friends. Webb County sits on the U.S.-Mexico border and has become integral to the national debate surrounding immigration.
“Over the years, I’ve watched the Democratic Party shift further and further to the left, and leaving the values that I hold dear to my heart. I’ve always been a conservative, and the radicalization of the national Democrats pushed me away a long time ago. For that reason, I’m proud to announce I will be leaving the Democratic Party and joining the Republican Party,” he said.
Judge Tijerina is fed up with a party moving to the Left. Where have we heard that before?
Unfortunately, a lot of Democrats in Texas are more in tune with San Francisco values than the more traditional values, and common sense, that defines our state.
The judge is also fed up with the out-of-control border issues devastating police departments and small-town budgets, the crazy demonization of the oil and gas industry, and transgender women in sports. I cannot speak for the judge but I think he is saying is that his former party has checked its common sense at the door. It’s hard to disagree with the judge on that observation.
So goodbye Joe, the judge goes red.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
1964: Sam Cooke died in Los Angeles
Sam Cooke was one of the best male singers of the early 1960's. His life ended abruptly on this day in 1964.
Sam Cooke was a great singer.
December 11, 1959: Roger Maris from the A's to the Yankees
"December 11, 1959 is a day of infamy for Kansas City sports fans of a certain age.On that day, Kansas City traded Roger Maris to the New York Yankees.We will never know why Maris did not go to the White Sox.....he did go to the Yankees and had back to back MVP seasons and broke Babe Ruth's record in his second year in New York.
In addition to Maris, the Yankees received Joe DeMaestri and Kent Hadley.
Kansas City got Norm Siebern, Don Larsen, Hank Bauer, and Marv (soon to become "Marvelous") Throneberry.After winning four pennants in a row, the Yankees had finished a distant third in 1959.
Maris would help revive their fortunes, as they won five pennants in row starting in 1960.
Indeed, he would be selected as the American League's MVP not just in 1961, when he broke Babe Ruth's home run record, but also in 1960.During the 1959 off-season, the Chicago White Sox traded five quality players or prospects -- Norm Cash, John Romano, Johnny Callision, Earl Battey, and Don Mincher -- in the hope of bolstering their power hitting, acquiring Minnie Minoso, Gene Freese, and Roy Sievers.
You might wonder why the White Sox didn't package a few of the players they dealt in a trade for Maris.
After all, it was no secret that Maris, then 25 years old, was probably going to be a big star."
Roger Maris is one of my all time players because he was a quiet performer, a fellow who played hard and did not seek unnecessary attention.
Maris was traded to St.Louis and played for the Cardinals in the 1967 and 1968 series. (By the way, the 1968 WS was the last played before the leagues were split into divisions in 1969)
Today, we remember Roger Maris, a great hitter, a real gentleman and one of the best left handed power hitters in MLB history.
December 2011: They told me that Chavez and "Hollywood-ies" would trash the president if I voted for McCain.....
The "thrill is gone" as someone used to sing. I think that it was BB King!
"Hugo Chávez blasted President Barack Obama as a “clown” and an “embarrassment” who has turned the United States into a “disaster” after Obama criticized Venezuela’s ties with Iran and Cuba, according to a report Tuesday."
Have you replaced your LPs with CDs?

Back in '66, my parents bought a GE record player. It was a big deal for our family. It gave us an excuse to buy our first singles and LP.
The five singles, or 45s, were "Nowhere man" by The Beatles, "Sloop John B" by The Beach Boys, "At the scene" by The Dave Clark Five, "19th Nervous breakdown" by The Rolling Stones and "You are she" by Chad & Jeremy.
A few days later, we bought our first LP "Greatest Hits" by The Dave Clark Five. You can replace this one with the CD Box "The history of the Dave Clark Five".
I sold the 45s to a collector in Mexico. However, we still have the LP's.
Over the last few years, I have been replacing my old LPs with new CDs.
My first choices were:
1) "Rubber Soul" by The Beatles (US version). What else can you say about an LP that includes "Norwegian Wood", "Michelle", "Girl" and "In my life"? Add "I'm looking through you" and its almost perfect. The UK version, which included "Nowhere Man" was actually the first one released as a CD. Yet, they recently put out the US version, which is the one that I grew up listening to.
2) "High Tide and Green Grass" by The Rolling Stones. This is a collection of the Stones' 1964-66 hits. You can replace this one with a box set called "The London Years", which includes every single, including a lot of B-sides. Some of the Stones' B-sides were excellent, such as "We love you" (B-side of "Dandelion"), "Child of the moon" (B-side of "Jumpin' Jack Flash") and "Sad Day" (B-side of "19th Nervous Breakdown").
3) "First" by The Bee Gees. As the title indicates, this was the first US release. It included "New York Mining Disaster", "To love somebody" and "Holiday". It also includes "Turn of the century", which should have been released as a single.
4) "Horizontal" by The Bee Gees. This one sounds better on CD than just about any other pop album.
5) "This is The Moody Blues" (Double LP). Again, this one sounds great on CD. I love "Tuesday afternoon" and "Isn't life strange".
6) "Revolver" by The Beatles. I think that 1966 was the best Beatles' year. This one includes "Eleanor Rigby", "For no one" and the unusual "Tomorrow never knows". My favorite is still "Taxman"!
7) "Main course" by The Bee Gees. This is the LP that included "Jive Talkin" and the wonderful "Nights on Broadway". It also has two of the Bee Gees' best songs--"Come on over" and "Baby as you turn away".
There are others but I can't buy them all at once!
More on this later. It is an ongoing project!