Saturday, December 28, 2024

We remember President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

President Woodrow Wilson was born on this day in 1856 in Virginia.  He was the 28th president of the US (1913-21).  He died in 1824.

Before The White House, Mr. Wilson was a college professor, university president and governor of New Jersey.     

Mr. Wilson got 42% of the popular vote in 1912 but carried most of the states in a 3-way race.   His reelection in 1916 was very close:  277-254.

A few months ago, I watched the movie "Wilson" released in 1944.   It is a very favorable movie of Mr. Wilson and his presidency.   We also leaned a lot about Mrs. Wilson, who died during his first term, and the second Mrs. Wilson, who was a rather controversial figure.

Overall, a good movie that takes you back to a time when men wore hats and ladies dressed rather elegantly.   

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