Friday, October 18, 2024

The day Reggie became Mr. October

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(My new American Thinker post)

Yes, I remember watching this: it was game 6 of the 1977 World Series. Reggie Jackson hit three HR in a row off three different pitchers: Burt Hooton, Elias Sosa, and Charlie Hough. And then he became Mr. October! This is the story:

"Legendary ABC play-by-play man Keith Jackson set the scene as Reggie Jackson stepped to the plate in the bottom of the eighth of Game 6 of the 1977 World Series.

“Reggie Jackson has seen two pitches in the strike zone tonight. Two. And he’s hit them both in the seats,” Jackson said on the night of Oct. 18, 1977.  A 10-second pause followed as the capacity crowd at Yankee Stadium cheered New York’s right fielder.  Then, Dodgers pitcher Charlie Hough went into his windup and delivered.

“High…” Keith Jackson said as he began to describe the ball that Jackson smashed to center field.

But that was all he could manage before his broadcast partner, Howard Cosell, excitedly interrupted him.   

“Goodbye! Oh, what a blow! What a way to top it off!” Cosell yelled as the ball bounced off the black-painted batter’s eye and into a fan’s waiting hands. “Forget about who the Most Valuable Player is in the World Series. How this man has responded to pressure.”

Those were the days. Keith Jackson calling a baseball game and Howard Cosell always sharing his thoughts. How do you beat that?

1977 was Jackson's first year with the Yankees: .286 BA, 32 HR & 110 RBI and a great post season. Overall, Jackson hit .357 with 10 HR & 24 RBI in 27 World Series games with Oakland and New York.

I remember watching this game with mixed feelings. On one hand, I always appreciate players from any sport doing something historic. On the other hand, I did not really like Jackson because he was a "hot dog" as we called them back then. He was also a hot dog who hit massive home runs, especially when I was cheering for the Orioles against the A's in the ALCS or against the Yankees in those late 1970s AL East pennant races. It just seemed that Jackson would figure out some way of killing my team. So I hated him in that sort of way that baseball fans hate the big bat on the other team.

My hatred for Jackson is now long game. So I just smile now watching those old videos of Reggie circling the bases and loving every accolade coming from the crowd. Yes, no one loved attention more than Jackson. Unlike others, this Jackson earned each one even if at times you'd wish our pitcher would nail him in the back the next time he batted.

P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

1469: Ferdinand married Isabella

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P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page. 


On this day in 1469, 20-year-old Ferdinand of Aragon married 18-year old Isabella of Castile.  On the surface, it sounds like another wedding between a couple of young royals.  In reality, it turned out to be one of the most consequential marriages in world history.

First, it united all of the dominions of Spain into what would become the world's foremost military power.

Years later, they sponsored Columbus's trip, and the rest is the good history we used to learn in school before the P.C. crowd decided to spoil our celebrations of Columbus Day.  The trips convinced the royal couple to encourage colonial activity in the New World, leading to a period of great prosperity and imperial supremacy for Spain. 

In 1492 — or, incredibly, the same year that Columbus departed on his trip, they ordered all Spanish Jews to convert to Christianity or face expulsion from Spain.  The Muslims were also driven out of Spain during their very consequential reign.

They were what we would call today a power couple, as Kathy Copeland Padden wrote:

They had an incredibly modern relationship in many ways, with Isabella on an equal par with her husband.  They enjoyed a profound love and mutual respect in their relationship, tirelessly working together to achieve their aims.

In Ferdinand and Isabella's estimation, their crowning achievement wasn't expanding their empire to include the New World, or uniting the various dominions that would become modern Spain.  They believed their greatest accomplishment was driving out all Muslims from their country.

They both died young:  Ferdinand died in 1516 and Isabella in 1504.

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