Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Mr. Clinton: Check with Spain about importing baby-makers

Mr. Clinton: Check with Spain about importing baby-makers: A few days ago, I heard a Spanish politician complain about the birth rates, currently way less than the 2.1 per woman needed to maintain a population.  Then, the lady went on to say that we will have to import immigrants to boost the births…
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Memories of Mark Holtz (1942-97) on the radio

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Maybe I'm old fashioned but baseball is best on the radio.  Of course, I like to watch the games on TV but a good radio announcer is still my favorite.

Mark Holtz was born in October 1942 and passed away in 1997.   He was added to the Rangers' Hall of Fame a few years ago.   Holtz was the radio voice of the Rangers from 1982 until 1997, or when he died of cancer.

Holtz made a very bad team interesting.   Mark had terrible Rangers' teams for much of his broadcasting career.    Yet, it was fun to turn on the radio at 7 PM and hear Mark introduce the starting lineup.

Sadly, Holtz passed away and was not around for the '98 and '99 division titles or the back to back trips to The World Series in 2010 and 2011.   

Holtz did broadcast the '96 season, including the Friday night pennant clincher, the first one in team history.   The Rangers clinched in the 10th inning of the 160th game when the news came in that Oakland had beaten Seattle. It was pure joy to hear Mark Holtz say that the Rangers were the AL West champs for '96. It was just great!

I remember 3 of Mark's greatest radio calls:

First, it was Nolan Ryan's 6th no hitter in Oakland. ("The Ryan Express has done it again"....screamed Holtz as the team mobbed Ryan)

Second, Ryan's 7th no hitter. ("He struck him out swinging" was the last line of the game)

Third, Kenny Rogers' perfect game from the summer of '94.

Holtz was not smooth like Vince Scouly but he was great.

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1983 World Series: Scott McGregor beat Phillies 5-0

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The Orioles played in their second World Series in 5 years.   They lost to the Pirates in 1979 but beat the Phillies in 1983.    Scott McGregor pitched beautifully and Eddie Murray hit a couple of home runs.    

Great win for the O's.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

We remember Tim McCarver (1941-2023)

We remember Tim McCarver who was born on this day in 1941.     Tim broke with the Cardinals in 1959 and became one of the best catchers in the game.   He retired with a .271 batting average in 1,909 games.   After baseball, he became a great TV analyst.

He died in 2023.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

1975 World Series: Would replay have overturned the controversial Fisk-Ambrister play?

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 The 1975  World Series was probably the best post-season series of our generation.  We all remember game 6 and a very good game 7.     

The Reds beat the Red Sox in 7 games and it was one great game after another.

In game 3, there was a controversial play at home:
"In the 10th, Reds pinch-hitter Ed Armbrister attempted a sacrifice bunt and bounced the ball in front of the plate. Catcher Carlton Fisk, in an attempt to field the ball, collided with Armbrister and threw the ball into center in an attempt to force Cesar Geronimo at second. Geronimo went to third -- and later scored the game-winner -- and Armbrister moved to second. Home plate umpire Larry Barnett ruled there was no interference despite heated protests by the Red Sox."
Wonder if replay would have reversed that call?

We remember the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis with Frank Burke


We remember the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis with Frank Burke 10/22 by Silvio Canto Jr | News Podcasts:

Guest: Frank Burke, businessman, author and contributor to American Thinker........we remembered The Cuban Missile Crisis on a podcast from 2016........He was in the US and I was in Cuba..........

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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