Friday, October 25, 2024

“Caravana esperando

“Caravana esperando: Down in Southern Mexico, there are lots of people following the U.S. elections. They are…..
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 Down in Southern Mexico, there are lots of people following the U.S. elections. They are "la caravana" in waiting or the people deciding when they go north. This is the story:

This town near the border of Guatemala holds a migrant time bomb ready to go off just after the US presidential election.

The fuse was lit in December 2023, when the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration sent senior lieutenants to Mexico to work out the details of what remains a highly mysterious grand diplomatic bargain.

Worried about what the optics of the southern border would do to their re-election chances -- though not the migrant crisis itself -- the White House wanted to stop the pictures of crowds of people gathered at the wall.

The deal was to have Mexico deploy 32,500 troops to the US border to round up untold thousands of intending border crossers from the northern precincts and force-ship them -- “internal deportation” by planes and buses -- thousands of miles to Mexico’s southern provinces and entrap them in cities like Tapachula in Chiapas state behind militarized roadblocks.

Mexico closed off most of its freight trains to migrant free riders, bulldozed northern camps, and patrolled relentlessly for more deportee targets.

Meanwhile, the administration increased “parole” programs that flew migrants directly from countries like Venezuela, thus avoiding the border entirely.

 Worried about optics? I guess you would be if you are presidential candidate trying to explain the disaster on the border.

What do we do? How does the Biden administration handle this? My guess is that this caravan will start to move north if Trump wins to try to sneak in before January 20th.

Let's hope that the next president, hopefully Trump, will sit down with "la presidenta" in Mexico and rewrite the rules. We can start by making it clear that these caravans will not cross the border and demand that Mexico do its part. I'm not sure if "la presidenta" will have the ability to stop these caravans because there lots of criminal elements moving these people. No matter what, we need to change the rules of the game and stop this madness or human trafficking.

P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

My reaction to VP Harris on CNN

We remember Bobby Thomson (1923-2010)

Bobby Thomson was born in Scotland on this day in 1923.   

A few years ago, Bill Katz of URGENT AGENDA alerted me to the passing of Bobby Thomson.    

Thomson was a very good player:   264 HR and one of the NL's best power hitters of the early 1950s! (averaged 102 RBI over a five-year stretch with the Giants from 1949-53)

However, he will always be remembered for hitting the greatest home run in baseball history:  A 1951 NL pennant clinching home run by a Giants team that was 14 games out of first place Brooklyn in June!  And the greatest radio baseball call ever!

Rest in peace Bobby Thomson! You gave us one of the greatest baseball moment ever!

 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Grenada 1983: A victory for the good guys and a big defeat for Cuba’s Castro

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Back on this day in 1983, President Reagan invaded Grenada.  It turned out to be a major victory against Fidel Castro and prevented the USSR from having another strategic piece of real estate over here.
Grenada was a small island where some U.S. citizens were attending medical school. Most people had never heard of Grenada or the Cuban efforts to turn the island into a communist beachhead, an important runway for Soviet MiGs. 
However, the Reagan administration had their eye on Grenada for some time. They knew the strategic importance of Grenada and its proximity to the Panama Canal.     
We also learned on this week in 1983 how foreign policy can force itself on the agenda.  
In Grenada, we saw President Reagan as the competent leader of the free world, or a man unwilling to let the USSR gain a strategic foothold over here. 
It was quite a week for leadership, President Reagan and the U.S. 
 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

October 25, 1764: Remembering the day that John Adams married Abigail Smith

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We enjoy posting about The Founding Fathers.  Today, we remember John Adams and his wife Abigail.  He was our first VP and second president (1797-1801).  She was our second First Lady and the mother of our 7th president, John Quincy Adams.
On October 25, 1764 John and Abigail were married.   They also wrote awesome letters about marriage, their children and views on so many issues dividing the colonies.  The letters are a great window into the Adams' lives, feelings and thoughts during those difficult days of The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the new government.
 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

President Reagan and Grenada 1983

Back in October 1983, I was in Mexico City visiting some clients.

On the day of the Grenada invasion, I attended a scheduled lunch at a local chamber of commerce. There were several Mexican businessmen and politicians at my table.  

We quickly started talking about the news of the day; President Reagan's decision to invade Grenada.

Grenada was a small island where US citizens were attending medical school. Most people had never heard of Grenada or the Cuban efforts to turn the island into a communist beachhead, an important runway for Soviet MIGs.

However, the Reagan administration had their eye on Grenada for some time. They knew the strategic importance of Grenada and its proximity to The Panama Canal. 

As I sat down to have lunch, I found their reactions to be surprising, especially given Mexico's criticism of US support of the UK in the Falklands the year before.

I prepared myself for a lot of criticism of President Reagan and "Yankee imperialists." To my pleasant surprise, I heard the exact opposite:

1) One politician directly said: "Carter would have never done this! He would have been afraid";

2) A businessman said: "This is why I love Reagan....the man is "un lider", i.e. a leader;

My favorite one came from one prominent Mexican politician who gave me the thumbs up and said: Reagan 1, Castro 0!

After the lunch meeting, I walked back to my office trying to understand their reactions.

I came to one conclusion: People like to see US leadership and determination. They want a strong president because a weak US president is such a lousy alternative.

Thank you President Reagan for pushing Fidel Castro back and giving communism a major defeat!

 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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