Friday, September 18, 2020

Beyond defund the police to alternatives to public education and more

Beyond defund the police to alternatives to public education and more 09/18 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

From 'defund the police' to 'who wants to be a police officer'......Biden flip flopping on fracking again.....Alternatives to public education are happening and it's not all about the pandemic...Chile 1810....Castro at the UN 1960.....and other to listen:

Friday’s video: We’re beyond “defund the police”

Alternatives to public education will boom

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A couple of weeks ago, I was at a church social and participated in a conversation about schools.  I was impressed with the numbers of parents in North Texas looking for alternatives to public education.  As I heard, this is a lot more than talk.  
“With the public school year underway nationwide — or else delayed beyond its normal start by labor actions and fearful policymakers — families getting an eyeful of what classes mean this year aren’t impressed by what they see. 
Even as school resumes, localities across the country report that parents are pulling their kids out to take a crack at one or another approach to home-based education. 
Nationally, the percentage of children being homeschooled may double, to 10 percent, from the figure reported in 2019.”  
This “alternative” education is more than just fear of the pandemic.  It is more important than that.  It is parents taking over their kids’ education from many public school districts promoting values that they don’t share.
For example, a schoolteacher in New York passed out an image comparing modern-day cops to slave owners and the Ku Klux Klan. How does that happen?  Why is this teacher still on the payroll?   How ignorant is this teacher?
There are other problems, including fights about bathrooms or boys playing on girls’ teams.
The pandemic is obviously a factor.  However, this movement has been growing for years and we may have reached the tipping point.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

1959: Disneyland said "no" to Nikita!

Image result for disneyland 1959 nikita images
(You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.    If you like our posts, drop a dime here.)

In 1959, Premier Nikita Khrushchev visited the US.  He was a bit of a jerk and even got into a public debate with VP Nixon.   During the LA portion of the trip, Premier Khrushchev was kept out of Disneyland.    

Thumbs up for Mr Disney, or whoever made the decision.  

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