Thursday, September 07, 2017

A look at the politics of Washington with Professor Daniel Bonevac

Guest: Professor Daniel Bonevac....we will look at the DACA decision and reaction.........I support the legalization of some of these youngsters but the reaction is hysterical.......the Trump presidency after 8 months......and more stories from the week......

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Tags: Immigration and DACA, Trump after 8 months To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

The ‘D’ in DACA must stand for derangement

Image result for DACA clip art images

On Tuesday, President Trump made a very thoughtful decision about DACA.   
He could have let DACA die in the courts, specially if it went back to a Supreme Court with Justice Neil Gorsuch. We recall a 4-4 decision that kept the lower rulings intact.
He could have rescinded it and gone to play golf.    
Or he could have rescinded it but kept open a window for Congress to visit the “dreamers” story.
He chose the third option and the left has gone “loco” or crazy in Spanish.
President Trump’s critics have to be living in a fantasy over DACA.      
The Constitution makes no allowance for the president to write law “if Congress doesn’t act.” 
The reaction to DACA exposes much of the disingenuousness of the post-election “norms” crowd. 
How could those who took part in the national hissy fit over the “unconstitutional” short-term executive restriction on immigration from terrorist-ridden nations now act as if DACA is a proper way to govern? 
I mean, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has threaten to sue the president for rolling back the executive actions of another president, which were enacted ostensibly on the idea of prosecutorial discretion. 
Sue over what—following the law as written?    
By the way, DACA has already been through courts, and as with most of Obama’s assault on process, it fared rather poorly. 
Now that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and others are threatening to sue, and the Supreme Court is back to nine justices, DACA would almost certainly lose there, as well. 
As it should.
See why I think that the “D” in DACA has to stand for derangement?
President Trump sent the issue to Congress. I am hoping that a congressional majority can write a law that legalizes some, not all, of these people based on some parameters. For example, we can look at education, behavior, and other character issues that warrant legalization.
My hope is that the Democrats do not engage in the kind of “in your face/everybody’s a racist” protests that we saw in Texas over the sanctuary law. It will not help the dreamers if people support them with Mexican flags or other irrational behavior. In fact, such behavior will make it easier for many Republicans to walk away from DACA.
Last, but not least, it was President Obama’s lawlessness, not President Trump’s decision, that put these youngsters in this situation.   
Get angry with President Obama for he’s the one who gave you a check without funds.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Trump and DACA

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Another word about DACA

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It would be good for the country, and specially Democrats, if the Clintons spent more time with the grandchildren

Tags: The Clintons  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

I wonder: Are the Clintons the US version of Argentina's corrupt Nestor & Cristina or is it the other way around

Tags: Bill Hillary Nestor & Cristina  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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