"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Tuesday, December 03, 2024
Pardon me if I'm angry and confused
Pardon me if I'm angry and confused - American Thinker https://t.co/mwMUSSnYVZ
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) December 3, 2024
Well, I am somewhere between angry and confused. Angry because this pardon is such an abuse of presidential powers. Confused because he could have called out the weaponization of justice against Trump and then pardoned his son. Instead, Hunter gets pardoned for everything going back to 2014 and walks away.
So rather than merely pardoning his son for the gun crimes for which he was convicted and the tax crimes for which he pleaded guilty, the president’s pardon covers all “offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in” from Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 1, 2024. That language mirrors the language in Ford’s pardon of Nixon, which did not merely cover the Watergate scandal but extended to “all offenses against the United States” that Nixon “has committed or may have committed” between Jan. 20, 1969, and Aug. 9, 1974 — the exact span of Nixon’s presidency.
The starting date of Jan. 1, 2014, in the Biden pardon was surely not chosen randomly: Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company, in April 2014, while his father was vice president. Republicans have accused the younger Biden of illegally profiting off his position on that board.
A pardon that goes back a lifetime, as some may conclude. The comparison to Nixon is unfair. He was a president who resigned in disgrace and never made a dime out of the Watergate affair. Hunter Biden is an opportunist who rode on his father’s plane to make money off his official duties.
So we will survive another “Bidenism” and the country will bounce back. I cannot say that about the Biden presidency, which is one step closer to the bottom of the list of worst presidents.
And last, but not least, there can’t be a lot of happy anti-Trumpers or Democrats who told us that Biden was a man of character. It won’t be pretty for those who made excuses for Biden until he takes that helicopter to Delaware in 60 days.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
A word about Ron Santo (1940-2010)
Ron Santo died on this day in 2010. Sadly, he was not around to enjoy that Cubs' win the 2016 World Series.
As a teen, I remember Ron Santo playing third for the Cubs. He was a great defensive player (5 Gold Gloves) and put up some good numbers: a .277 average plus 342 HRs & 1,331 RBIs.
Remember that he hit 342 HRs when only a handful of hitters hit 500 HRs!
RIP Ron Santo and thanks for all of those wonderful seasons with the Cubs!
It's a shame that he never got to see his induction into The Hall of Fame! He was finally selected in 2012!
December 3, 1968: Elvis and the TV special

Elvis returned to TV with a great special on this day in 1968. It was his first TV show in years. He also introduced a new song, "If I can dream". Elvis followed this show with several concerts in Las Vegas and Hawaii. The king was back, as they said back then.
You can get it here: CLICK!
1818: Illinois joined the Union as the 21st state
1961: The day that Fidel Castro said: “Yo soy un Marxista Leninista”!
For much of the first two years of the so called “revolution,” Fidel Castro denied that he was a communist. In fact, he did it on “Meet the Press” when he visited the U.S. in 1959. Nevertheless, there were many people who had serious doubts, from Vice President Richard Nixon to many Cubans in the island.
On this day in 1961 Fidel Castro made it official:
“”I am a Marxist-Leninist and shall be one until the end of my life.”He went on to state that, “Marxism or scientific socialism has become the revolutionary movement of the working class.”He also noted that communism would be the dominant force in Cuban politics:“There cannot be three or four movements.””
And that was it! It happened about seven months after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion and ended any hopes of a multiparty election or restoration of the freedoms that the regime had eliminated by executive decree.
Last, but not least, Cubans were thrown in jail or executed in 1959-61 for calling Castro un “comunista.” None of those people were ever released after Castro confirmed that he was “un communista.” They stayed in prison, along with thousands of others.
As my late father used to say, communists lie and then lie so more!
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.
1823: The Monroe Doctrine
The declaration, drafted by Secretary of State John Quincy Adams intended to keep European powers from colonizing territory in Central and South America. The US was also looking westward and did not want to compete with Europeans in North America.
"America for Americans" was the message. Naturally, it had its critics and supporters over the years. On balance, it worked well and kept European powers out of America, from North to South.