Monday, July 08, 2024

Monday's video: Biden on offense, The French mess, and other stories...

Monday's podcast: The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda


Guest:   Bill Katz the editor of UrgentAgenda...........President Biden and Democrats, VP Harris, the President Trump campaign and other stories..

Should have known better with a girl like Jill

Should have known better with a girl like Jill: Fair or unfair, the consensus is that Jill Biden is the villain of the Joe has dementia story.  I say fair or unfair because Jill is not the only Biden riding the last name to fame and fortune.     Nevertheless, all the sign...
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Happy # 83 Ken Sanders

Image result for ken sanders brewers images

We say happy birthday to Ken Sanders who was born in St. Louis, MO, on this day in 1941.

Ken broke with the A's in 1964 and won 6 games in 1966.    

However, his career really took off in Milwaukee in 1970.   In 3 seasons with the Brewers, Ken became one of the best bullpen men in the game:   61 saves & 2.21 ERA.

All together, Ken pitched 10 seasons and played for various teams.   His best 3 years were with Milwaukee, 1970-72.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

July 2013: A chat with Cástulo Gregorisch and the poetry of a Cuban immigrant

Image result for Cástulo Gregorisch images(P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  

We spoke with Cástulo Gregorisch about his poetry.  Castulo has written over 600 poems about Cuban his immigrant experience.  They are beautiful and emotional.

Let me share "Aquella triste manana":  

Aquella triste mañana de Cuba me despedía,

Aquella triste mañana de su regazo partía.

Aquella triste mañana mi alma se deshacía,

Aquella triste mañana de carbón y de cenizas.

Aquella triste mañana de mi tierra yo me iba,

Aquella triste mañana sin saber si volvería.
Aquella triste mañana una muy triste en mi vida,
Aquella triste mañana la que nunca olvidaría.
Aquella triste mañana a tierra extraña me iría,
Aquella triste mañana huyendo de la injusticia.
Aquella triste mañana con mi esposa y con mi hija,
Aquella triste mañana nuestros padres no venían.
Aquella triste mañana dolorosa en demasía,
Aquella triste mañana no creo la merecía.
Aquella triste mañana marcada quedó en mi vida,
Aquella triste mañana clavada como una espina.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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