My guess is that most of you read "Free to choose" or watched the TV series. Or, maybe you are familiar with Dr Friedman's work in Chile, the story of "The Chicago Boys" who turned that South American country into one of the best economies in the world.
Milton Friedman was born in 1912 and died in 2006. Rose, his devoted wife, research partner and companion of many years, died in 2009. They were always together and that was great too.
Stephen Moore of the WSJ wrote a great column about the life & times of Mr Friedman. I love Mr. Friedman's advice just before he died:
"I remember asking Milton, a year or so before his death, during one of our semiannual dinners in downtown San Francisco: What can we do to make America more prosperous? "Three things," he replied instantly. "Promote free trade, school choice for all children, and cut government spending."How much should we cut? "As much as possible.""
Thank you Mr. Friedman!