"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Somebody up there likes Trump
Somebody up there likes Trump - American Thinker https://t.co/hhhqtRmzY0
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) September 17, 2024
Many years ago, I watched a movie about Rocky Graziano, a man who beat the odds and ended up as a boxing champ. The movie was titled Somebody up There Likes Me, a reference to how lucky he was. Rocky literally dodged a few bullets growing up and hanging around some of the people that he did.
Well, “somebody up there likes me” was my reaction to the second attempt on President Trump’s life. The first time, the bullet missed him by a hair and now a Secret Service agent saw a piece of metal in some bushes and took action. Honestly, most people don’t get chances like that unless someone up there likes you.
On another level, the accused walked into the courtroom and was laughing at the whole thing, or so we read in reports. Maybe that’s how a person feels when they tried and failed to eliminate the man who is “a threat to democracy” or a “21st-century version of Hitler.”
We now need a conversation about protecting ex-presidents, especially one who is running for president again. We know about former presidents around here with President George W. Bush living in Dallas and showing up at baseball games. I can understand giving him the lighter security treatment, but not Trump.
I’m sure that we will hear a lot now about political rhetoric. It may be time for an adult in the Democrat Party to give a speech on the U.S. Senate floor (like the late Senator Joe Lieberman did in ’98) and remind his party and media that they need to lower the volume. Maybe I’m too optimistic.
In the meantime, Trump survives again and that tells me that someone wants him to make it to election day.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
We remember Hank Williams (1923-1953)

We remember Hiram King “Hank” Williams, the great country legend. He was born on this day in Alabama on this day in 1923.
Williams was born in Alabama and died in West Virginia at age 29. He was one of the most influential country singers of the 20th century.
1955: Brooks Robinson got his first 2 hits

We remember Orlando Cepeda. 1937-2024)

Cepeda was inducted to The Hall of Fame in 1999.
Anne Bancroft and "Mrs Robinson"
In 1967, the movie “The Graduate” put Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft in the role of “Mrs Robinson” and young Ben Braddock.
You can watch the movie to watch the rest of the story. It also gave us one of the best songs of the 1960’s by Simon and Garfunkel.
A timely moment to wish 'happy #236' to the US Constitution
We begin today with a "happy birthday" to the U.S. Constitution. Maybe you remember this from your U.S. History class. They taught it when I went to school, and I'm hoping that they still do today. Or maybe they start today's classes with a reminder that it was the work of a bunch of white guys who had slaves and didn't let their wives vote.
This is the story that I learned:
On May 25, 1787, delegates representing every state except Rhode Island convened at Philadelphia's Pennsylvania State House for the Constitutional Convention. The building, which is now known as Independence Hall, had earlier seen the drafting of the Declaration of Independence and the signing of the Articles of Confederation. The assembly immediately discarded the idea of amending the Articles of Confederation and set about drawing up a new scheme of government. Revolutionary War hero George Washington, a delegate from Virginia, was elected convention president.
During an intensive debate, the delegates devised a brilliant federal organization characterized by an intricate system of checks and balances. The convention was divided over the issue of state representation in Congress, as more-populated states sought proportional legislation, and smaller states wanted equal representation. The problem was resolved by the Connecticut Compromise, which proposed a bicameral legislature with proportional representation in the lower house (House of Representatives) and equal representation of the states in the upper house (Senate). On September 17, 1787, the Constitution was signed. As dictated by Article VII, the document would not become binding until it was ratified by nine of the 13 states. Beginning on December 7, five states—Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia and Connecticut—ratified it in quick succession. However, other states, especially Massachusetts, opposed the document, as it failed to reserve un-delegated powers to the states and lacked constitutional protection of basic political rights, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press. In February 1788, a compromise was reached under which Massachusetts and other states would agree to ratify the document with the assurance that amendments would be immediately proposed. The Constitution was thus narrowly ratified in Massachusetts, followed by Maryland and South Carolina. On June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the document, and it was subsequently agreed that government under the U.S. Constitution would begin on March 4, 1789. In June, Virginia ratified the Constitution, followed by New York in July.
On September 25, 1789, the first Congress of the United States adopted 12 amendments to the U.S. Constitution–the Bill of Rights–and sent them to the states for ratification. Ten of these amendments were ratified in 1791. In November 1789, North Carolina became the 12th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. Rhode Island, which opposed federal control of currency and was critical of compromise on the issue of slavery, resisted ratifying the Constitution until the U.S. government threatened to sever commercial relations with the state. On May 29, 1790, Rhode Island voted by two votes to ratify the document, and the last of the original 13 colonies joined the United States. Today, the U.S. Constitution is the oldest written constitution in operation in the world.
The document, and the governing system it created, was finally put to the test when George Washington was inaugurated in March 1789.
We remember today the document and its history. I mean especially today, because I'm not sure if we are teaching our kids how fortunate we are to be living under it.
PS: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.
We remember Anne Bancroft (1931-2005)

Happy # 237 to the US Constitution

The document, and the governing system it created, was finally put to the test when George Washington was inaugurated in March 1789. We remember today the document and its history.