Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Somebody up there likes Trump

Somebody up there likes Trump: Many years ago, I watched a movie about Rocky Graziano, a man who beat the odds and ended up as a boxing champ. The movie was titled Somebody up There Likes Me, a reference to how lucky he was. Rocky literally dodged a few bullets growing up and hang...
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Many years ago, I watched a movie about Rocky Graziano, a man who beat the odds and ended up as a boxing champ. The movie was titled Somebody up There Likes Me, a reference to how lucky he was. Rocky literally dodged a few bullets growing up and hanging around some of the people that he did.

Well, “somebody up there likes me” was my reaction to the second attempt on President Trump’s life. The first time, the bullet missed him by a hair and now a Secret Service agent saw a piece of metal in some bushes and took action. Honestly, most people don’t get chances like that unless someone up there likes you.

On another level, the accused walked into the courtroom and was laughing at the whole thing, or so we read in reports. Maybe that’s how a person feels when they tried and failed to eliminate the man who is “a threat to democracy” or a “21st-century version of Hitler.”

We now need a conversation about protecting ex-presidents, especially one who is running for president again. We know about former presidents around here with President George W. Bush living in Dallas and showing up at baseball games. I can understand giving him the lighter security treatment, but not Trump.

I’m sure that we will hear a lot now about political rhetoric. It may be time for an adult in the Democrat Party to give a speech on the U.S. Senate floor (like the late Senator Joe Lieberman did in ’98) and remind his party and media that they need to lower the volume. Maybe I’m too optimistic.

In the meantime, Trump survives again and that tells me that someone wants him to make it to election day.

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