Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday's show: People leaving blue states plus 2018 midterms and other stories

They are freezing up north....chilly here is way too early to speculate about the 2018 midterm could go different ways........over 450,000 people moved out of blue states over the last year.......Happy # 71 to Marianne Faithfull.......and other stories.........

Click to listen:

Friday's video: Trump Derangement Syndrome and Democrat politicians

From New York to Illinois to California, Democrat politicians are beating Trump rather than fixing their problems.....450,000 people left those states!

Click to watch:

A wave of what color?

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It’s the last week of 2017, and people are already making predictions about 2018.  So let me give my early take on all this.
Let’s start with Newt Gingrich, who predicted a “surprise” in 2018:
The great political surprise of 2018 will be the size of the Republican victory.
After members of the elite media have spent two years savaging President Trump, lying about Republican legislation, and reassuring themselves that Republican defeat was inevitable, the size of the GOP victory in 2018 will be an enormous shock.
Newt goes on to mention our friend Barry Casselman, who has a good eye for political waves: 
H[i]historically … the party out of power makes gains in the first mid-term election after [it] lose[s] the White House.
This precedent has fueled recent media and Democratic Party strategists’ anticipations of a 2018 “blue wave.”
This tide in blue might still happen, but the genuine signs for it are not yet present. 
In fact, the signs for now point the other way.  Donald Trump not only defied conventional wisdom in 2016[;] he has continued to do so (admittedly with not a few political hiccups) in the eleven months since taking office.
Remember that losing seats is not the same thing as losing the House or U.S. Senate.  In recent years, only President Clinton in 1994 and President Obama in 2010 lost big in their first midterm elections.  President G.W. Bush actually picked up the Senate in 2002!
In other words, as my old history professor used to say, history repeats itself until it does not!
There is another point, and it has to do with today’s Democratic Party.
Back in 2006, the Democrats won back the House by running centrist candidates.  Is the Democratic Party capable of that today?  Can the Democrats run people who can win rural areas?  I don’t think so.  Just look at the map!
So we will sit back and check out the waves in the horizon.  I won’t be surprised if the GOP holds the House and picks up a couple of Senate seats – say, in Indiana, Missouri, or West Virginia.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Cheney drove the libs mad!

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Dick Cheney was selected by George W. Bush because he would make a great Vice President.

Normally, presidential candidates nominate a VP to balance the ticket or add a state.

For example, Bill Clinton selected Al Gore because he needed a partner who served in Vietnam, had a good reputation as a husband and supported the First Gulf War. 

In 2000, Bush was not concerned about carrying Wyoming. Yet, he was aware of future challenges and how a man like Cheney would enhance the team.

Of course, Cheney drove liberals mad, too.

So let's go with
Diagnosis: Cheney By Charles Krauthammer:
"If there's a diagnosis to be made here, it is this: yet another case of the one other syndrome I have been credited with identifying, a condition that addles the brain of otherwise normal journalists and can strike without warning -- Bush Derangement Syndrome, Cheney Variant."

2009: VP Cheney came back and forced Dems to think about national security

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Back in 2009, VP Cheney returned to Washington because something funny happened on the way to hope and change:

"Congressional Democrats are voicing growing unease over the Obama administration’s national security policies, including the seemingly open-ended commitment in Afghanistan and the nettlesome question of what to do with prisoners held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba."
The concern was rooted on the reality that the Obama administration seemed naive and confused about our enemies.      In other words, the campaign rhetoric just did not match the reality of governing.   Closing GITMO was a lot easier said than done.   Ending wars was not so easy either.

We are glad that VP Cheney came back and reminded us about the threats!

Thank God for VP Cheney!

VP Cheney went after Pres BO's shameful attack on the CIA operatives who defended us by making real world decisions.

Again, thank God for VP Cheney!

P.S.  His book is very good:

A good book about VP Cheney

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We said goodbye to VP Cheney when the Bush administration left town. We said farewell to the most consequential VP in recent history.

Cheney retired from a 40 year career in politics. He was a congressman, Chief of Staff for President Ford, Secretary of Defense for President Bush during the first Iraq War 1991 and Vice President, 2001-09.

I think that we are fortunate to have had such a man at such a critical time.

A few years later, James Rosen sat down and spoke with VP Cheney:

January 2009 and the attacks on the outgoing President Bush

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During President Bush's last few days, our friend J R Dunn looked back at Bush bashing.

J R Dunn was right.  The attacks spoke volumes about the "bashers" and little about the "bashee":
"His detractors were willing to risk the country's safety, its economic health, and the very balance of the democratic system of government in order to get at him.
They were out to bring him down at all costs, or at the very least destroy his personal and presidential reputation.
At this they have been half successful, at a high price for the country and its government."
It was a massive display of immaturity and a cult of personality!

2010: Paul McCartney got a bad case of BDS!

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Back in June 2010, Paul McCartney was given a special and well deserved award at The White House.

He even sang "Michelle" to the First Lady. 

So far so good! I love Paul's music too!

However, Paul could not contain himself and proceeded to a very bad display of BDS, or Bush Derangement Syndrome
: "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush".

Someone should tell Paul that he was at The White House and attending a non-partisan event.

Paul was not attending a fundraiser in San Francisco. He was being honored by the American people.

It was not a political event!

Check this idiotic statement by Paul:

"After the last eight years, it’s great to have a President who knows what a library is,” McCartney quipped."
Is that tasteless or what?

Beyond a lack of class, we remind Paul that President Bush was a voracious reader, a Harvard MBA and Mrs. Bush worked as a librarian in West Texas.

2010: "The Joe & Valerie show" was nothing but a couple of people looking for fame and fortune

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Remember Joe?  He was the self appointed hero of the "Bush lied about Iraq's WMDs" story.

Remember Valerie?  She was the victim of "a Cheney plot" to take over the country.

The couple even made a movie.   It became new the last hurrah for anti-Bush movies or Bush Derangement Syndrome.

The best review of the story was a The Washington Post editorial:
"In fact, "Fair Game," based on books by Mr. Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions - not to mention outright inventions." 
Thank God that we have an honest liberal newspaper in The Washington Post!


Where was all of this outrage when they were calling Bush a liar over and over again?

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Like so many of you, I remember all of those attacks on Pres Bush.   They were intense, over the top, crazy, rude and they even silly

In fact, Charles Krauthammer gave it a name in 2003: BDS or Bush Derangement Syndrome

2009: "Hope and change" very soft on Iran!

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We don't know what happened in Iran.  A young woman killed and hundreds were arrested.

I don't trust the Iranian thugs! My feeling is that the Iranian authorities stole the election!

Pres Obama sat in the sidelines.   The reformers were beaten and crushed. 

Frankly, it did not have to happen!

Obama silent in 2009, Trump talking about Iran protests

The Astros, the baseball story of 2017

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The 2017 Astros were one of the greatest sports stories of modern baseball.   They went from losing 400 games in 4 years to winning the crown!   Great achievement!

Over the years. the Astros had other post seasons teams:

They lost to the Phillies in the '80 NLCS.    Game 5 was fantastic!

They played one of the best NLCS in '86 when they lost to the Mets.    Game 6 was amazing!

They lost a heartbreak to the Cardinals in '04. 

Add to this the losses to the Braves in '97 and '99 and to the Padres in '98.

It was different in 2005: They won the NL pennant.

Overall, congratulations to the Astros. They were the baseball story of 2017.

Baseball's post season is the best system

A post from December 2006: The end is near for Fidel

According to The Washington Post, Castro Near Death, U.S. Intelligence Chief Says:
"The Cuban leader did not show up as anticipated at a Dec. 2 national celebration in Havana scheduled to commemorate his 80th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the Cuban revolution. In a brief speech at the event, Raul Castro imparted no message from his brother but said that Cuba is willing to open negotiations with the United States "to settle the long U.S.-Cuba disagreement."

In rejecting the offer this week, Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon told reporters that the Bush administration will deal with Cuba's Communist government only when it shows a commitment to democracy.
During the period of uncertainty under Raul Castro, Shannon said, "the regime has actually become harder and more orthodox and is not in a position to signal in any meaningful way what direction it will take post-Fidel."

Fidel Castro is dead and so is the system that he imposed on the Cuban people....

Raul: It's time to say "adios"!

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According to some news reports from 2010, Fidel Castro told a foreign journalist that the Cuban model does not work for anymore.

We learned later that Castro corrected the news reports.....he meant to say that capitalism does not work for Cuba.

What's wrong with that? Capitalism has not existed in Cuba for 50 years.

In fact, it was the Castro regime that destroyed capitalism and free enterprise in the 1960's.
It was all done in the name of socialism!   How did that work out for Cuba?

December 2006: A bad Navidad for Che!

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Good News. You won't see Che's face at Target anymore.

Turning the tide on Che? by Thomas Lifson:
"Yesterday, Target bowed to the pressure and did the right thing, pulling the offensive merchandise from its shelves.

I congratulate Target on its newfound sensibility to the nature of communist tyrants, or at least one communist tyrant capable of inspiring a boycott by a regionally potent ethnic bloc. May the lesson stick."

I congratulate Target on its newfound sensibility to the nature of communist tyrants, or at least one communist tyrant capable of inspiring a boycott by a regionally potent ethnic bloc. May the lesson stick."

IBD started this and Target has now eliminated Che. Also, thanks to all of the Cubans in the US who called Target. 

 Thanks to fellow conservatives who supported us.

Good news!

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

A post from 2006: More on Cuba's socialist paradise

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What about Cuba's wonderful health care system? See Smoke clears on a Cuban epidemic:
"An epidemic of dengue fever that flooded hospitals and may have killed as many as 100 Cubans has been brought under control by a fumigation campaign involving 300,000 students, pensioners and healthcare workers.
The outbreak of the mosquito-borne virus here was the worst in a quarter of a century and appears to have afflicted thousands during its peak in September and October.

The infection rate has slowed to only a few dozen new cases this month, said a senior doctor familiar with the scope of the epidemic, who added that the response was initially slowed by government secrecy.
Caused by a mosquito-borne virus, dengue produces flu-like symptoms, including fever.

It occurs in most tropical areas of the world and is widespread in the Caribbean basin.
The physician complained bitterly about the veil initially imposed by Communist Party officials.

The ostensible purpose was to avoid panicking the public, but the demand that the epidemic be treated as a confidential security matter was strongest in early September, when preparations were underway for the 14th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, to be held in Havana.

That gathering of Third World leaders brought 3,000 foreign visitors from more than 100 countries to the capital Sept. 11-16, including about 50 heads of state and government.
The doctor spoke on condition of anonymity because of the possibility of dismissal from his job or arrest for discussing the matter with a reporter."
Of course, it must be the embargo. Yes, the embargo and the US. 

What else could it be?

A post from 2007: Why does anyone believe the Cuban government anyway?

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For years, the Castro dictatorship has promoted lies.

For example, lie # 1 is that Cuba was a backward country in desperate need of a tropical Robin Hood. Sorry, that's not true! Pre-Castro Cuba had problems (what country didn't in 1959?) but mass poverty was not one of them.

Lie # 2 is that Cuba did not have doctors or health care until Fidel graciously gave us his wonderful system. Sorry, that's not true.

Lie # 3 is Cuba's life expectancy.  Sorry, Cubans are not living longer, as IBD explained in full detail. The Cuban government is playing with numbers.

Frankly, I'm not surprised that the Castro regime would lie about its numbers. What amazes me is that the world's media is so gullible to fall for the regime's lies!

A post from 2007: Michael Moore did not report on the real Cuban health care

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In 2004, Michael Moore made a movie about the Iraq War. As of today, David Kopel has uncovered 57 lies in that movie! For more on Moore's lies, see The Lies of Michael Moore by Christopher Hitchens!

In 2007, Moore released another movie about US health care. Unfortunately, Moore did not tell his audience about the true state of hospitals and health care in Cuba.

Thanks to everyone responsible for taking these photos out of Cuba.  

It's amazing what the angry left will defend because Castro is an enemy of the US!

The truth about Che!

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My friend Humberto Fontova exposed Che Guevara. His story is impressive:
"Humberto Fontova was born in Havana, Cuba. He and his family of 5 attempted to leave in 1961, but only 4 of them were successful. Humberto Fontova Sr. (author's father) was grabbed by the milicianos. He yelled to Esther (mother) and the 3 kids (Humberto age 7, Patricia age 8, and Enrique age 5) to "Go ahead!....Whatever happens to me, I don't want ya'll growing up here!" The next day, from a cousin's house in Miami, Esther called Cuba and found out that Humberto Sr. was in La Cabana, firing squad central where 2100 men and boys were murdered. Humberto Sr. stayed there for 3 months and then was released and returned to his family in New Orleans."
His book about Che is a must.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Summer 2007: Of course, Fidel is alive! Mira como baila!

Our friends at The Babalu Blog have the latest video out of Cuba! Who could say that Fidel is dead? Mira como baila! Check out the video. It will prove for once and for all that Fidel is alive and within days of coming back into power! After all, why would you doubt anything coming out of the Cuban government?

How did Fidel outlast US presidents?

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Some are celebrating the idea that Fidel Castro outlasted 9 US presidents.  

Well, let's count them: Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.    He died during the Trump transition.

I count 11 but that's OK.

Castro stayed in power with a little luck (i.e the failed Bay of Pigs), pragmatism (i.e. selling out to the USSR in exchange for protection) and sheer repression. 

He outlasted elected US presidents because there were no elections in Cuba!

On the other hand, US presidents had to face voters and could only serve 2 terms. 

Let's not forget a free press!

Castro was an un-elected dictator. As we know, dictators usually stay in power until they die, get killed or overthrown.

A post from 2007: Che is dead, specially among young Cubans

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, click send, and drop a dime here.

Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo died in 2012.   He fought with Castro and then turned against him.   Gutierrez-Menoyo remembered Che this way:
"If the new man that Che wanted is what we have today, it has been a total failure," said Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo, a leader of the Escambray front until Guevara showed up.
Menoyo said he admired Guevara the guerrilla fighter but not the communist, a view that led him to break with Castro and earned him 22 years in Cuban prisons." 
Based on his comments, as well as my own assessment, Che is more appealing to spoiled Western kids who have never faced repression than to young Cubans who deal with repression daily.

Che is a myth, a face on a T-shirt, a legend unless you live in the Cuba that Che and Fidel created.

Thank God that someone took out Che many years ago!     Che is dead and that's the good news of the day!

P.S.  Let me recommend Humberto's book about Che:

October 1967 and another word about Che

By 1965, Che Guevara had faded from public life. His disappearance created all kinds of speculation about Che’s relationship with Fidel and Raúl Castro. After all, some close to Castro in 1959 had been killed in accidents, like Camilo Cienfuegos, or stuck in political prisons, like Huber Matos. Cienfuegos’s plane was never found, and Matos was eventually released in some prisoner exchange.  Matos spent the rest of his life in exile.

Che reappeared in 1966 in Bolivia, where he hoped to bring about a revolution.  How did he get there?  Who paid his bills? Why did he suddenly leave Cuba?  Many believe that Fidel and Raúl wanted him out, and starting a revolution in Bolivia was the exit.  I think it’s fair to say that Che had worn out his welcome with the Castro brothers, specially after they saw how popular he was with the international left.  As we learned, there is only one “popular” person in Cuba, and that’s Fidel.

Fifty-five years ago this week, Che was captured and executed by Bolivian troops operating with the CIA.  It happened very fast.  As we learned in his diary, Che and his men lacked food and medicine and were barely surviving in the jungle.  It’s possible that Che would have died of bad health and no medical care.  He was battling asthma attacks constantly.  Also, they were not getting a lot of help from Cuba, either by design or because the supplies could not reach them.  My guess is that Che was happy to get captured and hoped for some prison time and then a return to Cuba.  He did not get his wish.

Che subsequently became “the image” on all those t-shirts.  He became the ultimate anti-U.S. symbol, the image that every left-wing group goes to when its members have a gripe against the U.S.

Ironically, he was captured because the campaign in Bolivia failed miserably.  It failed for two reasons, as Humberto Fontova explained in Exposing the Real Che.  Read the book for more details, but it went down like this:

1) Bolivia was not Cuba.

2) The natives in Bolivia never bought into the idea that a band led by a guy from Argentina and Cubans was there to save them.  In the end, it was the villagers he was trying to “liberate” who turned him in.  Again, the Bolivian campaign was a total failure.  The locals never read the memo about Cuban health care, I guess.

Che was a murderer and a man who said awful things about blacks, for example.  This is from Guillermina Sutter Schneider:

In his diary, he referred to black people as “those magnificent examples of the African race who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing.” He also thought white Europeans were superior to people of African descent, and described Mexicans as “a band of illiterate Indians.”

Today, we would call him a racist and a homophobe!  We’d cancel him from universities.  Twitter would delete his account.

So I still remember my father saying in Spanish that they got him.  Indeed they did, and many champagne bottles popped in the Cuban exile community this week in 1967.

P.S.  You can listen to my show and follow my blog(My new American Thinker post)

A post about Dr. Biscet a dissident in Cuba

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Down in Cuba, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet will spend another day as a dissident.     He was once a very famous political prisoner and inspired articles like this one.

Jeff Jacoby wrote a great column entitled A hero in Castro's gulag:
"A prolife Christian physician, Biscet first ran afoul of the Castro regime in the 1990s, when he investigated Cuban abortion techniques - Cuba has by far the highest abortion rates in the Western Hemisphere - and revealed that numerous infants had been killed after being delivered alive.

In 1997, he began the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights, which seeks "to establish in Cuba a state based on the rule of law" and "sustained upon the Universal Declaration of Human Rights."

In 1999, he was given a three-year sentence for "disrespecting patriotic symbols." To protest the regime's repression, he had hung a Cuban flag upside down.
For decades, various American journalists and celebrities have rhapsodized about Castro's supposed island paradise, resolutely ignoring the mountains of evidence that it is in reality a tropical dungeon.

Intent on seeing Castro as a revolutionary hero and Cuba as Shangri-la, they avert their gaze from the island's genuine heroes - the prisoners of conscience like Biscet, who pay a fearful price for their insistence on telling the truth."
So where is the American left? Why aren't they speaking out against this man's mistreatment? Are they looking the other way because Dr. Bicet opposes abortion? 

Here is one from Charlie Chan: "Dreams, like good liars, distort facts"

Here is one from Charlie Chan: "Curiosity responsible for cat needing nine lives."

November 2009: Our chat with Winnie Biscet

In November, we spoke with Winnie Biscet, daughter of Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, Cuban political prisoner.

Here is the show:

October 2009: Our chat with Tito the builder

"Tito the builder" joined us for a great interview in October.
Here is the show:

The Dallas Tea Party: July 4, 2009

The tea party movement came out of nowhere in 2009.

On Juy 4th, Adryana Boyne and I participated in the Dallas Tea Party on the radio. Here is the show:

The Cuban kitchen with Marta Verdes Darby and Sonia Martinez

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Guests:   Marta Verdes Darby, author and editor of "My big fat Cuban family"......and Sonia Martinez, author of "From soup to nuts".............join me for a look at Cuban birthday party foods.......the cakes....the pastries...the drinks.......sandwiches..................we also hope to hear about Marta's mom who is now 102 years old...................
Click to listen:

Happy New Year and check out Urgent Agenda

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