Friday, December 29, 2017

How did Fidel outlast US presidents?

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Some are celebrating the idea that Fidel Castro outlasted 9 US presidents.  

Well, let's count them: Eisenhower, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama.    He died during the Trump transition.

I count 11 but that's OK.

Castro stayed in power with a little luck (i.e the failed Bay of Pigs), pragmatism (i.e. selling out to the USSR in exchange for protection) and sheer repression. 

He outlasted elected US presidents because there were no elections in Cuba!

On the other hand, US presidents had to face voters and could only serve 2 terms. 

Let's not forget a free press!

Castro was an un-elected dictator. As we know, dictators usually stay in power until they die, get killed or overthrown.

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