What about Cuba's wonderful health care system? See Smoke clears on a Cuban epidemic:
"An epidemic of dengue fever that flooded hospitals and may have killed as many as 100 Cubans has been brought under control by a fumigation campaign involving 300,000 students, pensioners and healthcare workers.Of course, it must be the embargo. Yes, the embargo and the US.
The outbreak of the mosquito-borne virus here was the worst in a quarter of a century and appears to have afflicted thousands during its peak in September and October.
The infection rate has slowed to only a few dozen new cases this month, said a senior doctor familiar with the scope of the epidemic, who added that the response was initially slowed by government secrecy.
Caused by a mosquito-borne virus, dengue produces flu-like symptoms, including fever.
It occurs in most tropical areas of the world and is widespread in the Caribbean basin.
The physician complained bitterly about the veil initially imposed by Communist Party officials.
The ostensible purpose was to avoid panicking the public, but the demand that the epidemic be treated as a confidential security matter was strongest in early September, when preparations were underway for the 14th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, to be held in Havana.
That gathering of Third World leaders brought 3,000 foreign visitors from more than 100 countries to the capital Sept. 11-16, including about 50 heads of state and government.
The doctor spoke on condition of anonymity because of the possibility of dismissal from his job or arrest for discussing the matter with a reporter."
What else could it be?