Monday, June 11, 2012

"Donde estan"? Where are all of those Hispanic voters?

A couple of weeks ago, we saw "Hispano" apathy in the Texas primary.  Just ask Domingo Garcia in the new 33rd district.  It was really shocking to see the numbers.

Today, we see this at The NY Times:

"More than 21 million Latinos will be eligible to vote this November, clustered in pockets from Colorado to Florida, as well as in less obvious states like Illinois, Iowa, North Carolina and Virginia. 
Yet just over 10 million of them are registered, and even fewer turn out to vote."

I'm sure that there are many reasons behind electoral apathy.  However, here is my explanation:  Hispanos invested a lot in Pres BO and he has done nothing.  

He failed to keep a big campaign promise about immigration reform despite having 60 votes in the US Senate and large majorities in the US House.  We also remind you that Pres BO still has a 53-47 majority in the US Senate.

To  make matter worst, we have 11% unemployment in Hispanic communities. 

Last, but not least, he insults the voters' intelligence with "5 de Mayo" speeches never followed by a proposal to Congress. 

Do you understand why so many Hispanics are just frustrated with the political system?

Check out our Sunday chat with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: "Donde estan" all of those Hispanic voters    To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Pres BO needs plumbers because the "leaking" is out of control

AG Holder has selected a couple of people to look at the "leaks" issue that has turned into quite a little problem for Pres BO.

Here is the question:  How did The NY Times get this sensitive information?  

Who passed it on to The NY Times?  

We are talking about very serious "national security" information.  In other words, this is the kind of information that only a handful of people have access to.  It should not be very difficult to identify who "leaked" to The NY Times.

First, we learned way too much about the killing of Osama.  We hear that an "Obama killed Osama" movie is in the works.  I don't care about Hollywood making such a movie.  I am just concerned that Hollywood characters may have had access to very sensitive material.

Second, we read about this "hit list", or how Pres BO personally selects targets in the "drone war".  Again, I am very  happy that we are killing terrorists but do we have to tell the world how we do it?

Last, and most damaging, we read about a "....cyber weapon known as Stuxnet, a malicious computer code that knocked Iranian nuclear processing centrifuges offline."

Was this information "leaked" to make Pres BO look tough?  I don't know the answer and will wait for the investigation.

Leaking national security information puts our sources at risk and makes it more difficult for our people to do business around the world.

Click here for our chat with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda, who wrote a post about a few days ago:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: Pres BO needs plumbers because the "leaking" is out of control   To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

The anti-Bush is too much like Bush for a lot of disenchanted Democrats

We saw more signs that the left is not happy with Pres BO:

My guess is that they will still vote for him.  At the same time, I wonder how many will knock on doors, lick envelopes and make phone calls?  

"While Republican attacks on Obama over the economy are multiplying, the president’s real troubles might be the other end of the spectrum, among his natural supporters on the left. There, dissatisfaction, disillusionment and concerns about whether he is up to the job dog him."

Frankly, the left should blame itself.

They fell for a guy who had never run anything.  He was an unaccomplished talker who told too many people what they wanted to hear.

GITMO is a good example.

During the campaign, candidate BO promised to close GITMO.  He was never challenged by Dems or the media on this issue.

What happened with GITMO?  The Dem Congress voted to keep GITMO open because nobody wanted terrorists in their district jails.

Let's look at the anti-terror policies.  Pres BO has become Bush III on each and everyone of these policies.

Again, no one challenged during the campaign.  Everyone just bought the garbage that GITMO was recruiting terrorists or that listening to terrorists phone calls was shredding the constitution.

We are still killing terrorists and listening to their phone calls.  Again, it's Bush III again and the left is wondering what  happened to all of that "change".

Click for our Sunday chat with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: The anti-Bush is too much like Bush for a lot of disenchanted Democrats  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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