"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Friday, January 10, 2025
Socialism update: No lights in Cuba, no water in L.A.
Socialism update: No lights in Cuba, no water in L.A. - American Thinker https://t.co/AzDN61i5Cp
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) January 10, 2025
At some point, socialism collapses. It does not have to be overthrown, it simply collapses on its own.
Down in Cuba, mismanagement did not update the power plants.
Over in Los Angeles, environmental fanaticism means that the fire hydrants can’t pump water.
Incredibly, no one in LA has the courage to explain why the hydrants can’t pump water.
This is the story:
“This is another example of complete failure of Democrat governance across the board,” Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Chairman Ron Johnson, R-Wis., said on the Just the News, No Noise TV show. “I mean, you have to maintain your forests. You have to clean them up…..you have to actually save water.”
Regarding water management, Johnson said that there is abundant water coming out of the mountains with the snow packs.
“They don’t save it because they got to save the snail darter,” he added. “And they’re not keeping their electrical grid up to snuff. That’s a big problem across the board.”
Other people have complained that California’s policies on clearing brush haven’t helped the wildfire situation.
It’s a mess and maybe the wrong time to politicize things.
On the other hand, when are we going to start talking about the politicians (i.e., lousy policies and administrators) who keep blaming everything on everything rather than accept responsibility for governing?
They blame climate change, but that has nothing to do with bad forest management or sending all of the water to the ocean. The Pacific has enough water. It’s L.A. that needs more water. The L.A. mayor is in Ghana attending a presidential inauguration and then can’t explain anything when she is back in town.
This is the same lady who attacked Sen. Ted Cruz who happened to be in Cancun when the Texas power grid collapsed.
Down in communist Cuba, it’s the embargo. In L.A., it’s climate change, lack of diversity in the fire department ranks, money spent on DEI and voters who apparently don’t care enough to throw these bums out.
In the meantime, no lights in Cuba and homes are gone in L.A.
P.S.: Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
1982: "The catch" that broke lots of Cowboys' hearts!

It happened one Sunday afternoon in January 1982 or the drive that set up "The catch" that put San Francisco in The Super Bowl. The final score was 27-26.
It may have been the end of the line for those Cowboys' teams of the 1970's. The Cowboys played in one more NFC championship game under Landry in 1983. They lost to Washington and that was pretty much the end of Landry's post season teams.
Dallas did not play in another NFC title until they met the same SF in 1993, 1994 and 1995.
Happy # 80 Rod Stewart

We first heard about Rod Stewart with the release of "Maggie May" and "Reason to believe" on the B-side. It was one of his best selling 45's.
After that, he had a bunch of hits in the 1970's like "Tonight is the night", More recently, he is recorded songs like "My foolish heart" and traditional ballads.
Rod recorded lots of songs over the years. My favorite is still "You wear it well" from 1972.
We remember Willie McCovey (1938-2018)

McCovey broke with the Giants in 1959 and was the NL Rookie of the Year. From 1963 to 1970, McCovey won 3 HR titles and the 1969 NL MVP.
McCovey retired with 521 HR & 1,555 RBI. In 1986, he was selected to the Hall of Fame and remains one of the greatest Giants ever.
We remember Jim Croce (1943-1973)
We remember Scott McKenzie (1939-2012)

Scott McKenzie was born on this day in 1939. He died in 2012.
We remember him as one the all time biggest "one hit wonders". Scott recorded John Phillips' (Mamas & Papas) "San Francisco" in 1967.
Baseball family stories: The Boyer brothers

Back then, there was no ESPN so we read box scores, the weekly Sporting News or ran home to watch the afternoon games.
Want some brother trivia? The Boyer brothers hit home runs in game 7 of the 1964 World Series.
Clete had the misfortune of playing third base when Brooks Robinson was winning gold gloves.
Clete hit 162 career HRs at a time when 20 HRs was a pretty good year. He played in five straight World Series with the Yankees, 1960-64!
Clete played on the 1961 NY Yankees or the magical season when New York won 109 games and Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle chased Babe Ruth's record.
By the way, older brother Clad also played in the major leagues. He pitched in the mid-1950's or a few years before Clete and Ken.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
"Mojito" makes me think about Cuba's future
I happen to be optimistic about Cuba's future. The island will probably go through a confusing transition after the Castro brothers die naturally or some other way.
My guess is that the US will step in and provide the kind of cash and assistance that the new government needs. Also, Cuban-Americans in the US will be a part of remaking Cuba, from a communist country to a new democratic republic.
Yes I am optimistic but also realistic enough to say that the transition will be hard.
Read Brian's book. It is a good and compelling story. At the same time, it will make you think about a future Cuba.
Click here for our chat with Brian L. French: