Wednesday, January 29, 2025

1936: The first selections to the Baseball Hall of Fame

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It started on this day in 1936.  The first class selected to the Baseball Hall of Fame included Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, Christy Matthewson and Walter Johnson.   Quite a class to say the least!   

Cobb retired as the all time hits leaders (4,189) and a .366 lifetime batting average.   Pete Rose broke his record in 1985.

Ruth hit 714 HRs, set the single season record with 60 HR in 1927 and retired with a .342 career BA.    Henry Aaron and Barry Bonds passed him in 1974 and 2007 respectively.   Roger Maris hit 61 in 1961.   Barry Bonds hit 71 in 2001!

Wagner had 3,420 hits and a .328 career BA.

Mattewson won 373 games.   

Johnson won 424 games, pitched 110 shutouts and had a lifetime 2.17 ERA.   How did he lose 279 games with an ERA like that?   He also had 3,509 Ks!

Great selections!

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