Friday, February 22, 2008

Washington, the greatest American!

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Dr. Peter A. Lillback, author and educator, wrote a book about George Washington, the greatest man in US history.

Mr. Lillback is concerned that our kids are not learning enough about Washington. He fears that political correctness is hurting Washington's place in history.

In my view, George Washington was the indispensable figure in the early days of US history. He led the rebels, served as the first president and left power gracefully after two terms. He did it all with the upmost integrity.

What more can we learn about this man?   A lot more:

Sunday, February 17, 2008

We remember Wally Pipp (1893-1965)

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Wally Pipp was born in Chicago on this day in 1893.   He broke with Detroit in 1913 and traded to Yankees in 1915.   

Pipp put up some great power numbers in the pre-home run era:     .281 batting average, 1,941 hits, 311 doubles, 149 triples, 90 HR & 1,004 RBI in 1,872 games.

And then Lou Gehrig came into the picture.   

On June 2, 1925, Pipp took a day off and was replaced by young Gehrig.  

We know the rest of the story:  Gehrig played every game until 1939!

During World War II, Pipp worked at a plant that manufactured B-24 bombers in Michigan.   Later, he worked for the Rockford Screw Products Corporation, selling screws and bolts to the major automotive companies in the Detroit/Grand Rapids area.

He died in 1965.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, drop a dime here.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A little romance: History's most intriguing couples

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day 2020 with Leslie Eastman

Valentine's Day 2020 with Leslie Eastman 02/13 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Leslie Eastman, contributor to Legal Insurrection....... We will be discussing Valentine's Day 2020 and other to listen:

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

NE 27, NY 20: Brady will win his 4th Super Bowl title today!

It will be a very good game and New England will win. 

I am not picking the Patriots because the Giants ended Dallas' season.  In other words, this is not vengeance but an "objective assessment" that NE is a better team than NY.

I am picking NE because Tom Brady is one of the best QBs ever and he will win his 4th title today.  Brady will join Bradshaw (Steelers) and Montana (49ers) as the only QBs who have won 4 Super Bowls.

Eli Manning is also a great QB and the Giants are playing great.  

Nevertheless, I am betting on Brady winning # 4 and writing another chapter in the Boston-NY rivalry.

Speaking of the Super Bowl, I am old enough to remember the first one, or Green Bay beating up Kansas City.  I think that a lot of NFL fans thought that the game was a "joke" because the Packers manhandled the Chiefs and then the Raiders the next year.  However, everything changed when the Jets beat the Colts and the AFL was on the map.  

The leagues finally merged in 1970 and we've called it the Super Bowl since.  Wonder how many fans realize that it was not that big of a game when it started in 1967?

My favorite Super Bowl was # 13, or when Pittsburgh beat Dallas.  I did not like the score but it was a great game.

My biggest shock was Super Bowl III or the Jets beating the Colts.  I watched that game with my dad and brother and we could not believe what we were watching:

Tags: Super Bowl 2012: Giants vs Patriots  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Friday, February 01, 2008

1975: The Carpenters and "Please Mr. Postman" was # 1 this week

"Please Mr. Postman" has actually been around for some time.    It was a # 1 song for The Marvelettes, then by The Beatles and finally this version by The Carpenters.

It is now available in a digital format.      It was originally released in the "Horizon" album, also available in a digital format.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  If you like our posts, drop a dime here.