"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Tales from the knucklehead
Tales from the knucklehead - American Thinker https://t.co/uCpTzut8yi
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) October 2, 2024
According to the dictionary, the following words are synonymous with knucklehead: bonehead, fool, and jackass. Well, I don’t know which one applies, but Governor Tim Walz calls himself a knucklehead. Here is the story:
His [Walz’s] answer followed a question from moderator Margaret Brennan, who noted that while Walz has previously said he was ‘in Hong Kong during the deadly Tiananmen Square protests in the spring of 1989,’ new reporting from CNN revealed that he ‘didn’t travel to Asia until August of that year.’
‘Can you explain that discrepancy?’ she asked.
Well, he couldn’t, other than saying that he is often a “knucklehead” or saying something stupid, like “I was in China during the Tiananmen” episode.
Politics aside, what we saw last night were two candidates at a different point in the season. Vance has been answering questions daily and does not fear questions; just check his rallies, and when he opens the floor to reporters. On the other hand, Walz has been running from the press and avoiding questions. The problem with that approach is that you are not ready to debate, even when the moderators are desperately trying to help you.
What happens now? Not much. Vance clearly helped Trump. Let’s hope that he gets more air time because he is good at it.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts, and videos.
The game of the Rose
The game of the Rose - American Thinker https://t.co/PImBHgjODa
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) October 2, 2024
Life is funny. This week we learned that President Carter turned 100 and Pete Rose died at age 83.
Some of us are old enough to remember the late 1970s and how often Carter and Pete were on the front page.
Pete spent the 1970s playing and winning in the World Series. He was playing 3rd when Carlton Fisk hit the famous extra inning home run in game 6. Pete then got a big hit in game 7 to win the title.
Specifically, the summer of 1978 brings back the failing Carter presidency and the Rose 44-game hitting streak. For over a month, Pete kept a lot of baseball fans checking the late news or the early morning papers to see if he got another one.
We didn’t have internet back then and ESPN was in diapers. So many of us actually tuned in WLW out of Cincinnati to catch up with the streak. It’s hard to explain that to my sons today, but we did use transistor radios back then to catch games. The signal was clear at night and that’s how some of us kept up with what was going on in baseball.
It was not DiMaggio’s 56 but 44 is the next one on the list. Here is a bit of that streak:
Rose set a National League record for recording a hit in 44 consecutive games in 1978. The streak came to an end on August 1 when Gene Garber of the Braves struck out Rose in the ninth inning of a game in Atlanta.
But for fans who came of age in the 1960s and ‘70s, no player was more exciting than the Cincinnati Reds’ No. 14, “Charlie Hustle,” the brash superstar with the shaggy hair, puggish nose and muscular forearms. At the dawn of artificial surfaces, divisional play and free agency, Rose was old school, a conscious throwback to baseball’s early days. Millions could never forget him crouched and scowling at the plate, running full speed to first even after drawing a walk, or sprinting for the next base and diving headfirst into the bag.
A 17-time All-Star, the switch-hitting Rose played on three World Series winners. He was the National League MVP in 1973 and World Series MVP two years later. He holds the major league record for games played (3,562) and plate appearances (15,890) and the NL record for the longest hitting streak (44). He was the leadoff man for one of baseball’s most formidable lineups with the Reds’ championship teams of 1975 and 1976, with teammates that included Hall of Famers Johnny Bench, Tony Perez and Joe Morgan. But no milestone approached his 4,256 hits, breaking his hero Ty Cobb’s 4,191 and signifying his excellence no matter the notoriety which followed. It was a total so extraordinary that you could average 200 hits for 20 years and still come up short. Rose’s secret was consistency, and longevity. Over 24 seasons, all but six played entirely with the Reds, Rose had 200 hits or more 10 times, and more than 180 four other times. He batted .303 overall, even while switching from second base to outfield to third to first, and he led the league in hits seven times.
“Every summer, three things are going to happen,” Rose liked to say, “the grass is going to get green, the weather is going to get hot, and Pete Rose is going to get 200 hits and bat .300.”
Well, he got 200 hits often and hit .300 forever. It was automatic.
Of course, we can’t talk about Rose and the lifetime ban. I think that Major League Baseball should have cancelled the ban in 2014, 25 years late, and brought him to sell the game. No one sold the game better as a player than Rose did.
So RIP Pete Rose. I grew up admiring him and it’s hard to believe that he is gone.
P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.
October 2, 1978: NY beat Boston to win the AL East title

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It was probably the game of the decade.
New York and Boston ended up with 99 wins at the end of the season. The Red Sox lost a 14 game lead, fell back by 4 and then won the last 10 to force a tie.
The AL East title was decided in a one game playoff at Fenway Park. The Yankees beat the Red Sox, 5-4. Bucky Dent hit one of the greatest HR's in baseball history.
The Yankees beat Kansas City in the ALCS and the LA Dodgers in the World Series. Nevertheless, it was this "tie breaker" in 1978 that everyone remembers:
Happy # 79 Rod Carew
One of the all time greats!
We miss Johnny Carson in this shutdown
Johnny Carson made his debut on The Tonight Show 51 years ago. It went on until May '92 when Carson retired.
Along the way, Carson had a way of addressing our political issues with humor and incredible timing. He made politics fun, specially when he would poke fun at both sides with great lines.
Do we have someone like that today? I know that Saturday Night Live will do a good intro from time to time.
There are other comedians but I just don't stay up to watch any of them anymore. Dennis Miller on The O'Reilly Factor is great but it's once a week.
Let's remember some of Carson's lines. I think that they'd apply to the circus in Washington DC:
"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead."
We can reapply that one to President Obama: If life was fair, we would have a real president and Barrack Obama would play one on TV.
Here is another one:
"Talent alone won't make you a success. Neither will being in the right place at the right time, unless you are ready. The most important question is: 'Are your ready?'"
That quote takes me back to the 2008 election. Obama was talented but obviously not ready for this job.
Here is one more:
"Democracy means that anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who doesn't grow up can be vice president."
Doesn't that make you think of VP Biden? Didn't you think of VP Biden immediately? I certainly did.
And here is one about Obama Care and lower premiums:
"Only lie about the future."
Yes, go ahead and tell people that they can go on line and sign up for exchanges that send you "error messages' back.
I don't know about you but I could use a little Carson humor these days.
You can hear CANTO TALK here.
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October 2, 1968: Bob Gibson 17 K's in game 1 of the World Series

I did not make a typing mistake.
It was indeed 1.12 over over 304 innings.