Friday, September 27, 2024

Kamala can't hit a curve ball

Kamala can't hit a curve ball: As a baseball fan, I've read a few player profiles, or scouts' reports about a player's skills to make it to the majors. The objective is to find a five-tool player or Willie Mays. Most of the time the reports rate the players on hitting,...
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As a baseball fan, I’ve read a few player profiles, or scouts’ reports about a player’s skills to make it to the majors. The objective is to find a five-tool player or Willie Mays. Most of the time the reports rate the players on hitting, running, and fielding. Many times, the scouting report tells you that someone has talent but can’t hit the curve ball. It’s hard to get to the majors if you can’t hit AA pitching unless you are a good defensive catcher who can work with pitchers.

Enter prospect Kamala Harris. She can’t hit the curve ball period, no matter how many times they throw questions at her. She is in a different league and it ain’t the majors.

The Stephanie Ruhle interview was embarrassing. Let’s check it out:

Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday refused to explain how she intends to pay for her pricey economic plan if Republicans in Congress block her proposed presidential agenda, one of several questions she dodged during her first one-on-one interview with a major news network since becoming the Democratic nominee. 

“If you can’t raise corporate taxes, or if the GOP takes control of the Senate, where do you get the money to do that? Do you still go for those plans and borrow?” MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle asked Harris about her handout-heavy agenda.

“Well, but we’re going to have to raise corporate taxes,” the Democratic nominee responded, without explaining how she intends to do that without congressional support.

“We’re going to have to make sure that the biggest corporations and billionaires pay their fair share,” Harris continued. “That’s just it. It’s about paying their fair share.”

Well, it’s always about the rich not paying their share. I guess we’d be better off if only the rich paid up rather than buy government bonds. It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Of course, the real problem is that she can’t answer questions even when the reporters are desperately trying to help her win. The three journalists at the African American Journalism meeting tried but couldn’t. Oprah tried but couldn’t. Stephanie of MSNBC even got her to talk about making fries but her interview was a bust too.

Later Stephanie complained to her pal Nicole that she just won’t answer the question. No she didn’t, because she can’t. This is probably the most unqualified candidate to run for president in our lifetime. We know it and I think that a lot of Democrats are getting it now.

When does Joe get back on the ticket and do it for the country? What he did in July. only the reverse. Crazy thought? Probably, but it’s been a crazy year, hasn’t it?

In the meantime, the scouts have made it official: Nice swing but can’t hit the curve ball.

P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. 

Happy # 484 to the Jesuits!


The Jesuits have been a significant force in the Catholic faith for a long time.  On this day in 1540, Pope Paul III approved Ignatius’ outline of the Society of Jesus, and the Jesuit order was born.   Like any group, they are not perfect and there is always room to criticize.  At the same time, their contributions to education must be celebrated.   
Happy anniversary to the Jesuits!

1981: Nolan Ryan no-hitter # 5

Image result for nolan ryan no hitter no 5 images
Nolan Ryan pitched his 5th no hitter on this day in 1981.   It was in the middle of a pennant race between the Astros and Dodgers plus a national audience (NBC Saturday Game of the Week).    Let me add that I was lucky to catch the last few innings.   In the 9th inning, Ryan struck out Reggie Smith, a pinch-hitter for his 11th strikeout of the game.   Ken Landreaux and Dusty Baker grounded out to complete the gem.  Yes, the same Dusty Baker who is now the Astros' manager.

What's amazing is that he threw 2 more!  # 6 came 9 years later against the Oakland A's but I fell asleep because it was one of those Pacific time games that we hate on Central Time.   I woke up the next morning kicking myself for not drinking more coffee and staying awake.   # 7 was here in Arlington and incredibly not on TV.   Most of us heard that one on the radio.

What made Ryan so remarkable is that you always expected something special when he took the mound, as Talmage Boston, the author of "Baseball and the Baby Boomer" wrote in an article for The Society of Baseball Research:    

The most enduring memory of Texas Rangers fans who witnessed the Ryan Express during his five glorious years in Arlington, from 1989 to 1993, was not a statistic but a sound. 
Every time the 40-something power pitcher delivered his heat, he threw the ball with such total passion that a bellowing grunt could be heard throughout the ballpark.
By the way, I was at the stadium in 1989 when he took a perfect game to the 9th.  Unfortunately, the Tigers broke it with one out.  I missed my chance to watch history!

On the political front, his first 2 no-hitters came under President Nixon, the next 2 under President Ford, the aforementioned # 5 under President Reagan and the last 2 under the first President Bush.   Maybe he liked the GOP or that's what happens when voters elect a Republican in 7 elections between 1968-2004.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


 P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

1973: Nolan Ryan 383 K's in one season

Image result for nolan ryan angels imagesWe remember Nolan Ryan on this day in 1973.   He struck Rich Reese for # 383 and a new season record.     

Ryan finished 1973 with a 21-16 record, 2.87 ERA, 2 no-hitters, finished second in the Cy Young Award voting to Jim Palmer and got 383 K's

Happy # 75 Mike Schmidt

We say happy birthday to Mike Schmidt, one of the greatest right handed power hitters in major league history.  He was born in Ohio on this day in 1949.

Mike broke with the Phillies in 1972.   He led the NL in HR in 1974, 1975 and 1976 plus NL MVP in 1980, 1981 and 1986.   
Overall, he retired with 548 HR & 1,595 RBI.    Great player.   He also played for some very good Phillies teams.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Tags: Mike Schmidt  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

1941: Germany launches the invasion of USSR....with Barry Jacobsen

 P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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