Thursday, July 20, 2023

Thursday's podcast: Sanctuary city and Mayor Adams, Apollo 11 half a century ago & Snow white

Sanctuary city and Mayor Adams.....Apollo 11 half a century ago.....Snow white and woke...and other stories....

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Thursday's video: Sanctuary city and Mayor Adams.....Apollo 11 half a century ago.....Snow White......

Sanctuary city and Mayor Adams.....Apollo 11 half a century ago.....Snow white and woke...and other stories:


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Remember when when Doc, Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful and Sneezy didn't push their sexual orientation?

 (My new American Thinker post)

In the interest of full disclosure, as they say, we have three sons and they were never into "Snow White."   
We were more of a "Power Rangers" or "Sandlot" family.
But I remember that my sister and mother liked "Snow White."  
I'm sure that my five nieces watched and loved it, too.  It's a nice Disney movie about a girl called Snow White and that's the story.  The bottom line is that I never heard anybody complain about her skin color, the prince's kiss violating her space or that her seven friends didn't tell us about their sexual orientation.  I guess people didn't get worked up about those things before.   People used to watch movies, enjoy them and wait for the next generation to request the film.  
The latest Disney movie should remind everyone why the studio is in trouble, i.e., go woke go broke.   
This is from Piers Morgan:
First, she was called Snow White because her skin was very white, so obviously, that was branded racist.
Second, the handsome prince didn’t get her consent before delivering the magical kiss — so in the wake of the #MeToo campaign, he was condemned as a sexual predator.
Kazue Muta, a Japanese sociology professor and supposed “expert on workplace sexual harassment,” accused Snow White of promoting “quasi-compulsive obscene sexual acts on an unconscious partner,” and added: “You might think I’m ruining the fantasy of it all, but these stories are promoting sexual violence, and I would like everyone to be aware of it.”
How thoughtful.
Yes, what a mess, a totally self-inflicted mess by writers and producers who obviously don't care about Disney's finances.   They’re on a mission but the ticket buying public is tired of funding it.  Maybe they can think about that now that they are on strike and contemplating the collapse of a once amazing industry.
In the meantime, save a copy of "Snow White" for future girls before they are taught in schools that the movie is this or that.  Of course, “home schooling” or “school choice” may prevent that.
We are in decline when something as simple as Disney's "Snow White" becomes something to remake because someone gets worked up.  Too many sensitive people with too many senses easily offended.

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