Tuesday, October 08, 2024

So I'm not the only man who doesn't get Kamala

So I'm not the only man who doesn't get Kamala: On Sunday, Andrea Mitchell of NBC sort of broke the news.  Here is the story: NBC News chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell said Sunday on “Meet the Press” that Vice President Kamala Harris has to….
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On Sunday, Andrea Mitchell of NBC sort of broke the news. 

Here is the story:

NBC News chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell said Sunday on “Meet the Press” that Vice President Kamala Harris has to “double down” on doing serious interviews because she is not polling well with male voters.
Mitchell said, “They have to double down on doing more interviews and serious interviews because what I’m hearing from Democratic and Republican business people and a lot of men. She has such a big problem with men. I think there’s an undercount of the Trump vote. I think there’s misogyny in all of this, black and white men, big problem.”
She added, “Also, in the business world, they don’t think she is serious. They don’t think she’s a heavyweight. A lot of this is gender, but she’s got to be more specific about her economic plans.”
Get serious, girl, or something like that.  
Mitchell had to add that this has something to do with her gender or reference to men not being comfortable with a woman president. 
As a man, I don't buy that.  Two of the greatest leaders of my lifetime were women, Golda Meir of Israel and Margaret Thatcher of the U.K.  No one had any doubts about their seriousness.
VP Harris doesn't fit the Thatcher or Meir model. 
Harris is a shallow woman who can't answer deep questions.   
That's her problem, not her gender.
Will VP Harris start doing serious interviews? 
Probably not because she can't be serious.


1970: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn won The Nobel Prize in Literature

We remember how Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was given the prize back in 1970.   The Soviet Union did not allow him to receive the award.  In 1974, he was expelled for treason and moved to the U.S.

Solzhenitsyn was a great man, writer and hero. He was willing to write books in a country that did not tolerate dissent.  He was exactly the kind of man for a Nobel Prize. 
He died in 2008 at age 89.  His books are very difficult to read but they remind us of what repression in the old USSR was like.
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Happy # 81 Chevy Chase

Like many of you, I discovered Chevy Chase in the early days of "Saturday Night Live".     

Cornelius Crane "Chevy" Chase was born in Woodstock, New York, on this day in 1943.     

In the 1980's, he made those completely hilarious vacation movies.    I laugh to death every time that they are on TV.

We say happy birthday to a man who's made us laugh a lot over the years.

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1960: Kennedy and Nixon debate Cuba

My late father would often speak about the Kennedy-Nixon debates of 1960.  Many Cubans listened to that debate very carefully on the radio.  It was broadcast to Cuba on short-wave radio, perhaps Voice of America or some other frequency.
By the summer of 1960, Cuba was in rebellion against the Castro regime.  
Cubans were asking these questions:  What happened to the elections?  Why are all of those Soviets landing at the airport?  Why are Cuban-owned businesses “nationalized”?  Why is every regime critic called a CIA operative?  Why so many political arrests?  Why were newspapers shut down?  
“In the second of four televised debates, Democratic presidential nominee John F. Kennedy and Vice President Richard Nixon turn their attention to foreign policy issues.
Three Cold War episodes, in particular, engendered spirited confrontations between Kennedy and Nixon. 
The first involved Cuba, which had recently come under the control of Fidel Castro.
Nixon argued that the island was not “lost” to the United States, and that the course of action followed by the Eisenhower administration had been the best one to allow the Cuban people to “realize their aspirations of progress through freedom.”
Kennedy fired back that it was clear that Castro was a communist, and that the Republican administration failed to use U.S. resources effectively to prevent his rise to power. 
He concluded that, “Today Cuba is lost for freedom.””
Six months later, President Kennedy dropped the ball at the Bay of Pigs.  On December 2nd, Castro announced that he had always been a “Marxist Lennist”!   In an instant, Cuba was a Soviet satellite and nothing would ever be the same.

1956: Don Larsen's perfect game

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On this day in 1956, Don Larsen pitched the only perfect game in World Series history.   

He shut down a great Brooklyn Dodgers' team that included future Hall of Famers Roy Campanella, Pee Wee Reese, Jackie Robinson and Duke Snider, along with power hitter Gil Hodges.     

The game ended on a called strike 3 on Dale Mitchell.

Larsen played a few more years and was eventually traded to the Kansas City A's.   He retired with a 81-91 record.    

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

World War II: The great military leaders with Barry Jacobsen

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Guest: Barry Jacobsen, military historian and blogger.......we will remember the Allied and Axis commanders: Ike, MacArthur, Nimitz, Monty, Zukov; and on the Axis side, Von Manstein, Guderian, Rommel, Kesselring, Adm. Yamamoto, General Yamashita.......and other stories of the war......

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