Friday, October 12, 2012

Biden was rude and forgot some big things

VP Biden was obnoxious on Thursday night.   

He smiled at the wrong time, such as when discussing the Libya tragedy.   Hard to see the funny angle of that story!

He interrupted Rep Ryan  hoping to distract or make him angry.  (Some of us remember the same tactic by VP Gore with Gov GW Bush back in 2000)

He was determined to prove to the Dem base that their ticket has a pulse.  He probably did accomplish that goal but it may have come at the price of the independents who are not motivated by slogans and "class warfare talking points".

Worse than that, he was wrong on big issues:

VP Biden was incorrect about the Libya story.   He threw the intelligence community under the bus and avoided the real issue, i.e. what about the Obama administration's incoherent explanation of the incident?

VP Biden forgot to say that he voted to authorize force in Iraq.  This is what he said in 2002:

"“We have no choice but to eliminate the threat.  This is a guy who is an extreme danger to the world.”

“He must be dislodged from his weapons or dislodged from power.”  (NBC)
VP Biden was wrong about the BO-Care mandates and Catholics:

"Today the Catholic Bishops have issued a statement putting the lie to Biden’s whopper:
Last night, the following statement was made during the Vice Presidential debate regarding the decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to force virtually all employers to include sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion, in the health insurance coverage they provide their employees:
“With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”  (PowerLine) 
VP Biden may have persuaded a few Dems that he could stand up and fight after Pres BO's very weak performance. 

I don't think that the polls will change much after this debate.  At the same time, I do think that most viewers will agree with me that VP Biden reminds you of that unpredictable uncle who doesn't always control his mouth.

Tags: Biden was rude and forgot some big things  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

It's time for Big Bird to join "Disco Duck" and all of the birds doing well in the private sector

The Big Bird controversy reveals a couple of things about modern liberalism:

1) They are not serious people, i.e. watch the latest Obama ad; and,

2) They underestimate or just don't understand the private sector.

Big Bird is a wonderful character.  He brings joy and fun to lots of people, including adults.

At the same time, we can't afford Big Bird, PBS or NPR anymore.  Big Bird needs to leave the nest (i.e. the US Treasury) and make it on his own.

My guess is that Big Bird will do just fine.  I hear that he generates millions of dollars.

Let Big Bird fly and let the taxpayers keep their money.

Click here for "Disco Duck", a good example of how a bird can do just fine in the private sector:

Tags: It's time for Big Bird to join "Disco Duck" and all of the birds doing well in the private sector  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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