Friday, July 31, 2020

Obama at the Lewis funeral plus Dr. Fauci & protests and police vs Democrats

Obama at the Lewis funeral plus Dr. Fauci & protests and police vs Democrats 07/31 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

The John Lewis funeral turned into a political show specially President Obama.....Bush vs Obama quite a contrast......Dr. Fauci and protests......Supreme Court gives Trump OK on funding wall......Police vs Democrats......The NBA and China......Curt Gowdy (1919-2006)......Milton Friedman (1912-2006).....and other to listen:

Friday’s video: Vote by mail is a problem.

 Want a Real Election This Fall? Enact Vote-by-Mail. - In These Times

It’s hard to feel sorry for Illinois

Stop Illinois Corruption - Home | Facebook
The pandemic has hit us hard.  In other words, I think that a little generosity is good and we should help states adversely affected by the pandemic.
Unfortunately, Illinois does not have a pandemic problem.  Of course, the pandemic has hurt but the issues are lot more complicated than blaming the virus.
It’s good to see the Chicago Tribune set the record straight:    
Why do we have such little faith in Illinois pols to manage the people’s money responsibly? Because we, like you, live here.
Since 2003, Democrats have controlled the state legislature and failed to address rising pension unfunded liabilities. That year, under Gov. Rod Blagojevich, Illinois borrowed $10 billion and still shorted the pension funds. Lawmakers skipped full payments to the pension funds in 2006 and 2007, then borrowed again to make partial pension payments in subsequent budget years.
Even after raising income taxes 67% for four years in 2011, and after another tax hike in 2017 with GOP support, this state’s balance sheet remains a mess. We’ll ask: How is it possible to accumulate for more than a decade billions in unpaid bills and unfunded pension obligations, and still leave Springfield every May claiming to have a balanced budget?  
So we have learned: Give Illinois money, and the politicians will mismanage it. 
No kidding they will mismanage it.
Many in Illinois think that a President Biden and Congress will be more generous than a second term President Trump.  I don’t think so.  
Our next president will face a huge budget deficit and it’s hard to see how he can send billions of dollars to Illinois without throwing the economy into further recession.   
Candidate Biden may be saying what Illinois wants to hear.  Reality will be different because I don’t think that the country is in the mood to bail out corruption and obvious mismanagement.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Third World leaders should read Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

Image result for 3rd world poverty clip art images
How in the world could so much of The Third Word be so poor? What a terrible mess.

How could so many rich countries be so poor?   They have some of the largest mineral and natural resources in the world.

What The Third World needs is simple capitalism. Nothing fancy just Economics 101 capitalism.

They need freedom, political and economic.

These countries need to promote private property rights, and more importantly, governments who understand the connection between the rule of law and prosperity.

Therefore, I would make the following suggestion. Every Third World leader should be required to read a book before they get another dime from the US, IMF or anybody else.

Let them pick up "Free to choose" by Milton Friedman, the same one who spearheaded the Chilean revival of the late 1970's.

These books will give these leaders a lesson on the failure of 3rd world economies.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter. If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

Read a book by Milton Friedman (1912-2006) this summer

Image result for milton friedman clip art images

We would always recommend a Friedman book for summer reading.   So check out his page and look at getting one for the summer.       Here is a good one to start with:

Words of wisdom from Milton Friedman (1912-2006)

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Let's remember Milton Friedman: "Friedman's Sampler" is a summary of Milton Friedman quotes over the years. They are priceless and relevant today.

On taxes:
"To summarize, deficits are bad--but not because they necessarily raise interest rates. They are bad because they encourage political irresponsibility. They enable our representatives in Washington to buy votes at our expense without having to vote explicitly for taxes to finance the largesse. The result is a bigger government and a poorer nation. That is why I favor a constitutional amendment requiring Congress to balance the budget and limit taxation." (from "The Taxes Called Deficits," April 24, 1984)
On freedom:
"It is important to emphasize that economic arrangements play a dual role in the promotion of a free society. On the one hand, "freedom" in economic arrangements itself a component of freedom broadly understood, so "economic freedom" is an end in itself to a believer in freedom. In the second place, economic freedom is also an indispensable means toward the achievement of political freedom. . . . " (from "Capitalism and Freedom: Why and How the Two Ideas Are Mutually Dependent," May 17, 1961)
The flat tax:
"The only way we are ever likely to get it is if there is a drive for a constitutional convention to repeal the 16th Amendment (which gives Congress the power to tax income) and replace it with one mandating a flat-rate tax. However, I regret that that is not an immediate prospect." (from "Why a Flat Tax Is Not Politically Feasible," March 30, 1995)
Let me say it again. Milton Friedman was a consequential voice in promoting freedom and free markets. 

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Illinois problems plus bad GDP numbers and COVID has consumed all political talk

Illinois problems plus bad GDP numbers and COVID has consumed all political talk 07/30 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

We should not bail out corupt and mismanaged states like Illinois....COVID has wiped out any conversation or comparison about Trump vs Biden....Portland on its own and that's bad news for Democrats running state....Big and expected GDP drop......Trader Joe's stands up to the mob.....RIP Herman Cain.....
and other to listen:

Thursday’s video: Illinois should not get a bailout

A few thoughts about AG Barr at the House

Scared Stiff Custom Painted Plastics – ModFather Pinball Mods
No need for Hollywood to do a modern version of Martin and Lewis’ crazy movie titled Scared Stiff.   We saw a great version of it on TV yesterday.
Like most of you, I have a life and responsibilities and could not watch the entire “Barr at the House show.” I caught most of it later thanks to video clips, social media messages and reading my favorite sources, such as John Hinderaker who nailed it:   
We are approaching a very weird election in which one of our major parties is taking a stand in favor of rioting, looting, arson, destruction of federal property, and violent attacks on law enforcement. The Democrats seem to think that this is a winning formula. If it is, our republic is doomed. While we may be in deep trouble, I don’t think we are that far gone yet.
One more thing: perhaps the only non-rhetorical question in today’s hearing came from Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: “Do you commit to not release the Durham report before the election?” Barr’s answer: “No.” Obamagate is the reason why the Democrats undertook to demonize Attorney General Barr before he was even sworn in. 
Yes, the Democrats were panicky defensive at the hearing.  They fear the Durham Report and what indictments may be coming.  I got the impression that many Democrats know that AG Barr has a surprise coming and they can’t stand the suspense.   
So destroy the messenger, or more accurately, make a fool of yourself trying, as they did in this hearing.
They fear the left because of primary challenges.  They know that primary challenges can take out veteran Democrats, such as Representative Joe Crowley and Representative Eliot Engle.  
They fear that African Americans and Hispanics may support President Trump in larger numbers than they did in 2016.  Some polls suggest that enthusiasm for Biden is not much, especially among the young.
They don’t look like a confident bunch, as an old coach once told us about the team in the other dugout.  They look scared and that may explain their pathetic behavior.
With all due respect to Martin and Lewis, “scared stiff” is the name of that show.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Beware of July polls plus Trump in Texas & AG Barr makes Democrats look silly

Beware of July polls plus Trump in Texas & AG Barr makes Democrats look silly 07/29 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

AG Barr makes fools out of Democrats in the hearing.......Federal agents leaving Portland? Are Dems worried that they own the city riots? July polls and presidential elections.....President Trump talking energy in Texas.......Tommy Lasorda retired 1996......
and other to listen:

Wednesday’s video: Defund the police and people will buy lots of guns

Tie police hands and you will see lots of citizens with AR-15s

St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters saw threat by 'bad ...
We learned some people in Minneapolis have begun to protect their streets, as we see in this report:   
Minneapolis residents have begun patrolling their own neighborhoods after violent crime across the city surged in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in late May.
The patrols, some armed, are part of a largely grassroots efforts to protect neighborhoods, businesses, and residents from rioters and criminals. Some groups have constructed barriers at the entrance to their neighborhoods and control who can enter, according to the Wall Street Journal.
All of this reminds me of the people defending their town against the James gang in the famous Northfield, Minnesota bank robbery of 1876.  In other words, the people couldn’t rely on the authorities and protected themselves.  They blocked the exits and Jesse James was lucky to get out alive.  By all accounts, it was the beginning of the end for the James Gang.
In this case, the people of Minneapolis would rather rely on the police.  In fact, they love their police as most people in the country do.  Unfortunately, irresponsible leadership has tied the police’s hands and left the citizens vulnerable to criminals.
Two things have come out of all this spectacle.  First, people in Democrat-run cities have learned that their leaders won’t defend them.  And second, the 2nd Amendment is here to stay.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

1983: Steve Garvey streak ended at 1,207

On this day in 1983, the San Diego Padres were scheduled to play a double header with the Braves.   During the first game, Steve Garvey suffered a dislocated thumb sliding at home.   He did not play in the second game and his streak of consecutive games ended.

Garvey signed with  San Diego at the end of the 1982 season and played in the 1984 World Series.   

He had a great career:   .294 batting average, 2,599 hits, 272 HR & 1,308 RBI.    Garvey was the 1974 NL MVP and came in second in the 1978 vote.

Great player!    Who knows how long his streak would have gone without that unfortunate injury?

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

1996: Tommy Lasorda retired from baseball

Dodgers Dugout: The 25 greatest Dodgers of all time, No. 8: Tommy ...

From 1976 to 1996, Tommy Lasorda led the Dodgers to 2 World Series (1981 and 1988), 4 NL pennants and 7 division titles.  

He left after a a heart attack and an angioplasty procedure the month before.

As a manager, Lasorda was one of the best:  1599 wins.    He was the NL Manager of the Year in 1983 and 1988.   In 2000, a retired Lasorda led the USA baseball team to a gold medal.

A wonderful baseball man, one of the greatest ambassadors of the game ever!  And a lifetime Dodger going back to his days as a player in the 1950's.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

AG Barr before House plus citizens defending themselves and more stories

AG Barr before House plus citizens defending themselves and more stories 07/28 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

AG Barr before Congress.....Democrat denial about violence in our cities.....Citizens defending themselves and their property.......Professor Turley and the media....Nicholas Sandman vs media round 2........First Lady Jackie Kennedy (1929-94)..........
and other to listen:

Tuesday’s video: Some Democrats in denial about our cities

No vaccine but lots of creative solutions in Latin America

The Impact of COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean ...
As we fight the pandemic up here, it’s actually a lot worse in Latin America.  This is from a report in the New York Times:   
Coronavirus has infected more than three million people and killed about 160,000 in Latin America, according to official figures, making the region one of the worst-hit by the pandemic. 
And experts and statistical analyses indicate that the real toll is far higher, concealed by limited testing and medical resources, and by some governments’ resistance to publicly acknowledging the scope of the crisis.
So people are getting creative, hoping that they can find the solution. 
Beyond the health issues, COVID-19 has blown up very fragile healthcare systems and shutting down economies has devastated employers.  
Let me loosely translate what a man from down there said on a weekend TV report:  My country’s hospitals are full and everyone is scared because businesses can’t stay closed too much longer.   
So people are hoping for a natural solution or the magic potion that cures the ailment.
In Brazil, according to the article, people are taking ivermectin, or something that people take to treat intestinal worms.  Apparently, one politician is taking it and it is having a positive effect.   Over in Peru, they want to try it, but the WHO and our FDA are warning people against it because it is intended for farm animals and not humans.
Where is all of this going to end?   I don’t know, but people who can’t work because the businesses are closed or can’t get treatment because the hospitals are overwhelmed are bound to get desperate.  It looks like many in the Third World are at that breaking point.
What are the geopolitical consequences of desperate populations?  It can’t be good.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Attacks on police plus Biden and the media and the Redskins no more

Attacks on police plus Biden and the media and the Redskins no more 07/27 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Attacks on police in Portland & Seattle.....where is the local government? Will Mr. Biden ever do a press conference?.....Washington Football Club but the wokes will come back for more.......The Shah of Iran died 1980........'A hard day's night' # 1 LP in the US and UK.......and other to listen:

Monday’s video: Biden the invisible candidate

Political Cartoon: Joe Biden successfully shelters out of sight 

‘Washington’ is the next step

Fail to the Redskins
The NFL franchise in Washington will now be called the Washington Football Team.  According to news reports, this is a temporary change
After weeks of uncertainty, the Washington NFL franchise took another step in retiring its long-time moniker. On Thursday, Washington announced that they would be called the “Washington Football Team,” effective immediately. This is not a final renaming and rebranding for the team, this is just the name they want to use until the pending adoption of a new name in the future. 
In addition to this name change, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports that Washington will indeed not have any change to its color scheme, but the original team logo on the helmet will be replaced by the player’s number in gold. The Washington Football Team will continue the process of retiring their team name and hopes to be entirely rid of it on physical and digital spaces in the next 50 days, by the Sept. 13 regular-season opener against the Philadelphia Eagles. 
No more signs of anything Redskin when they open the season against Philadelphia.
You can keep your old jerseys or pennants.  Just erase any reference to the Redskins and it will look about the same, or so I understand.
My question is this:  How long before the “wokes” come after the name?  They have long attacked George Washington the slave owner.  It’s inevitable that they will now begin complaining that no team should ever be named after a white guy who owned slaves.
Daniel Snyder, the team owner, cracked and should have told the “wokes” to shut up.  He could have told Nike that he’d consider a name change when they stop selling items made by slave labor in China.
The “wokes” will never be happy until they destroy everything, as Snyder and the other NFL owners will find out.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

We remember Jerry Van Dyke (1931-2018)

Jerry Van Dyke, comedian and actor, dies at 86 - ABC7 Los Angeles

The very talented Jerry Van Dyke was born on this day in 1931 and died in 2018.   He was 86.      

As I recall, he appeared on his brother's show, "My mother the car" and "The Coach".

He also appeared in many movies but never had the success of his older brother.  I do recall him playing banjo and making me laugh a lot.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

The USSR and the 1960 Kennedy-Nixon election

We heard a lot about collusion with Russia, or allegations about a connection between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.    
In his memoir, published as “Khrushchev Remembers” in 1970, Khrushchev said he told other members of the Soviet leadership: “If Nixon becomes President, I don’t believe he will contribute to an improvement of relations between our two countries.”    
Later, he allegedly said the same thing to President Kennedy directly at the Vienna meeting.     JFK laughed about it but Khrushchev was dead serious that the USSR preferred JFK over Nixon.
Did the USSR help elected JFK?    We will never know.   The 1960 election was decided by 140,000 votes out of 76 million cast.    It was such a close election that hundreds of factors could have made the difference.    
My own opinion is that the USSR understood that VP Nixon was more prepared for the presidency than the younger and inexperienced Senator Kennedy.    However, I don’t see any evidence that the USSR elected JFK.
As we know, the two men again during the Cuban Missile Crisis.     Before that, President Kennedy had to face a crisis in Berlin.   
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

1980: The Shah of Iran died in exile

Image result for shah of iran images
The Shah of Iran was a good ally of the US for a long time.    He died on this day in 1980 after a long fight with cancer.   

During his exile, he traveled from country to country looking for treatment.    

He was treated in the US but the Islamic militants demanded his immediate return.    The US refused to negotiate and they responded by storming into US embassy and holding the diplomats hostage for 444 days.

It was a humiliating experience for the US and an early sign that fanatics would run Iran.   

The Shah was not perfect but did try to modernize Iran, specially the status of women.  He was certainly a lot better than what followed!

Thankfully, his family has lived in the US since.    His widow Empress Farah wrote a good book about him and the family.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda 07/26 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda.......China vs The US and its going to get worse......Seattle and Portland on fire and the local leaders stand by.....Wall Street Journal said no the 'wokes'....A&E loses half of its audience....The Kid vs the Media and the Kid is winning.........
and to listen:

Do Italian-Americans get a vote on removing Columbus?

Christopher Columbus statue debate rises as controversial statues ...
According to a profile of Italian-Americans done following the 2000 census, there are over 15 million Americans of Italian descent or 6% of the population.  Shouldn’t 15 million Americans have something to say on whether a Columbus statue should be removed?
Up in Chicago, Mayor Lightfoot ordered the Lincoln statue in Grant Park and Little Italy removed.  It was done after midnight, and the statue was sent to an unknown location.
According to Mayor Lightfoot, she did it to stop the violence, or something like that:
We took this step in response to demonstrations that became unsafe for both protesters and police, and to efforts by individuals to independently pull the Grant Park statue down in an extremely dangerous manner.
Let’s translate the mayor’s pathetic words.  She gave in to a mob that won’t stop demanding this or that until a local leader draws the line and arrests people who think that they can do whatever they want.
Some Italian-Americans were not happy.  For many of our Italian American friends, Columbus is part of their heritage.  After all, wasn’t the Columbus statue in Little Italy?
It’s obvious that Democrats are unwilling to enforce the law or defend all of their constituents.  Hopefully, Italian-Americans will remember that the next time they vote.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

FDR, Truman and a story about the young Kennedy killed in World War II

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Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. was born on this day in 1915.   He was killed in World War II in 1944.

Back in 2005, or before he became a fixture in Fox News, Charles Krauthammer reminded us of another parent who said unkind things about a war President.   

Check this out:
"'Harry, what the hell are you doing campaigning for that crippled son-of-a-bitch that killed my son Joe?' [Joseph P.] Kennedy said, referring to his oldest son, who had died in the war. Kennedy went on, saying Roosevelt had caused the war. Truman, by his later account, stood all he could, then told Kennedy to keep quiet or he would throw him out the window." ("Truman," by David McCullough, Page 328)
The Harry is soon to be VP and then President Truman.  The cripple is President Roosevelt. 

Joe is 20-something Joe Kennedy, who was killed in Germany. 

The critic was Joseph P. Kennedy, father of a future President and two Senators.

Anyway, here is the book.   It is a wonderful biography.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

Friday, July 24, 2020

Attacks on Catholic statues plus Portland & Seattle chaos and Columbus

Attacks on Catholic statues plus Portland & Seattle chaos and Columbus 07/24 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Attacks on Catholic statues.....The situation in Portland and Seattle is acting up again........How does the Mayor of Chicago have the authority to take down a Columbus statue?.....A&E lost half of its audience after canceling 'Live PD'....The Washington Football Team?.....
and other to listen:

Friday’s video: The mob goes after the mayor of Portland.

The Catholic Bishops need to get louder about statues

3 Statues Vandalized At Burlington Catholic Church – CBS Boston
For the most part, local priests have read Bishops’ letters about racism and social injustice.  Who can disagree with that objective?  
Unfortunately, what we are seeing in the U.S. is lot more complicated than people angry with George Floyd’s death.   I see an attack on our values, our faith, and our history.  
It reminds me a lot of what Castro did in Cuba when history was rewritten to justify a communist takeover.  
The island’s history was changed to present a poor country desperately waiting for a Cuban Robin Hood, i.e. watch the stupid “Godfather II” scene of people rushing to their boats.  
History books presenting Cuba’s prosperity disappeared and the children were told that it was CIA propaganda.   
Last, but not least, Castro “canceled” Catholic education because there were too many foreign priests teaching kids.  
Enter attacks on Catholic symbols in the U.S., as we see in this report:    
Boston police are investigating an arson attack on a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday night, the second attack in the U.S. on a statue of the Virgin Mary in two days, and during the same weekend in which two Catholic church fires are being investigated for arson.
Days later, another statue was beheaded in Tennessee.
Let me add that several people at mass last week were talking about this.  In other words, people are afraid that the vandalism could extend to cars parked at the premises or the priest’s residence.
The mobs do not attack Muslim symbols or Lenin statues.  Maybe it’s a coincidence but I don’t think so.  I believe, and most of my friends at church agree, that this is an attack on the Catholic Church because it stands for life and traditional marriage.  
With all due respect, the bishops need to get louder!
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Baseball back butNFL & NBA will face backlash political plus Trump talks schools

Baseball back butNFL & NBA will face backlash political plus Trump talks schools 07/23 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

The baseball season is here but I see a real backlash against the NFL and the NBA....President Trump and school refunding parents the money.....Former VP Biden plays the race card......Apollo 11 flying back from the moon 1969 and other to listen:

Thursday’s video: The NFL and NBA have gone “woke”

COVID-19 is having an unexpected consequence down in Colombia

Colombian Countryside | Countryside, Beautiful places, Pictures
Like many countries, Colombia is fighting this terrible virus that everyone south of the border calls “El maldito corona” or something like the terrible corona.  This is a fascinating report from PanAm Post:   
In communities across Colombia, armed groups have violently enforced their own measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas director at Human Rights Watch. 
“This abusive social control reflects the government’s long-standing failure to establish a meaningful state presence in remote areas of the country, including to protect at-risk populations,” he added.
So armed groups run the countryside in the absence of government?  They are also enforcing the rules, from washing hands to social distance.
As the article points out, the ELN, one such armed group, is not playing games.  They’ve killed people not following rules and made it clear that everyone must stay home unless they work in food stores, bakeries, and pharmacies.   
In Miami, they give you a fine if you don’t wear a mask, or so I just heard.  In rural Colombia, it’s more lethal.
What’s sad here is that we are seeing how the government has once again lost control of the countryside to armed gangs.  My Colombian friends tell me that President Uribe protected the farmers with more military presence and support. Unfortunately, COVID and a weaker president have lost segments of the country to the armed groups.
I don’t applaud any of this.   It is further proof that Colombia needs another round of the policies that worked so well under President Uribe.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

1983: President Reagan wrote a book about abortion

Image result for president reagan images
Once in a while, we seek President Reagan's wisdom and common sense.  
Can we admit that abortion is bad for women and the nation?    This what motivated President Reagan to write a book about abortion in 1983, or during his first term.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

We remember Paolo Stanzani (1936-2017)

We remember Paolo Stanzani who was born in Bologna, Italy, on this day in 1936.  He died in 2017.

Paolo is known as the father of  the Lamborghini Miura.  

He worked with engineer Gian Paolo Dallara and stylist Marcello Gandini to create the Lamborghini Miura, or the machine that helped give birth to the modern super car.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.   If you like our posts, drop a dime here.  

We remember Luis Aloma (1923-1997)

Image result for luis aloma images
We remember Luis Aloma Barba who was born in Havana on this day in 1923. He was known as "Witto".

Aloma made his major league debut with the Chicago White Sox in 1950.  

Over the next four seasons, Aloma was 18-3 in four big league seasons and holds the highest career winning percentage (.857) among all pitchers with at least 20 decisions.  He saved 15 and had a 3.44 career ERA.

Sadly, Aloma was forced to retire after the 1953 season due to chronic bursitis.

After baseball, Aloma ran a restaurant. In the 1960's, he was active working with fellow Cuban refugees in Chicago.

Aloma died in 1997.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The briefing is back plus cities burning and the 2020 race

The briefing is back plus cities burning and the 2020 race 07/22 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

The Covid-19 briefings are back and the format is better.....US cities burning and local leaders blaming Trump rather than protecting their citizens...The NFL is flirting with disaster.....Rasmussen has a 2-point race & 49% approval with likely voters....The Democrats are overplaying the race...
and other to listen:

Wednesday’s video: The COVID briefings are back

Fact check: Trump's Saturday coronavirus briefing was littered ...

Wednesday’s video:
The COVID briefings are back
Click to watch:

I guess that Brian Stelter doesn’t get Portland

Oregon leaders criticize police tactics as riots declared in ...
Maybe it shouldn’t surprise me but it seems that Brian Stelter spends a lot of his air time talking about Fox News.   He is constantly talking about Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson.  Doesn’t he have something else to talk about?  
Stelter’s latest is a rant about Fox News and Seattle:    
When I saw Sean Hannity leading his show with “MORE VIOLENCE GRIPS PORTLAND” and scary video from the streets, I knew something was up.
Right-wing media ramped up its coverage of scattered unrest in Portland, Oregon at the same time that federal officers descended on the downtown area. Evidently a small group of self-described anarchists suddenly deserved national news coverage.
One cynical way to see it: The Trump administration and Fox’s talk shows picked Portland as a new stage for Trump’s “Law and Order” show. Programs like “Fox & Friends” had been prioritizing urban violence over the Covid-19 crisis for several weeks; Portland was just the latest news peg. Fox’s banners proclaimed that it was simple: “LAW & ORDER VS ANARCHY.” Trump officials used the same rhetoric to justify the response from federal authorities. “Law and Order — a cornerstone of American society — is under siege in Portland,” Mark Morgan of U.S. Customs and Border Protection tweeted Sunday.
So Brian smells a rat?  A plot to drum up law and order to reelect Trump?
Brian and the Portland apologists say that the anarchy is limited to an area and that the rest of the town is just great.   
Well, I’m not familiar with Portland’s geography but 50-something nights of riots and violence is enough to keep a few people awake at night.  In other words, what guarantees a business owner on the other side of the bridge that the violence won’t come his way next?  Who ever said that anarchists stick to a map?
Furthermore, we could say the same thing about Chicago or Baltimore.  Back in 2015, most of the violence in Baltimore was limited to an area but the people nearby had their guns ready just in case.  In Chicago, the shootings and killings happen generally in one area but the damage to the tax base goes further than that.
My purpose is not to defend Hannity or Carlson.  In fact, I don’t normally watch them because of time conflicts. 
My point is this:   Why is Stelter downplaying the situation in Portland?  Doesn’t he see that tolerating anarchy will eventually bring down the CNN building too?
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.