(This is a post from 2015 when Sir Nicholas Winston died.)
Fom time to time, we have to sit back, get out of the political arena and remember a real hero or an amazing man:
Sir Nicholas Winton, who organized the rescue of 669 children destined for Nazi concentration camps, has died aged 106.I ask myself a simple question: Would I have done something this risky?
His story should be shared at every school in the world today:Stories like these touch me for a couple of reasons:
Sir Nicholas was born Nicholas Wertheimer in 1909 to Jewish parents
By 1938 he was a young stockbroker in London. He dropped everything to go to Prague to help Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi occupation.
Sir Nicholas organised foster families for Jewish children in Britain, placing adverts in newspapers.
The 669 children travelled on eight trains across four countries Sir Nicholas's team persuaded British custom officials to allow all the children in despite incomplete documentation.
First, I recall the way that 14,000 children were taken out of Cuba in the early 1960s, i.e. now known as The Pedro Pan program. I am familiar with those who risked so much and the ones who took care of the children in the U.S.
Second, I've always admired those who take a risk to help others unconditionally. Sir Winton only wanted to save these children and nothing more.
RIP Sir Winton. You were one of the greatest heroes of the 20th century, You stand out in a world of charlatans and self-absorbed politicians.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.