Thursday, March 31, 2022

Petro reserve plus Hunter Biden and Disney vs DeSantis

Petro reserve plus Hunter Biden and Disney vs DeSantis 03/31 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Biden to tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve......More media coverage of the Hunter Biden story......Disney goes full woke and Governor DeSantis gets stronger.......and other stories.....

Thursday's video: Biden and oil reserves plus Disney vs DeSantis

Thursday's video: Biden and oil reserves plus Disney vs DeSantis......

Biden to tap Strategic Petroleum Reserve......More media coverage of the Hunter Biden story......Disney goes full woke and Governor DeSantis gets stronger.......and other stories.....

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They bet on the wrong horse

 (My new American Thinker post)

Many in the media are learning the hard way that they bet on the wrong horse.  They invested their hopes in Joe Biden but that's a disaster now, to say the least.  Just look at the polls:  the RCP average of polls is 40.8% or roughly 6 of 10 polled are down on the President.  The midterms look awful.  The only happy Democrats are the ones not up for reelection in 2022.

A few days ago, we saw the media asking questions about what he said or did not say in Europe.  Reality is dragging reporters to ask tough questions because they just can't protect him anymore, as Michael Goodwin pointed out:    

Put it this way: How is it possible there is only the most gentle and occasional criticism of Biden on any subject in the big newspapers, the broadcast media, CNN and MSNBC and on most of social media, while the president’s approval rating among all voters is in the toilet?

You lose credibility if you keep defending the guy in the toilet.  The public is in no mood to hear that Putin raised their gasoline or food prices.  They were already paying those prices before the invasion of Ukraine.  Putin made matters worse but the problem was already here.

The voters also remember when the White House was boasting about those executive orders that cancelled oil production or opened the border.  In other words, he did that and the voters know that he did.

So the media is slowly coming to terms with the fact that they are largely responsible for the disaster and can't really kick him under the bus as much as they may want to.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

We will discuss the talk of new caravans and Title 42 with George Rodriguez

Guest: George Rodriguez, South Texas conservative........We will discuss the talk of new caravans and Title 42............
and other to listen:

Wednesday's video: We will discuss the talk of new caravans and Title 42.....

Wednesday's video: We will discuss the talk of new caravans and Title 42.....

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And the common sense award goes to Governor DeSantis

They threw a punch at the Oscars, gave a few awards and I learned about it the next morning. I guess that's what happens when people would rather spend their Sunday nights doing something else.

This was the Oscars in a sentence: Hollywood makes movies that nobody watches, "experts" attack the new Florida law, and no one said a word about human rights in China.

Ignorance about the new law was in full display at the Oscars and the winner was Governor DeSantis of Florida. He signed the law and people with common sense support the idea of keeping little kids from hearing about “gender” or sexuality.

It reminds me of the most recent Ruy Teixeira column. He thinks that "common sense" is a big problem for Democrats, and specially the wokes. This is a portion of the post:

“The Democrats are bleeding voters, particularly working-class voters of all races. There are lots of reasons for this and I’ve written about some of them. One important through line here is what we might call the common sense problem. As in, Democrats seem to have abandoned it in many areas. This helps explain why there hasn’t been a ‘Trump disenchantment dividend’ for the Democrats as the former President’s popularity has fallen and for that matter a ‘nutty GOP politicians’ dividend as various Republican pols do and say fairly crazy things. Voters just aren’t sure the Democrats are that well-grounded either.”

Yes, common sense such as keeping 7-year-olds from sexual lectures by perverse teachers. It makes so much sense that parents support the idea but the ‘wokes’ call it discrimination.

We saw parents overthrow a Democrat-led government in Virginia. School boards are suddenly the hottest thing from coast to coast.

How many more will be overthrown by parents calling for common sense before the Democrat party locks up the wokes?

The answer is blowing in the storm coming in November. In the meantime, the fellow from Florida got lots of applause for signing a law that makes a lot of sense.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Florida new law and the crazy reaction and did President say or did not say...

Florida new law and the crazy reaction and did President say or did not say... 03/29 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Florida new law and the crazy reaction.....What President said or did not say....Some in the media are a bit puzzled that Biden's approvals are so far down.....Border is about to explode.........and other stories....

Tuesday's video: Florida's new law & what did Biden say?

Florida's new law and the crazy reaction.....What did President Biden say or did not say....Some in the media are a bit puzzled that Biden's approvals are so far down.....Border is about to explode...

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


In Europe, Joe’s new ways to lose ‘em


(My new American Thinker post)

What would the late Casey Stengel say about President Biden? I think that he’d look at the President and say this: “Been in this game one-hundred years, but I see new ways to lose ‘em I never knew existed before.”

The great Casey was talking about his 1962 Mets who lost 120 games in their first season. They were so bad that the country fell in love with them, from Choo-Choo Coleman behind the plate to Elio Chacon at short. I’d bet you had not heard those names in a long time. Save this post for your next Trivial Pursuits game!

President Biden is really bad, too, but no one is falling in love with him.

It certainly does feel that way after President Biden visited Europe last week. This is from Brandon J Weichert:

A man notorious for his inopportune gaffes, Biden went before a group of US Army personnel stationed in Poland and told the 82nd Airborne that they were heading over to Ukraine. From there, Biden went to the nation’s capital Warsaw and, supposedly breaking away from his carefully scripted remarks, burbled on about how Vladimir Putin’s reign of terror in Moscow needed to end.

Maybe he said something else, too. It was a gaffe a second!

What we are watching in President Biden’s performance should not shock anyone. I guess that this is why they hid the candidate during the campaign. It was “keep him in the basement” and blame it on COVID.

The staff knew that their candidate was a wrecking ball if he ever had to answer a question. So, it was “tell them you’re not Trump” and the media will fall for it 1,000%! And to their shame they did!

81 million voted for Biden because they wanted to calm things down. Too “many mean tweets” or fights with reporters was unpresidential, as they used to lecture us.

Yes, President Trump was undisciplined and fought too much with talk show hosts with small audiences. But he kept gasoline prices down and the border was under control. They hated him in Europe but that’s only because he kept reminding the NATO allies to pay their dues.

The 1962 Mets found a way to lose 75% of their games. Casey once said that his team had to stay out of triple plays. I think that Casey would tell President Biden to stay away from microphones and spend more time in Delaware.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda

The week in review with Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda 03/28 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Guest: Bill Katz the editor of Urgent Agenda......Biden in Europe..,,,,Biden speaks White House clarifies.......Dems out of touch with US voters....Ukraine and NATO.....Judge Brown-Jackson before US Senate.......and other to listen:

Monday's video: The White House correcting President Biden plus other stories

Monday's video: The White House correcting President Biden plus other stories.....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


The parents are not happy with the Democrats

 (My new American Thinker post)

It started in Virginia and appears to be heading westward in a hurry.  I remember when they called it a "prairie fire."   We call them "suburban insurrections" these days.

Let's hear from John Nolte:   

Rasmussen asked 1,000 likely voters, “Who do you trust more to deal with education issues. Democrats or Republicans?” Only 36 percent said Democrats, while 43 percent said Republicans. Eighteen percent said the two parties are “about the same.”    

What should worry Democrats most of all is that only 34 percent of women chose Democrats, while 42 percent chose the GOP. That’s an eight-point gap. A plurality of 45 percent of black voters chose Democrats, while a whopping 31 percent chose Republicans. Normally, those numbers would be something like 80 percent for Democrats and 11 percent for Republicans.

Even 12 percent of Democrats chose the GOP on education, as did a plurality of 42 percent of Independents. Only 25 percent of Independents chose Democrats.

Historically, education has been a top issue for Democrats, a winning issue, but the tables have turned since Democrats began to openly embrace the worst kind of corrupting and perverse extremism. Democrats backed closing government-run schools throughout much of the pandemic. Democrats favor the anti-science and cruel masking of kids. Democrats support teaching kids gay porn. Democrats support teaching white kids they are racist oppressors and black kids they have no chance of success in America.

Democrats want to sexualize and groom kids, teach them to fail, teach them to hate the greatest country in the history of the world, teach them everything but the basics required to make a living.

Basics required?  Wasn't that the whole point of sending your kids to school?  Remember reading, writing, and arithmetic?  Remember preparing kids for a job?

Well, not anymore.  Yes, a lot of parents discovered during the lockdowns that their kids were reading Angela Davis, writing poems against the police and told that 2 plus 2 is racist. On top of that, the kids were indoctrinated that Johnny could choose to be Mary and had a constitutional right to beat her in the girls' athletics competitions.   

To make things really cool, the kids were told not to tell their parents about the lessons, i.e. everything is between the kid and the teachers' union.

So here we are. Parents are about to give the public education bureaucrats a smack on their fingers.  And watch for more and more states to pursue school choice.

It's a whole new world and it all started when some mom learned that her kid's teacher just couldn't control her love for Angela Davis.

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Sunday, March 27, 2022

The invasion of Ukraine with Joao Cerqueira with author based in Portugal

The invasion of Ukraine with Joao Cerqueira with author based in Portugal 03/27 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

Guest: Joao Cerqueira, author based in Portugal....We will look at the invasion of Ukraine from a European perspective....and more to listen:

Sunday's video: A chat with Joao Cerqueira, author based in Portugal

Sunday's video: A chat with Joao Cerqueira, author based in Portugal.....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


CANTO TALK from the last week

These are the shows from last week..........

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Cyrkle was great!

CYRKLE was three college students who formed a pop band in the mid-60s. Back then, groups used to play word games with their names: Beatles, Byrds, Monkees and Cyrkle.

The guys got really lucky when they were one of the opening bands for a Beatles' concert. They quickly had their first hit "Red Rubber Ball" and followed it up with "Turn down day".

Cyrkle recorded for a few more years but did not get to the top of the charts again. I guess that we can call them a "2 hit wonder".

It's hard to believe that Cyrkle did not enjoy more success. Their harmonies were great.

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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Is there a bigger clown in the U.S. Senate than Cory Booker?


(My new American Thinker post)

The U.S. Senate is for serious people, unless we are talking about Senator Cory Booker.   Let's remember Sen. Booker now and then with Judge Brett Kavanaugh.     

I'm sure that all of you remember Sen. Booker doing everything under the sun to derail Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, including making a total fool of himself with his “I am Spartacus" moment.
This is from Jess Lawson:  

For those who may not be old enough to remember, there was a time when Democratic senators actually fulfilled their duties at these hearings by fairly scrutinizing a Supreme Court nominee to confirm his or her worthiness. But Booker’s priority is clearly on him preserving his joy and ensuring Jackson makes it to the bench: qualifications be damned.

Consider some of the following outlandish statements by the senator:

“You didn’t get here by some leftwing agenda.”… That’s funny senator because President Biden openly admitted that he was only going to consider a black woman as his nominee; that’s kind of leftwing, don’t you think?

“You’re a person who’s so much more than your race and gender.”… It’s interesting you should say that Senator Booker, because during the entirety of your comments you focused on nothing but Jackson’s race and gender.

“It’s hard for me to look at you and not see my mom.”… We’re debating, as a nation, whether to put this woman on the highest court in the land for the rest of her life, and you’re comparing her to your mother? That’s some serious inspection of Jackson’s credentials you’re doing there, senator.

So there you have it.   That's who represents the state of New Jersey.   

Anyone surprised about that?   Talk to anyone from New Jersey lately?

Maybe the senator should get serious and do "I am a New Jersey" moment and call on the state government to make itself more attractive to taxpayers, business owners and black parents whose children are stuck in lousy schools.

In the meantime, I guess I will see more "Garden State" license plates down here in Texas and Sen. Booker running for president the next time around.

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Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday's video" Biden in Europe plus food shortages & good news about Justice Thomas

Biden talks Trump in Europe......Biden talks food shortages....Biden RCP average is 41%....Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Released From Hospital......Democrats want to send you money to pay for gasoline.....Trump sues Mrs Clinton over Russia story.... and other stories........

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Kim Kong


(My new American Thinker post)

The little guy in North Korea must feel a bit lonely off the front pages. It’s tough to be Kim and watch all of the newscasts about Putin, Xi, and Khamenei. So Kim decided to get our attention and he fired a missile:

The Japanese and South Korean militaries said the January missile was launched on a high trajectory, apparently to avoid the territorial spaces of neighbors, reached a maximum altitude of 1,242 miles and traveled 497 miles before landing in the sea.

The flight details suggested North Korea tested its longest-range ballistic missile since 2017, when it flew ICBMs that demonstrated the potential to reach the U.S.

And it gets more interesting, according to the article:

The intelligence community also warned that North Korea’s “chemical and biological weapons (CBW) capabilities remain a threat” and said U.S. intelligence officials are “concerned that Pyongyang may use such weapons during a conflict or in an unconventional or clandestine attack.”

The intelligence community found that Kim “views nuclear weapons and ICBMs as the ultimate guarantor of his totalitarian and autocratic rule of North Korea and believes that, over time, he will gain international acceptance as a nuclear power.”

“He probably does not view the current level of pressure on his regime, the economic hardships resulting from sanctions and his domestic COVID-19 countermeasures as enough to require a fundamental change in approach,” the intelligence community warned, adding that Kim “aims to achieve prestige as a nuclear power as well as strategic dominance over South Korea.”

Achieve prestige? I guess so. Kim’s people are starving and living in an earthly hell. Kim’s nation is nothing but a nuclear kingdom for a little guy with a big ego who loves to be the “breaking news” segment on cable news. It would be nicer if he’d look south and see how prosperous and happy the other Koreans on the peninsula are. They are fit and nourished on the southern side of the border and literally starving on the north.

What can we do? Not much. Just be grateful that Saddam Hussein never got one of those weapons and made himself relevant as Kim does. We took Saddam out and I’m really grateful every time that I see that the little guy in North Korea make the news by reminding us that he goes nuclear.

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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dems in 2022 plus Judge Brown and what is a woman?

Dems in 2022 plus Judge Brown and what is a woman? 03/24 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics

The Dems in 2022 or the battle between the center and left.....and the left is winning.....Judge Brown will get in but I think that they are starting to worry so they attacking the questions.......My AT post about what is a woman........Thomas Dewey (1902-61).......Elvis joined the US Army on this day in 1958..... and other stories........

Thursday's video: Dems in 2022 plus Judge Brown and what is a woman?

The Dems in 2022 or the battle between the center and left.....and the left is winning.....Judge Brown will get in but I think that they are starting to worry so they attacking the questions.......My AT post about what is a woman........Thomas Dewey (1902-61).......Elvis joined the US Army on this day in 1958.....

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.


More than a woman?

(My new American Thinker post)

Once upon a time, we kinda knew what a woman was.  

We wrote songs about them, such as Bee Gees's "More than a Woman" or Elvis's "Hard headed woman."   

I don't recall dancing to "More than a Woman" and wondering what they were crooning about.  It was all of those sultry ladies on the dance floor that the song was about.

Unfortunately, some people in high places don't know that anymore.   

Yesterday, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said this in answering a question:   

"Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman?’" the senator asked.

"Can I provide a definition? No," Jackson responded. "I can't."

"You can't?" Blackburn asked.

"Not in this context, I'm not a biologist," the judge replied.

Not long ago, a judge who would answer a question like that would have been mocked from coast to coast.   

The feminist movement would have reminded the judge that the 19th Amendment specifically mentioned women or the gender denied their right to vote for years.   No confusion on what a woman was when they passed that one.   

No confusion either when they voted for Title IX and opened opportunities for women in sports.   

No confusion when feminists used to say that the Declaration of Independence did not say that all men and women were created equal.

The left is crazy and pretending to be progressive or inclusive with nonsense like this.  What they are doing is mocking biology and confusing the heck out of young people. 

They are also making fools of themselves pandering to the crazy left wing in their party.   

Yes, this nonsense will be on the ballot this November.   Kill it with your vote!

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