Monday, January 08, 2018

Monday's show: The 25th Amendment, talk of Trump's mental state and a few other stories

Guest:  Frank Burke, author, businessman & contributor to American Thinker...............we will discuss all of the talk about Trump's mental state and talk of the 25th Amendment...........we remember Elvis Presley 1935-77.......and other stories........

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Monday's video: The Democrats and DACA

At the moment, you do not have the votes to pass DACA by itself or without border enforcement...
Click to watch:

Katie Nolan doubles down on stupid

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For the record, I did not know who Katie Nolan was until the recent headlines. Frankly, I’ve tuned out ESPN for a lot of reasons, and too much unsolicited politics is one of them. Remember when you’d tune in to watch ESPN’s Sunday night NFL summary and love the highlights?
Back to Katie Nolan, the latest victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome:    
Recent ESPN hire Katie Nolan blasted President Trump with some pretty disparaging remarks on Wednesday night, and her new employer is not happy.
While appearing on Viceland’s talk show “Desus and Mero,” the 30-year-old sports talker called POTUS a “f—ing stupid person.”      
Nolan clamored to cover up her harsh words, saying she was on “medicine” because she had the flu. 
While Nolan’s comments occured on a talk show and not on Twitter or Facebook, her attempt to quickly explain away her outburst may have been due in part to ESPN’s social media guidelines for journalists, implemented after fellow network employee Jemele Hill called Trump a “white supremacist” on Twitter.
Maybe Katie should call in sick when she has the flu!
The real problem is that Katie Nolan has apparently accepted the “meme” that bashing President Trump is a career enhancer, much the way we saw with the ridiculous attacks on President Bush.
The left is out of control and people like Katie Nolan are not helping the cause.
It’s time for serious Democrats to take people like Nolan out of circulation!

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Hispanic and black unemployment down.............

Congratulations to my friend Bill Katz.............

Chaotic start?

Why not school choice for inner city kids?

Memo to GOP: Let's not forget Social Security reform

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Back in 2005, President Bush put a Social Security plan on the table. 

Sadly, it got nowhere because the Democrats said that the GOP wanted to cut grandma's check and sadly few GOP were willing to push back on the demagoguery.

Sooner rather than later, we will have to raise taxes, cut benefits or fix the problem.

It's time for the GOP & Democrats to sit down and negotiate a plan to fix Social Security. 

2006: Mrs. King was a great lady

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We learned back in January 2006 that Mrs. Coretta Scott King died in Atlanta.   Most of us remember Mrs. King by her husband's side and later as a widow.

They were married in 1953.    Ten years later, her husband was an international figure.  In April '68, she was a widow.

Over the years, Mrs. King avoided the partisan politics and promoted her husband's causes.

She was a great lady:

Did not watch the Globes last night....

A lot of talk about Se~or LO in Mexico

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A few days ago, the SciFi TV Channel ran an entire weekend of the black and white show "The Twilight Zone".    I remember watching them a boy. 

They were always strange and provocative. It was great TV.

Last night, I felt like I was watching a new version of The Twilight Zone.   The new show is in color, takes place in Mexico and the weirdo character is a fellow named Se~or LO.

Mexico needs a few improvements.  Unfortunately, Se~or President LO would be a weirdo out of The Twilight Zone!

2006: Why a party vote for Judge Alito?

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On January 2006, the Alito nomination to the Supreme Court got out of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a 10-8 vote.    Shamefully,  8 Dems voted "no"!

The good news is that Samuel Alito became a Justice but why so much partisanship about an extremely qualified candidate?

Move over or so said Howard Dean

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There is a lot of talk about Howard Dean.  He recently said that old Democrats should step aside and let a new generation take over the party.    Really Governor Dean?

February 2006: I like McCain-Romney in 2008

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A post from February 2006:

Will we see a McCain-Romney ticket in 2008?

Deborah Orin writes in the NY Post that McCain and conservatives are starting to like each other.   More specifically, conservatives are getting over McCain "maverickism".

Frankly, I have never understood the rift with McCain. In every way, McCain is a conservative. His views on the war on terror are on target. His POW past gives him a special status with the public.

Therefore, let me put the idea on the table.

McCain-Romney would rip any Democrat ticket, specially one headed by a Northeastern liberal Senator.

McCain would have great appeal to so called moderates and make the ticket competitive in blue states. Romney would be a hit in red states.

So a McCain-Romney ticket could win 40 states. We have not seen a candidate do that since Bush beat Dukakis in '88.

McCain-Romney in 2008 looks like a winner to me!

February 2006: Bush-41 is correct about this

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A post from February 2006:

Bush 41 came to the defense of Bush 43. This is more than a father defending a son. This is a former President speaking of behalf of presidential protocol. For years, former presidents have stayed out of politics. Why have Carter and Clinton violated this protocol?

Let's recall a couple of examples.

I remember reading that Eisenhower was furious about the way that Kennedy handled the Bay of Pigs. He apparently expressed those feelings privately to JFK. He did not go to Miami and express his outrage in front of a partisan anti-Castro crowd.

During the Clinton impeachment, Ford and Bush did not make any public statements. Bush had a lot of chances, specially in Texas where Clinton was seriously disliked.

Bush 41 is right on this one!

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Let the Democrats nominate Oprah Winfrey

January 2006: How can 42 Dems vote against Alito?

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A post from January 2006:

It's over and the winner is Justice Alito.

He will likely be present tonight when Pres. Bush delivers the State of the Union speech.

The good news is that Alito, and Roberts, will be Bush's primary legacy. The bad news is that 42 Democrats could not get beyond abortion.

The Alito hearings are exhibit A for overturning Roe v. Wade. Abortion has poisoned our national discourse.

The road to the Super Bowl probably goes through New England

A Law Unto Themselves: The Media and the Criminal Justice System

January 2006: Governor Swann of Pennsylvania?

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A post from January 2006:

The Steelers take the field today at Denver for the AFC title. Yet, 2006 may be the year of former Steeler Lynn Swann.

According to Rasmussen, Swann leads incumbent Gov. Rendell by a couple of points. It's too early but a lead is a lead.

In November, we could see a black governor in Pennsylvania and a black US Senator in Maryland.

And they are both Republicans!

The party of Lincoln is moving ahead and more blacks are coming home.

January 2006: We were talking about McCain vs Clinton

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A post from 2006:

Everyone assumes that Sen. Hillary Clinton will be the 2008 nominee. Indeed, Sen. Clinton is the early favorite. She has the money and the votes to sweep the primaries and win the nomination.

Yet, the question remains: Can Hillary win? Can Hillary get 270 electoral votes?

We have a new poll that shows McCain leading Clinton, 52-36%. Frankly, I don't think that McCain will win by 16 points. We have not had a double digit margin since Reagan defeated Mondale, 60-39% in '84.

So I will downplay this poll and admit that McCain has a much smaller lead. 

Nevertheless, it is a lead.

Molly Ivins, a foremost liberal, just wrote this:
"I'd like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president." 
Ivins is not alone. Liberals are angry with Sen. Clinton over Iraq.

Time will tell. It is too early to be looking at the 2008 election. Yet, Hillary Clinton looks weak. Last but not least, no one turns on the Republican base more than Hillary Clinton.

So don't be surprised if Sen. Hillary Clinton decides to skip 2008.

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